To who we use to be

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Fanart by @kyurochurro on twitter

Made: January 27th 2022
Published: March 16th 2022

This is kinda like a second part to Clingy.

Tubbo sighed as he reached the forest. It looked so different from the last time he saw it, the place was slightly destroyed, the dead trees finally showing signs of coming back alive.

The flowers were still there, although not as pretty.

He looked at all the once lively, beautiful flowers on the field as they were all slightly trampled. The sun was still blocked by the trees though, although they were dead. It was familiar, although sad.


The goat hybrid turned around to see his best friend standing there. It was so different to the Tommy he knew when they first found this place, it was weird.

"Hi, Toms," the soft voice dripped out, not on purpose, but a cause from the nostalgia.

The blond smiled though and walked over to him, "s'been awhile since we've been here, huh?"

The brunette nodded, "yeah... looks completely fucked up."

"Someone hasn't been taking care of their "secret spot'" the taller rolled his eyes.

"It's yours as well as mine bossman, what's that say about you?"

"That I've been to busy to take go gardening?"

"Heard it's therapeutic. You should maybe pick it up as a hobby. It'll help what you do in your appointments, probably," the goat looked at a wilted tulip.

"Maybe it'll finally be the thing to help you," the younger elbowed him softly.

The shorter smiled, "maybe.... it'll be nice to make this look like how it use to. Might clear my mind..."

"It's nice to be here again though, even if it looks like shit," the other said as he looked at the field.

"It's doing better than my house," the brunette mumbled. (I'm also insulting the renovation that Tommy and Sapnap did to it. Tubbo's poor house :< )

"That's true," the younger nodded, "your house has been blown up a lot."

"So have we, to be fair," the goat hybrid rolled his eyes.

"Very true."

Silence fell over the two.

As they stayed still, they could practically see the old versions of themselves running across the once so beautiful field. Holding flowers as the bee's came along. Them sitting in the middle and just looking up at the sky, saying what they see in the clouds, making flower crowns, anything that they wanted.

When they were kids.

Now look at them.

Scarred and traumatized by everything that has happened to them, but they could still act the same from as they did back then. It doesn't matter that Tubbo had a huge-ass scar on his face that connects to a bigger one on his chest, or that Tommy has scars from being killed and from what went on during a certain dark time in his life, or that both of them seemed like they barely even got a goods night sleep in so long.

It just seemed like they were two kids who just wanted to have fun.

That was fun they could only have in the past.

Try to have fun now, and it'll end up going down hill. That's just how their world works.

They were jealous of their past selves.

It wouldn't hurt to act like those carefree kids they use to be at least for a little while...

These two have been through so much :/

Also, y'all lost the game

Anyway, hope you liked it

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