Compasses leads us together

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I don't know who made this fanart sadly. Sorry.

Published: March 26th 2021

Due to special reason that Tubbo_ is doing lore today, March 26th, I decided I would break my schedule of one ever 2 days and I shall post this now o7

The compasses are important to both Tubbo and Tommy. Tommy's exile was canonically 5 years right? So that plays a part in the as well. In this, Tubbo didn't lose his compass as well, so don't worry. Angst/Fluff.

Tubbo canonical has horns. He confirmed it for the fanart, but now he canonical has horns. DadSchlatt au as well. Cuz idk if DadSchlatt is canon and neither does Tubbo. We need to wait for Schlatt to confirm that so until then, DadSchlatt is just a headcanon

•Bad memories
•Self harm

I don't know how to do trigger warnings lol

"You said he was your best friend!" Fundy shouted.

"He is! This wasn't an easy decision, Fundy! Besides, he wanted to team up with Techno! Do you realize how bad of an idea that was?!"


Tubbo's eyes darkened, "don't you dare compare me to him..."

"T-Tubbo...?" Ranboo looked at Tubbo concerned.

"I didn't want to exile Tommy... it was to keep all of you guys safe...."

"THATS BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT!" Quackity shouted as he slammed his hands on the table.

"It's not. It was to keep all of you safe... I had to choose the people of L'manburg and my best friend... there's more people in L'manburg, so I picked that. It was the right answer. But just because it was the best choice, doesn't mean it was the right choice," Tubbo said as he wouldn't look at them in the eye.

"You act just like him. Trying to justify your actions and manipulate us to thinking that you're good..." Quackity said as he glared at the president.

Tubbo wiped the tears forming in his eyes, "believe what you want. What's done is done."

Tubbo walked out of the caravan and looked up at the walls that were soon to be taken down.

What kind of best friends abandon each other

Did you ever even care about him?

Of course I did...

Lies. You following in his footsteps.

I'm not him...

You may not be him, but you are your fathers son. You'll end up just like him.

Shut up...

You know I'm right. They'll hate you.

If they hate me, it doesn't matter. As long as they're safe.

Can you say the same for Tommy?

Tubbo's breath hitched as he walked away to Tommy's house. He looked at it.

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