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Fanart by @naeruns on twitter

Made: May 8th 2021
Published: June 16th 2021

I had this idea when I watched George's lore stream to start off his whole "sleeping" lore. With DreamXD being his friend. I just thought, what if DreamXD wasn't just a part of his dream, and they were actually friends.

I remembers that DreamXD is a Dreamon. The "evil" part of Dream that was taken out during an exorcism or something. So I'd assume, DreamXD and Tubbo know each other because they have interacted in the past during that whole spill.

They/them pronouns for DreamXD cuz they're a legitimate god and why not.

Pretty thought out, I know. I have a lot of free time lol.

Tubbo was just sitting on the porch of his house. He didn't really know what to do that day, so many things were getting done. He guesses, his mind just decided it was a good idea to just sit outside and stare at the clouds in the sky.

Then, Tubbo heard a noise. He looked at where the noise came from and saw someone he didn't really expect to see.

"George? What are you doing here?" Tubbo questions.

George rubbed his arm, "well... someone wants to meet you..."

Tubbo raised a brow. Who in the area didn't know him? Did somebody new stumble in like all the other knew people?

His answer came when a figure appeared. They wore a mask that had an XD on it and they wore a green, white, and gold cloak. They had blonde hair and wore earrings.

"Tubbo, this is DreamXD," George introduces.

Oh, Tubbo already knows that. They've met before. DreamXD had a mask on, but Tubbo knows that they know him as well.

"You look familiar," XD says and they fly around Tubbo.

"Hey Gogy, could you let me and this child talk?" DreamXD asks.

"Yeah go ahead," George answered, leaving the two.

DreamXD moves their mask to show their green and gold eyes, "you..."

Tubbo rubbed his arm, "hi... XD."

"So. Now that you know that I'm a free roaming spirit, what are you going to do?" DreamXD asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know... I thought you always needed a host... but you seem to be doing fine. Are you going to posses anyone else?" Tubbo questions.

XD tilted their head to the side in thought, "probably not. I've only recently found out that I don't need a host. George became my friend cause I remind him of Dream, which I understand since I'm basically a replica of him. I really... don't have any more anger.."

Tubbo smiled, "that's good. At least you don't want to hurt anyone."

"I never really did. It's just Dream's anger, or fear, normally made me react the way I did. I really just want to be friends with everyone, but I don't know how to be," the god admitted.

"Well," the brunette started, "you already have George. If you want, we could be friends as well!"

  XD's expression lit up, "really?! Even though you were trained to hunt things like me and what my kind does to people like you?"

The brunette nodded, "I don't hate your kind at all. I just wanted to free Dream from another spirit. Having multiple spirits in someone could really effect them in the end, y'know? I also know that, sometimes, your kind want to leave their hosts, but are overwhelmed by their host's emotions and can't. I try to help your kind rather than get rid of them, unlike other Dreamon hunters."

XD smiled brightly, "well, I appreciate you helping my people! Not many hunters are nice, so thank you so much!"

The brunette nodded and offered a hand to the spirit, "friends?"

XD accepted his hand, "friends!

I know, short story. But have a bit of wholesome content, cuz the next chapter may get a litttleeeee dark :>

Hope you enjoyed

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