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Fanart by @noctolucent on twitter

Made: March 14th 2022
Published: April 17th 2022

Tubbo visits Ranboo's grave.

(Was made before Aimsey joined)

•Suicidal talk


Tubbo sighed as he sat down next to the gravestone.

"Hey Boo."

What else was he suppose to say?

"Um... I hope that your limbo space isn't that bad."

He truly did.

"Your ghost here is pretty annoying. They... really seem to like to be around me still. Even take care of Micheal whenever I'm a little to up in my head. It sucks that they act so much like you, look so much like you."

He left Micheal with the ghost before coming here. He knew that they would take care of his son, the ghost seemed to be carefree but still had some attachment towards him and the kid.

"I don't know if I really should be grieving, y'know? I've had people I care for revived before. Thought they died just to come back. Really does something to ya, y'know?"

Should he just wait until his husband comes back? Should he have even bothered to make a grave for him?

"I really miss you. Got that horrible copy to deal with, but they aren't you. They aren't the 'Ranboo' I married... the one I fell in love with."

That's what made this a whole lot worse.

"Guess I never really said I loved you, huh? My bad, bossman. I'll let you know when I see you again, I guess."

He looked at the words the words engraved on the stone.

"Y'know, I'm a bit jealous of you."

Was it right for him to be?

"You died before me. We always thought that you'd outlive me. You tried your best to keep me alive so we could watch our son grow. Us go old like Phil together. It was nice to think about, although unrealistic."

I wish it happened...

"Now you're dead. I'm here. You left me in quite the pickle as well, you prick."

I have to be a widow now. How fucking dare you.

"Now I can't even join you or else it'd hurt Micheal as well. And Tommy I guess, but he should manage just fine without me. After all, he's still himself without me. It's just me who's worthless without him."

A smile formed on his face.

"Actually, he died too. Well, he was revived, but he did. Only way I know about the limbo system. You must've been in there for years. You've only been gone couple months here."

Years of going through the pain of limbo alone.

"Normally people don't take that long to come back, but who am I to judge? It's not like I've completely died before."

Maybe I should.

"I'd gladly take your place though, heard it was something with water n' shit. I'll be able to deal with it, might drown and forever feel like I'm going to drown, but that's nothing compared to what your going through! Not only drowning, but it burns you? God, it must be hell for you."

Would I see you if I ended it? Or is that something that doesn't happen.

"Sounds kinda nice for me though. I'd rather choose physical pain rather than mental any day of the week. So I'd happily swap places with you. You never wanted to die, I did. Why can't we get what we want?"

You'd probably never let me die even if I wanted to. Even doing a damn good job at it when you're not here.

"Now that I think about it, Tommy didn't want to die either. How come both of you did and me, one who does want to die, hasn't yet? Kinda unfair if you ask me. World really is a cruel place.

Guess that's kinda why I'd love to leave it so bad."

I have put people through hurt. Limbo seems to be a punishment for everyone you've hurt.

"Forever facing the punishment of your life while you no longer exist and can no longer feel the mental pain?

If it's up to me, I'd think that was a heaven."

But this isn't about me.

"I've hurt so many people in my life. And I'm only 18. So I think facing the punishment for eternity is only fair, for me I guess.

You don't deserve that though. I don't know what you've done to be hurt in the afterlife, but that punishment seems to cruel for someone like you.

That's also another reason why I'd take your place I guess."

He lied down next to the grave.

"Sorry you have to suffer. I'll try to find a way to pull you out of there. Not sure if I can get my hands on a revive book. So even if it's just pulling you out of your painful limbo, that'll be enough.


I don't know why you'd ever want to live on the earth when all it causes in pain."

Sure, there were the happy times, but that isn't how the world normally works. Unfortunately, the sadness greatly outweighs the good times. Just how the world works.

Unfortunately, Tubbo can't leave it. As much as he wants to.

He envies his husband for being able to leave.

But he has a son to take care of. That's the only thing keeping him here.

Maybe he should sign himself up for therapy.

A personal headcanon of mine that c!Ranboo's limbo is in some orb of water. Or maybe in snow that'll slowly melt.

Brutal for him, I know. But hey, I live off of angst.

Anyway, I hope you liked it

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