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Fanart by @ametamal_ on twitter.

Made: March 29th 2021
Published: May 15th 2021

Fanart doesn't have anything to do with the story. I just thought it was cute ;-;

Anyway, hear me out. Tommy thinks that Tubbo is replacing him. Tubbo sees that. Tommy gets mad and leaves the bandana behind on the bench. Tubbo sees it.

Don't worry, there's fluff in the end. I'm not evil. Also, the platonic marriage is mentioned.

•Mentions of blood


Tubbo walked along the prime path. It's been awhile since he left his house in Snowchester. The last time he did was when he helped Tommy make a watch tower. A tower that.. brought back bad memories.

Of course, he never mentioned those memories. He never wanted to upset anyone. That's a trait of his, keeping all of his emotions inside. Never letting anyone see what he feels in fear of letting them down. In fear of others worrying for him.

Tubbo shook the thought out of his head as he continued down the path. A small bee flew around him causing him to smile softly. Bees aren't very common in Snowchester, so it was nice to see the insect again after all he's been through.

Recently, there has been a lot happening. His best friend has apparently not been killed, he honestly shouldn't be surprised since it happened before, and he's been dealing with a lot of stress. He thought maybe it's time to just take it easy.

Take is easy from his constant worry of Dream getting out. Take it easy from the responsibility of taking care of a child (don't worry Ranboo is rn).

Tubbo then walked passed his and his fiancé's hotel. He used his hand to trace against the slight hill that had Tommy's home in it. The flowers covering his entrance from Ranboo.

Tubbo then turned to the bench and saw the something on the bench. Tubbo raised a brow and walked over to it and picked it up.

Tubbo's eyes widened.

It's the... bandana that... why is it here...? Did he forget it..? Or... or does he... is he mad at me...?

Tubbo's grip tightened on the piece of fabric. Tubbo knows he's probably done a lot to get Tommy to be mad at him. But... to leave this behind? They made a promise that even if they drifted apart, they would keep it with them.

Tubbo's breath hitched, "did I- did I fuck up... that b-badly...?"

Tubbo didn't know what he did. He was thinking over and over what he could have possibly done to make Tommy mad enough to break their promise.

Tubbo felt tears well up in his eyes and he sat down on the bench. Tubbo didn't cry though. More like, he couldn't cry. Tears were there, they just wouldn't fall.

Then, footsteps in the grass were heard. Tubbo looked through his hair to see who it was, and to his surprise, it was Tommy.

Tommy held a slightly concerned expression as he looked down upon the brunette. Tubbo looked back at the bandana in his hands.

"Tubbo..? Are you ok?" Tommy asked cautiously.

Tubbo nodded. He didn't exactly trust his voice completely to not hide his sadness. But apparently, it didn't matter. Because Tommy came over to Tubbo and noticed the bandana in his hand.


"Did..." Tubbo interrupted, "did I- did I do something t-that bad...?"

Tommy immediately shook his head, "no... I just- I just... um..."

Tubbo looked over at the blonde, "then... why..?"

Tommy looks down a bit, "well... I- I noticed that... you've gotten really close with Ranboo... and how he... is so much better... than me.."

Tubbo's face turned to concern, "what...?"

"Well... you've always been my best friend. Y-you know this. So... w-when I came back from prison... seeing how you got really close with someone else... it made me.. angry...?" Tommy seemed conflicted with his own emotions.

Tubbo looked down a bit. He didn't know that Tommy felt like this. He hated himself for not noticing sooner. What kind of person just ignores their best friend's feelings?

"I just... feel like I... matter when I'm with you. A-and to see you gone... with someone else... made me feel like you've replaced me... with someone better..." Tommy mumbled out.

Tubbo placed a hand on the blond's arm in comfort, "Tommy..."

Tears ran down the younger's face, "he's... nicer.. a-and more helpful... and... you guys click... he doesn't p-put you down like I did.."

Tubbo wrapped his arms around the taller, "it's ok Tommy..."

Tommy leaned his head on the brunette's shoulder, "but..."

"No Tommy... you're my best friend... and... I've been ignoring your feelings to... I should've thought about how you felt about that... I only thought about how... I felt when you came back... I'm so sorry..." Tubbo said, burying his face in the younger's chest.

Tommy wrapped his arms around the older, "it's ok..."

They stayed in each other's arms for awhile. The warmth of each other was completely needed. They haven't been close in so long, they missed each other so much. Tommy was barely getting use to physically contact again, while Tubbo's been very busy. The other's comfort was necessary.

"I'm sorry... to make you jealous... you need to know... that no one can replace you, alright...?" Tubbo muttered.

Tommy heard the soft tone of his best friend, "I know..."

Tubbo nuzzled into Tommy's chest, hoping that what he said would lighten up the mood. Then, it clicked in Tommy's head. Tubbo smiled when he felt Tommy look at him, knowing it worked.

"Hey! I'm not jealous!" Tommy exclaimed.

Tubbo giggled and looked up at the blonde, "well, then why were you so angry about it?"

"I- I'm just merely concerned! Concerned on how you might be a better friends with enderboy!" Tommy defended.

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "riiiggghhhttttt."

Tommy groaned and hid his face in the smaller's shoulder, "Tubzoooo..."

Tubbo smiled and rubbed Tommy's back, "right, right. Sorry."

At least... he can still be happy... with all he's gone through. If he can be happy, that's good enough for me.

Not the best story I made, but I think it's cool :D

I hope you liked it though. See ya in the next one.

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