It's checkmate

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Art by @qarameiio on twitter I'm pretty sure :]

Published: January 29th 2021

So this takes place when Tubbo and Tommy go meet Dream by that whole mountain thing and if Punz and the others didn't come and save Tubbo and got there to late. Another twist happens that I will not mention but you'll know it when you read

"Give me the disc, and I won't kill Tubbo," Dream said with a smirk.

Tommy looked at Tubbo who was staring directly at Dream.

"What...?" Tommy said in shock.

"I can hunt him down and kill him wherever, whenever," Dream said as his smirk grew, "or you can give me back the disc."

Tommy looked back at Tubbo who seemed to just be staring at Dream, lost in thought and in slight panic.

"You need to make a decision. Tubbo or the disc. Either Tubbo dies, or you give me back the disc," Dream said as he rested an axe on his shoulder.

"I..." Tommy seemed at a lost for words.


Tommy's eyes widened.


Tommy turned to Tubbo who snapped out of his thought, "w... what do I do...?"


"I don't want to lose you Tubbo..."


"You're my best friend...."


Tubbo just stared at Tommy with a sad smile.




"Tubbo why aren't you saying anything...?"


Tubbo glanced at an enderchest then back at Tommy. Hinting at something.


Tommy's eyes widened, "no... I don't want you to die..."


Tubbo looked at Dream, "if that's not even the real disc then why are you trying to do this? What will fake discs give you?"

It was Dream's turn to be shocked.


Tubbo tilted his head, "what will fake discs do to benefit you? To make Tommy even more stressed out? If you think about this logically, it would be dumb to have the discs on you. There's no way that's the real thing."

Dream's shocked expression changed into a smile, "oh well. You got me. I didn't think either of you would catch on but I guess I was wrong."

Tommy was still shocked, "you were going to make me pick between Tubbo and discs that aren't even the real thing...?"

"Well yeah. To demonstrate power. To show that I am stronger than both of you. That you guys are dolls on a string and I'm toying with you. That I'm playing with my food. Now listen, cause I'm not playing around anymore."

Tommy was still in shock, "I...."

"Listen," Dream said as he dug a hole, "drop all your stuff in it, or I'll kill Tubbo."

Tubbo looked at Tommy who gave him a look back.

Tubbo sighed and threw all of his armor and weapons in. Tommy looked at Tubbo before doing the same. Then, Dream blew it up with a smile.

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