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Fanart by @marmarjam_ on twitter

Made: March 31st 2022
Published: May 1st 2022

This is what I had in mind of how c!Aimsey and c!Tubbo met before the lore stream yesterday.

"I've decided to show you around the place! No one else would do it as well as I would," Tommy spoke as he led the newbie down the prime path.

"Oh, well, thank you. I didn't realize there was so much here," they spoke.

"There's a lot of places that have been built, some places don't let other go there without a reason though. Like Las Nevadas. That's a place where big Q owns, recommend staying away from there," he spoke.

Aimsey tilted his head, "why? Is this Q person bad?"

"That depends on your views and morals, I suppose. Majority of the people here are fucked up in one way or another. Except me, of course! I would never."

The newcomer looked at the scars on his face, the obvious signs of no sleep, and the splotch of white hair in his. "If you say so."

"I do say so. Since I'm the biggest man on the server, whatever I say goes," he boasted before continuing down to show them.

"This is a giant crater is where a president use to run. Although the president exiled me, he's still a pretty decent person. Place has been through a lot, not many will talk about it," he spoke as he showed off the remains of what use to be a country.

"What happened to it?" The bunny hybrid asked.

"Blown up. Those obsidian up there were raining tnt for days. S'why the crater is so deep. Sucks how often it got blown up, guess it really was never meant to be..."

The older noticed the sad tone of the taller and wanted to say something before he looked back at them with no trace of what was once sadness.

"Enough about that! Moving onto the next bit! We can't go to Kinko Kingdom right now, dunno if Karl would be cool with that. So we'll head over someone's place!"

"Who is this someone?" The shorter asked.

"My best friend! I think... he lets me come over whenever, so I don't think he'd mind me bringing someone."

The older didn't want to think about that the "I think" was about. It wasn't her place to intrude, however she still was curious.

They made their way over to a snowy area. It looked pretty cozy once they stepped in with some nice wooden houses. Then the sight of the giant-ass-mansion was there and that sort of got rid of the coziness, although the materials did match the other houses.

The blond looked over to them, "just don't question him to much. Mans going through some shit right now."

As much as he wanted an elaboration on what that meant, the blond walked over to the mansion and swung the doors open.


It was very loud, especially to the bunny's sensitive ears, but then she noticed a brown haired start walking down the stairs. His hair covered majority of his face, but dried up scars still visible.

The oldest couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened to him.

The brunette looked at her, then back at the tallest. The youngest seemed to have understood the gaze despite not actually seeing it happen.

"This is Aimsey! They're new here and I wanted to show him your place," he spoke.

The goat nodded and looked at the other hybrid, "ruin my shit and you're out. Tom, don't bring them in the rooms you know not to."

The teen nodded and then looked back at the newbie before looking back at the smaller and whispering something to him.

Unfortunately for him, the newcomer had good hearing. Perks of being part bunny, but also a curse sometimes.

"If you want us to go, just let me know, okay? I know this is hard for you."

Tubbo just nodded before going upstairs and a door was heard to be slammed shut.

The blond turned to look at them again with a grin replacing the once worry that was obvious on his voice, "lemme show you around. Tubs house is pretty cool, but he hasn't done much to it."

The tour was mostly empty room, but some of them had stuff in them. There were rooms that she asked about and the other answered what they were going to be used for. It seemed he knew the layout of the mansion pretty well, probably because they're best friends and the other had told him his plans.

Aimsey noticed how when they got to certain rooms, the blond just completely skipped over them. Unfortunately, she was a curious bunny and would be getting back to those after a bit. A opportunity approached when the taller went to one of the rooms that they weren't allowed in, giving them a chance to go in the other.

Once he stepped in the room, he saw that it was quite homey. There was a race car bed, a statue of a baby zombie pigmen, for some odd reason. It was very nice, but it didn't look like it was used.

She wandered to way towards the door and heard the one touring him speaking from the other side.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself," he spoke.

"I'll be fine. Just need to stay alive for Micheal."

"That's not a good only reason to keep yourself going. Besides, you still need to take care of yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"You never are."

"...I'll be okay, Tommy. As long as I don't think about it."

"That's not healthy."

"It's how I can keep myself alive."

"... Just don't let your brain block it off to protect itself."

"If I do, slap me."

"Deal, we'll head out now."

The smaller brunette jumped back as the door opened. The youngest looked down at them then back at the other brunette who was sitting on a white bed.

"Time to head out, newbie! Away we go and you can see BadboyHalo's house! He's a total bitch, you mind doing pranks with me on him?"

"As long it won't lead me into trouble," she spoke.

"I won't tell them you helped, it was just me. Now c'mon, let's go mess up the bitch's house!"

The blond dragged her away from the house, the last sight they saw of the goat was him holding some paper in his hand seeming down.

She wants to know what happened to the boy, but he'll end up finding out later.

I didn't think that a dead person would show around an alive person until Ranboo said so.

Hope you enjoyed though

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