MCC 14

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Fanart by @_minnn____ on twitter

Made: May 29th 2021
Published: June 8th 2021

So this takes place if Tubbo was getting ready for mcc in his house on the dreamsmp and had to teleport to another server to get there. Tubbo's very nervous and Ranboo is just a great /p husband

Also because I say so, they live in the mansion. The mansions all done and they sleep there and all that.

I'm also getting a little ticked off that you can't start a sentence with "and". I mean- who came up with that? So dumb.

The info in this chapter is based off of Tubbo's stream and my opinions, I don't remember much of what Ranboo said in his twitter space so there isn't much of that. Just to make it clear. This whole chapter is just a summary of Red Rabbit's (mostly Tubbo's) POV of mcc 14.

Tubbo was pacing around his room. Very very nervous. It's not like it's his first mcc, it's just the first one after the last year. He didn't really get to train much, so there was that.

"What if I mess it up? What if I get all pessimistic and bring everyone down? What if something happens? What if I fail everyone? What if—"

Tubbo was cut off by arms wrapping around his chest. He looked up to see his beloved husband. He smiled weakly, still full of stress.

Ranboo nuzzled the top of his head, "you're going to do great, my beloved. Stop stressing."

"It's not that easy, Boo..." Tubbo groaned out of frustration.

Ranboo sighed and picked up the smaller, making Tubbo look at him, "you're going to kick butt out there, okay? You're amazing. You're good at pvp, you know how to use elytras, you're good at dodging, you're good at building, that's really all you need. You'll be perfect."

Tubbo's goat tail wagged at the praise as he looked away, "but.. what if I mess up? I'll fail my entire team and it'll be all my fault..."

Ranboo shook his head, "there's no way they'd even think about blaming you specifically. Tommy wouldn't do that, Niki wouldn't, neither would Vik. Do you even know how they all act? How Tommy would be so proud of you and just bring you up even if you mess up?"

Tubbo sighed, "you're right..."

"Plus," Ranboo kissed his forehead, "I'll be there to cheer you on. Even Micheal will be there, and we'll root for you the entire time."

Tubbo stuffed his face in his hands, "that'll make it worse if I fail..."

"Hey, I'll be on the sidelines jealous that you got in. If anyone is suppose to be sad, it's me. You've been so excited about it ever since the letter came to our server," Ranboo pouted.

"I knooowwwww... but stress gets to me easily, you know this..." Tubbo removed his hands.

"Well, stop being such a pessimist. You'll be fine. You'll do great. We'll be there, cheering you on. I'll become the biggest Tubbo fanboy out there," Ranboo said.

"That'll just be embarrassing. But alright..." Tubbo replied.

"It'll help you out. You're going to be amazing, Bubs. Even during the in between of rounds, we can talk if you need to. Cheer you on," Ranboo said as his tail formed a heart.

Tubbo sighed and leaned on his shoulder, "okay, okay..."

The enderman hybrid let down the goat hybrid, "you should probably get going. Mcc's starting soon. Don't want you to be late. I'll get Micheal and we'll be there soon, alright?"

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