Take care of yourself

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Fanart by @sallloveswomen on twitter

Made: December 17th 2021
Published: January 30th 2022


Someone requested a sick fic with Beeduo awhile back ago and I was bored and remembered it so I decided I'd write it.

Mentions of abuse so be careful :]

Being sick was a very easy thing to hid, the brunette has realized over the years. His original home life was hectic so he had to show more of him not being a burden to others and not making people waste money on him for being sick, so he had to teach himself to hide his sickness.

Then when he was adopted, it was already a habit to hide it, so he never showed signs of being sick until it was bad. Even when he was running a fever, all he did was blame it on being tired of allergies that he totally had.

When he got sick back in L'manburg, it was a bit harder to hide since Niki was always keeping an eye on him, Tommy, Wilbur, and Fundy. Since they went to war and were healing from their loss of a life, lives in a certain blond's case. So she normally figured out when the brunette was sick. Lead to a lot of her time that he always thought he wasted, and apologized a lot for. The female never tried to make it a big deal as she didn't have much to do anyway and she loves helping people, but that never stopped him from feeling slightly guilty.

In the Manberg era, hiding when he was sick was literally life of death. He'd get in trouble when he was 'slacking off' and it lead to get hurt quite a bit. He barely had time to sleep as both sides he was on weren't treating him the best with their former president being untrusting of him from his choice, and the president at the time being not trusting of him because he was friends with them. Staying alert 24/7 caused a slight habit and knows more consequences for messing up on any task.

During his presidency, stress was all he knew. He made a terrible decision of exiling his best friend and he had to show his power of people who hated him because he acted like their former president. He hated it. When he was sick, he had to just ignore it and keep pushing himself. No time to actually care about his health. There was only one person who showed him concern, but he was able to get it passed them all the time. He had practice, after all.

Now, this day was one of the worst days he could get sick. He wanted to fight through it, but he also had the luxury of getting a migraine as well. He's been curled up in his bed all day and very tense, hoping to relieve some of the pressure building up in his head. The fact that he was sneezing and sniffling all the time didn't help his poor head. Pain, completely in pain at the moment. He's felt worse before, if he's scars aren't enough to show it, but right now?

Maybe he'd be happy if his last life was ripped away from him. He just wanted it to stop, he had to take care of Micheal today, he had to work on his automation farm for their food supply, he had to continue decorating their mansion! He had so much to do, and he was lying in his bed being in pain and useless.

He hated it so much.

Another spike of pain came and he whimpered as he curled more around himself. He wanted to throw up, he wanted to cry, he wanted to shout in pain, he wanted to do so many things, but his combination of a migraine and probably a fever really didn't help. He felt so cold. He wanted to curl up in a ball and just pass. Pass away or pass out didn't matter, as long as it stopped.

The enderman walked in the door. He half expected to see his husband in the kitchen with Micheal, as it was pretty early,  but also knew that perhaps they were still asleep. The baby pigmen fell asleep for awhile sometimes, so it was a possibility.

He went to the kitchen to see no one there. The tall teen sighed as he went up to his son's room. As he expected, he saw his adorable son snuggled up in his blankets, hugging a little toy duck that Tubbo got him awhile back ago. He believed the name was 'Benson' but he didn't exactly remember that well.

He smiled as he closed the door quietly and went to their room door. He knocked softly to see if the brunette he loved so much was in there, but he was greeted with silence. Wondering if the smaller was even there or if he was sleep, he opened the door. He was met with the sight of his love bundled up in blankets. It was a cute sight, but the fact that he was shaking wasn't.

"Bee...?" The older asked quietly, trying not to scare him.

The other groaned in response.

Softly, he walked up to the shorter, "what's wrong...?"

The goat just shook his head and then curled more in on himself, flinching in pain. The multicolored tried to go over anything that would make his beloved feel the way he was. It hurt him to see the brunette in pain. He reached over and softly put a hand on the other's forehead. It was burning.

"Tubs! You're burning up! I, I'll go get you some medicine," he went to remove his hand but the other kept it there.

"...St...a...y..." The goat got out.

"I can't, Bubs, you're sick!"


This just made the taller worry more, "and a migraine?! I have to get you medicine, Bee!"

"Nuuu...." he nuzzled into the hand.

The older looked around and found a cold pillow that wasn't in use. He put it next to his love and told him to use that until he gets back. Getting medicine isn't a hard task so it should be enough time before it warms up.

He quickly went to the kitchen and opened the medicine cabinet. He remembered watching Tubbo put them away while he was making dinner one night, so he was able to get it fast. Thankful that his memory didn't fail him at that moment. He moved quickly back to their room with water, being careful not to spill it on him as to add any additional stress to his love.

He sat down on the bed and gently rubbed the smaller's back, "Bee, can you sit up by yourself or do you need help..?"

The goat tried to get up but it seemed his arms gave out as he whimpered in pain. The enderman helped him sit up and take his medicine. It hurt the shorter to even move his head up to drink the water as well. The taller felt sympathy for him through all the pain he has to go through from his migraines.

He then sat in the bed and the brunette leaned into him, pressing his head into his chest. The older placed the cup on the bedside table and put a hand on the other's back. The younger pressed deeper into his chest.

"If you can, rest for now. I'll help you with your fever when you can open your mouth without it hurting, alright honeybee?"

The smaller being to in pain and sleepy to say anything about the pet name, just nodded. Hissing a little in regret before curling himself closer until he passed out on the multicolored's lap. All the split-toned teen did was rub his back softly until he could sleep, deciding to stay there until Micheal came in the room or Tubbo woke up.

Their son did come in the room, as expected, but just saw that his papa was sleeping and wanted to join in the cuddle between his fathers. The enderman nodded and put an arm around him as the pigmen nuzzled into his side.

"Bee's sick, ok? So shh until he wakes up," he explained.

Micheal nodded and held one of the brunette's hands softly, as if to it was an attempt to help make him feel better. The older teen smiled and kissed his son's forehead then his husband's.

I'll take care of you... but you need to learn to take care of yourself too.

I have massive respect towards people who have migraines o7

Hope you liked the chapter

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