I'm sorry...

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Fanart by @Umei_2510 on twitter.

Published: April 12th 2021

Fanart isn't related to the story, I just thought it looked cool :D

So, Tubbo is under a lot of guilt and wanted to apologize, being the person to apologize for everything even if it isn't his fault, to a certain person for a lot since they were a victim in some of it.

Tubbo looked at ocean beyond Snowchester, in thought. He was taking Ranboo's words into consideration.

Is this just another government...? Did I once again give into what others wanted..? Why did Jack want to be independent...? I just wanted somewhere that I could stay and not worry about any drama... did I just create something where it would get targeted and destroyed once again?

Tubbo didn't want to think about it. He made nukes to protect the area because he knows he can't do it alone. Last time he tried to rule a land, it got blown up. He didn't want to be a president again. He just wants his friends and him to be safe from any danger. But in doing so, he may have put them in more danger just so another person won't be disappointed in him. Again.

Tubbo took a deep breath before he decided he was going to do something. There was one person in particular that he knows that he needs to apologize to.

Tubbo began walking away from Snowchester and into another snowy biome. He wanted to apologize to them, even if they didn't want to see him.

Tubbo saw a village up ahead and knew he was close. He started walking faster. As much as he was scared of them, Tubbo still needed to apologize.

Tubbo walked up to the house. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He heard footsteps inside the house before the door opened revealing a tall, pink haired male.

"What do you want?" Techno asked, not happy to see him.

Tubbo fiddled with his sleeves of his winter coat, "I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"You wanted to talk to me? Sorry, but we don't allow government in my house," Techno responded.

"I know.. but I don't have to be inside your house! I just wanted to... talk... is that ok?" Tubbo asked nervously.

"Fine. What do you want?" Techno leaned against the door frame.

Tubbo took another deep breath and looked at Techno directly in his red eyes, "I wanted to apologize to you."

Techno raised a brow, "apologize to me? For what?"

Tubbo rubbed his arm, "well... for a lot actually. I wanted to say sorry about how... when we got L'manburg back from Schlatt, on how we made a new government in front of you. I knew you were a anarchist and how making it in front of you after using all your weapons that you got for us would be betraying you. I wanted to say sorry that we did that to you..."

Techno's eyes widened, "you... realized all of that?"

Tubbo smiled softly, "of course I did. I.. I don't like making people feel bad. It took awhile to understand your point of view on how we betrayed you like how you said, but I didn't want you to be sad so I wanted to understand. It didn't help much, so I'm sorry about that."

Techno stared at Tubbo with confusion. No one really cared about his emotions. No one even cared to see his point of view and just called him a villain. No one besides Phil at least. But Tubbo seemed to have thought differently.

"When Wilbur made me president... I noticed how you looked really mad... I wanted to ask you about it, but they wanted me to make a whole speech. I only took the job because I didn't want people to feel that kind of pressure... in the end I became the worst president that L'manburg ever had..." Tubbo gave a sad laugh.

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