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Fanart by @SURREALIST on twitter

Made: September 18th 2021
Published: December 15th 2021

I swear, it's like streamer forgot about this whole north situation. If he won't do something off it, I will 😤

Anyway, summary time.

Tubbo gets tired of the voices arguing whether of not he's going north and he decided to say screw it and go.

Stay away from.... the north.


He must go to... the north


The north... go there.

Don't go there.

I... make up your mind already!

Please don't

I'm just gonna ignore you.

It's much nicer... then the north.

Yeah, random voice in my head. I take pride in building.

I hate it here.

You and me both.

The voices have been in his head for 2 months. He hasn't told anyone about them, he just kinda accepted that they were there. Arguing over whatever the "north" shit was about, he honestly didn't care. He just wanted to live with his son, as well as his husband who ironically also has voices in his head.

Sometimes Ranboo noticed whenever the brunette was zoning out, listening more. The voices normally are at least 5 minutes delayed from it every time either of them spoke. So he had to pay attention to them whenever they spoke, which caused him to zone out. Tubbo always tells the other that he's fine and the enderman doesn't push it. He knows to give the younger some space.

Sometimes, the smaller is amazed how his husband puts up with these voices. They're obviously a lot more actively talking than the goat hybrid's, so it does just awe him that his husband can put up with them.

You must go... to the north

I wonder how I knew you were going to say that. Almost like you've been telling me that for 2 months.

The north... is dangerous.

The brunette sighed, "mind elaborating...?"

The teen was alone right now, he was trading with villagers in his old home, cause now he lives in the mansion. After all the time of going back and forth whether he should go north, neither of them every said anything of WHY he should or shouldn't. Other than it saying that the voices are somewhere dark. He wasn't sure which one said that though as it seemed they were 2 different people altogether.

A strange metal... Weapon washed up.

A what...?

That line caused him to pause. That description... washed up? Did it come from the water? What was the strange metal.

It poisons... the nature... the water...

A weapon that poisons nature and water?

"Are you saying it's in a masia biome...? Is there one like that even north....? Most of them do have water in it as well..." he murmured.

But it's warning me not to go... does it mean that whatever the weapon is there could poison me as well...? It's not like I haven't been poisoned before while making my nukes...

Must... go to... the north.

The goat walked out of his house and he went to his nuclear room. He did lose one of his nukes... is that the weapon washed up? How did it happen then? Someone had to have taken it, but then why would it be washed up? How would the voice know this to begin with?

I stashed a... Book.

"A book...?" The brunette said aloud.

Book needs to be... removed from world.

"Wait, what book is it? Is it that important?" He asks, not caring if looks insane seeing has he probably is.

North is dangerous... can't go there.

North is dangerous but... book needs to go.

Are they arguing against each other?

"You haven't answered my question, voice 2. What. Book. Is. It." The teen questioned sternly.

Beings people... back...

It brings people-

Oh god, what the hell.

"The revive book?! I thought Dream had it in his enderchest, what the hell is it doing out here?" The small teen immediately went out of the factory and went to get ready.

Hidden... at north.

Don't go... north...!

"Look, voice 1 or whatever. I have too. Even if it's a false alarm, there's possibilities of someone finding it and using it to their advantage. People already went crazy with power, I'm not letting it happen again," the brunette said as he went to his vault and grabbed armor.

Whatever was north, he'll get it. It made 2 different voices tell him that it's dangerous, but it didn't matter. North held something important. Not only a book, but a weapon what was enough to poison the land. Whatever the first voice that came in his head was so afraid of, he'll face first hand.

His husband wasn't aware of this, but it's fine. If Tubbo goes missing, oh well. After all of this not going and going arguing, he's bound to go north eventually. If it kills him, oh well.

Whatever this was about, he'll be finding out.

Just saying, if Tubbo still continues this whole lore thing, he's gonna have to do something with it eventually.

This probably isn't the best story, but it's just a sorta plot line for something that someone wanted to draw. So I decided to write it out for them a bit.

Anyways, hope you liked it.

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