Lady Death

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Fanart by @niineou on twitter

Made: March 2nd 2022
Published: April 9th 2022

(Happy birthday Tommy 🎉)

Nothing to do with Toast (Ghost Tubbo).

Just Tubbo meeting Kristin ig.

"Pawns are pieces that can get wiped off the board pretty easily," Dream spoke, "so your death shouldn't do much for the main game."

Tubbo stood protectively in front of his son, he contacted his best friend that the green man was currently there.

"Getting rid of your husband was easier, and he so many things that would help avoid his death," the man threw his sword over his arm, "I didn't even have to do much to kill him. I'm fact, I didn't even have to kill him myself."

The brunette didn't respond and just held his weapon. He didn't want to give the hooded adult the satisfaction of showing any reaction to anything, that he wasn't taking anything personally, that he wasn't afraid.

Deep down he was

but his son was watching.

He had to protect the child. (He protec)

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side.

He didn't remember most of the encounter, when you're basically blacking out it's hard to think of anything but the pain from directly in your stomach. Last thing he remembered seeing was an arrow going to the man who plunged a sword into him and hitting his arm. Also a familiar red and white shirt and a familiar name of a shout.

But he was able to protect his child till his dying breath.

That was the only thing that mattered.

Now waking up in a completely grey world with only a door in front of you would be weird, but Tubbo has had his fair share of very weird nightmares. Not all of the vivid nightmares he had came from the horrible situations he's been in.

So the brunette did what any normal person would do and open the door. Curse people for being naturally curious.

He was greeted by what seemed like... a flower field. But all the flowers were wither roses as he walked by them. All of them having their usual particles dance around them.

There was a person sat in the middle of the field.

A very big person.

They turned around and looked down at the goat hybrid.

"Tubbo. I haven't seen you here since so long ago," they said.

"Um..." the smaller was confused, "do I know you?"

"Yes. But I doubt you remember me, we only saw each other once. You were very young."

"Oh... um, who are you?"

They smiled, "I mostly go by Lady Death, but you may call me Kristin."

"Your name... sounds familiar," the brown haired spoke.

"I would assume so," she moved her hair more up, "we have met before."

"Well then, Kristin. Why... why am I here?"

"I presume that you're aware that you're dead."

Tubbo nodded.

"This... is the afterlife. There are so many depictions of it, so many different ending places people can go, but you ended up here. Again."

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