Do it

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Fanart by @millefobi on twitter

Made: January 30th 2022
Published: March 28th 2022

Since the egg arc was forgotten, I used it.

Even though it is coming back.

I found a notebook where I kept the ideas of stories I was gonna make in the past but never got around to them so ig I'll start making some from it. Hip hip hurray for past me

"Hey Tommy, if I ever get taken over by the egg, could you kill me?"

"... Me...?"

"If anyone was going to kill me, I'd rather it be someone I'm close to."

"... I guess. I'd rather not."

"And I'd rather not get possessed. Not all of us are main characters, Tom."

"Fair enough. But I'll do it, but only if it's a last resort!"

"That's alright with me."

Well, what a last resort it was.

From then on, Tubbo being himself, ran experiments on the egg. Being told by both his husband and his best friend it was a bad idea, but the egg was a threat. The brunette knew this, so he had to lie to his friends and continue with it.

The only person who knew about it was Foolish. The totem was attacked by those under the egg's control, so the goat had a feeling that he would also be on board for the plan to learn as much about it. Which also ended up roping in Eret as apparently the shark hybrid and them went back and they'd help him out. Tubbo didn't really understand, but appreciated the help nonetheless. Even though he knew that the king had betrayed him in the past, he's willing to let them prove themself to him.

Tests happened more often then not. Always making excuses to go to Foolish's Snowchester home as they built the lab for the egg under there. They came up with a way to ward it off, a way to get rid of the egg that was entering their territory without anyone getting possessed. It worked pretty well as they no longer had any red vines growing in the place.

He kept pieces of it and ran different tests on them with the help of the totem-shark hybrid and the king. They've all done certain things, always wearing protect gear for it. He's heard the egg speak before without it, plain to say is that the egg doesn't seem to like him as it was very rude to him. Didn't stop him from preforming experiments on it, though.

Once there was an actual change on the egg testing, a result was shown, that made Tubbo do even more. Risking it a bit when it came to finding what attracted the egg to certain areas and/or people.

He really really risked it.

The egg got him.

The goat hybrid just hoped is best friend wouldn't go back on his word.

"Imagine always being the sidekick to your 'best friend'?! Never being seen as anything other than the second part of another person?!" The newly red eyed brunette spoke, glaring.

"Tubbo...?" The blond stepped back from the other.

"God, it's almost like you think the entire world just revolves around you! I'm fucking sick of it!" The smaller shouted while stepping closer.

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