Why him

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Fanart by @melloharlow on twitter

Made: August 7th 2021
Published: November 16th 2021

(Manberg war anniversary o7)

So basically, y'know how Quackity still has to revive Schlatt? And how Foolish is part of Las Nevadas? There's your hint for this story :D

(Let's say that this takes place when Tubbo isn't part of Las Nevadas as well.)

Well, then. I've had the idea of this for awhile but never got around writing it, so I decided to now for some reason. It's like- 3 am as I'm writing this.

Tubbo put slid down the railing of the stairs of their mansion as his husband watched in amusement from the bottom.

"You have way to much energy for a person when it's late at night," the enderman spoke.

"You think I'll let the natural laws of the day stop me from doing what I want, when I want?" The brunette responded.

The taller chuckled, "guess not."

It was pretty late in the day. They already put Micheal to bed and now they were just talking. Both of them are not huge fans of sleeping in general since they both have issues with it. Ranboo having his enderwalk, and Tubbo having nightmares literally every night.

So they both have very crazy sleep schedules, but still somehow manage to be able to wake up when Micheal does. Weather that being they don't sleep until he wakes up, or they have a natural instinct to wake up around then. They'll never know.

The brunette was going to respond with another comment before there was a knock at their door. The shorter beat the older to the door and opened it to see a totem, shark hybrid.

The goat hybrid tilted his head, "Foolish? What are you doing here?"

"Uh," the adult rubbed his arm, "someone told me that they wanted to talk to you and Quackity told me to get you immediately."

This confused both the teens. It was pretty late, who'd want to talk to the smaller teen now?

"I mean, sure? We can go..." the enderman spoke.

"No, just Tubbo," the totem replied.

Just me?

The older teen seemed not comfortable with the idea of leaving his husband alone.

"Who's asking for this?" The younger teen questioned.

"I don't know their name," the shark said, "Quackity didn't tell me who, they said that you know him pretty well though."

I know him well...?


Oh fuck no.

"Bubs..?" The taller looked at his husband.

"I... sure... sure I'll... I'll come..." the brunette said.

"Tubbo... do.. do you know who?" Ranboo asked.

The goat let out a shaky breath, "I do... and... I know you want to, but it's best if you don't tag along, Boo."


Tubbo moved his hair from his face to stare the enderman in the eyes. Showing he was absolutely serious.

"Trust me, okay?"

The multicolored teen nodded, "o-ok... just be safe."

The smaller nodded and kissed the taller's cheek before leaving with the adult.

They found themselves at the casino before Foolish told him to go in and he left. The brunette sighed and walked in to see Quackity leaning on a table.

"Twobo, nice to see you," the beanied man said.

"Hi Big Q..." the younger said with knowing tone.

"Ah, so you know..." the adult looked down.

The teen nodded, "what the hell did you do..."

Before the winged adult could speak, there was a noise of doors swinging open. Who came out was very familiar to both of the others in the room.


The man that hurt everyone so much, is back.

The one who held both Quackity and Tubbo in his grasp because of their fear of disobeying him. The one who took out his anger on both of the younger ones in the room. The one who made the goat hybrid do so much paper work without rest, who took out most of his anger out on the teen, who made him decorate his own execution. The one who made both of them do anything for him, is here in their face.

"Been awhile, Tubbo, hasn't it?"

How the hell is he even back.

"My right hand man, and my VP. It's great to see you both again."

Why the hell is he even back.

"I have big plans again, and I know you guys will help me, right? We wouldn't want anything bad to happen otherwise, right?"






"Yessir..." they both answered.

That's why Quackity called him over. Not to put him back under the ram hybrid's control, because he wanted the teen to be here. Or else something would happen to everyone.

The brunette slowly slid the wedding finger off his hand and into his pocket before the oldest could see it.

He needs to protect the ones he loves while he can, cause as it seems, Jschlatt is back.

And he was wants revenge.

And he'll use them to get it.

Why him...

Pretty short but I find it interesting if Quackity does actually end up reviving him. And for when Dream breaks out of jail as well.

Now that I think about it, everything is happening in the lore is the past until Dream breaks out of jail since in Quackity lore, the sirens for the prison went off and those shadowy figures left.

Maybe those shadow figures are Quackity and Tubbo since they're both now in Las Nevadas and the only thing that seems to be able to get through it are Tubbo's nukes since they can break bedrock.

How else is Quackity going to get the revive book for Schlatt?

Sorry for the ramble, I hope you liked it :>

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