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Fanart by @katterbox__ on twitter

Made: May 28th 2021
Published: July 6th 2021

So let's say that Tubbo AND Eret we're both traitors of L'manburg, hm? Lets say that.

And y'know what? To throw it in, the fact that Tubbo is an assassin for Eret, his king. Tubbo is loyal to his king. Also goat hybrid cuz why not.

Idk it just came in my head. My brain comes up with the most random things.

Tubbo looked at the walls that held L'manburg together. The nation which he was to betray in order to keep a friend safe. A friend, might he add, that became king of the land.

Tubbo felt bad for betraying his best friend, he won't lie. He regretted it, but he wouldn't take it back. He chose what he wanted to do, he's going through with it. Now, he's a guard for his king. Well, guard isn't the right word. Assassin is a better one.

Tubbo has been sent out to keep an eye on certain people, told to kill them if necessary. His king had a kind heart despite what they had to do to be crowned king.

Speaking of his king, he just got a message from them to report back. Tubbo leaves from the area of the target and entered the castle, walking up to his king and bowing respectful.

"No need for that, Tubbo," Eret said.

"Ah, right. You needed something?" Tubbo asked.

"Yes, have they been showing any signs or any sort of rebellion?"

Tubbo shook his head, "nope. The DreamTeam seem to be laying low, none of them have made any moves or shown any signs of intentions to fight back against your power. However, Dream has been communicating with Punz. They just seem to be acting like friends though, nothing that seems 'going against power' to me."

"Excellent, how has L'manburg been?"

The teen smiled, "they're doing fine. They've rebuilt their lands and walls back to its original form before the explosions. I helped them out a bit, sorry I didn't inform you."

"That's quite alright, Tubbo. Do they seem to be holding any grudge against you for what you did?" Eret questioned.

"Fundy and Wilbur are suspicious of me, but only them. Niki, Jack, and Tommy are all fine with me. I told them why, they forgave me. Which I'm thankful for. However, I wouldn't say were on the best of terms. Tommy seems to be slowly treating me as his friend again though."

Eret smiled, "that's wonderful. Y'know, you didn't have to join me. You didn't have to also be seen as a traitor."

The goat hybrid's ears twitched, "I know. But I didn't want you to hold such a big burden alone. It hurt to do that to them, but I do not wish to just leave you alone to suffer."

The king removed his glasses, showing his white eyes. Tubbo was never afraid of them like some people were, so he just stared at them in the eyes.

Eret stood up and walked up to the teen, "I thank you for your loyalty to me. But remember that you're a kid as well. You don't need to act so mature, alright?"

"I- I'm sorry. It's just a habit now I guess," Tubbo responded.

"Not a good habit honestly. You need to go have fun, alright? I'm giving you a mandatory day off."

The teen's eyes widened, "w-what?! Why?! Don't y-you need me to continue keeping an eye on—"

"It's my order, Tubbo. Take a day off, have some fun. We have a garden if you want to go see bees there. Do what you want, alright?"

Tubbo stared at their soft, comforting smile. He couldn't refuse an order of his king.

"If you say so..." Tubbo said.

Eret smiled brighter and hugged the small brunette, "Go have fun and act your age. Do whatever you want."

Tubbo giggled, "right. Thanks Eret..."

Eret let go off the goat hybrid and Tubbo began going towards the garden. Tubbo always loved bees, so the king didn't expect nothing less.

They didn't really know how to deal with Tubbo acting so mature, that his is a literal guard for them. At this point, Eret saw Tubbo as their own child. Tubbo did explain to him that he never really had a good parent ever, and Tubbo told them himself that they're a parental figure to him.

They'll protect each other, but they need to give each other breaks as well. Eret at least will make sure of that.

Have a short chapter. I don't know why I made Tubbo so mature, but oh well. What's done is done.

I hope you enjoyed

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