Gambling with god lol

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Fanart by @novaenoya on twitter

Made: November 22nd 2021
Published: January 9th 2022

Tubz is going gambling with god. Yay

Also, this is kind of based off of "Friends" as in my chapter called that. So yeah.

Tubbo grabbed his coat and boots while in front of the door, getting ready to leave. The enderman hybrid looked at him since it was the middle of the afternoon, where'd he go? He normally did things in the morning, not later in the day.

"Bee? You going somewhere?"

The brunette turned around, "mhm! Gonna be out for a bit."

"Where are you going? You don't normally leave this late in the day, is everything ok?" The older asked, worried for his beloved.

"Yes, everything's fine, bossman. Just goin' gambling with god," he replied.

That... didn't make the other feel better.

"Gambling with god...? What-"

"Wait! I just remembered I could bring a plus one, wanna come along? Tommy said he was to busy taking care of Shroud. We can send Micheal over as well so they can have a playdate or whatever," the smaller spoke excitedly.

"I mean, sure? Where exactly are we going, though?" The taller questioned.

"Here!" The goat then gave him a letter, "I'll go grab Micheal. That has the info on it, brb."

The enderman watched his husband go up the stairs to their son's room. He opened up the letter and read what it said.

Dear Tubbo_Beloved

It's been awhile since I've seen you! It was really nice hanging out with you before I had to go due to being to busy for awhile. Thanks for offering to being my friend, again! Anyways, I'm hosting a gambling party. You should know where it is since you told me it was ok if I had it there, but just incase, we're having it at your pumpkin farm! Hope you come along and you're free to bring a plus 1 if you'd like!



Then, the brunette came down sliding down the rail of the stairs with his son on his lap. The baby pigmen laughing as he did so. Another incredible thing his husband could do that he could fond over.

"Off to Toms!" He said as he put Micheal over his shoulders.

Their son held onto his horns, which they've done before and it didn't upset the short teen in any way, and left the building followed by the multicolored. They made their way to Tommy's and explained to him why Micheal was staying. The blond tried to make it seem like he was upset, but the couple both knew he grew a big liking to their son. As well as Shroud and the baby pigmen being good friends. The youngest teen let their son stay.

They made their way over the Tubbo's pumpkin farm that the enderman honestly had no idea existed. The younger has work from Las Nevadas and builds farms on the side. He's gonna pass out from overworking himself one of these days.

"Tubbo! You made it! Oh, and a friend? Ranboo I'm pretty sure, nice to meet you!" The floating person came over to them.

"Yep, my husband wanted to tag along," the brunette spoke.

"Hey! You invited me," he responded.

"Yeah, and you accepted. Clingy prick," the other shot pack.

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