09 | missing in action

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LYRA was walking around Stark Industries as she watched Tony's speech on the television

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LYRA was walking around Stark Industries as she watched Tony's speech on the television. It was the Jericho Missile demonstration, and she saw how well rehearsed his speech was. Her heels clicked against the floor as she found Pepper in Tony's office.

"I went to the lab like you asked. There was nothing I couldn't handle. Is there anything else you need?" Lyra asked with a small smile.

Pepper shook her head. "No, I have a dinner reservation tonight for my birthday. I'm about to head out."

"Happy birthday. Any company?" Lyra asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"Devon from the second floor asked me out. I told him he could treat me for my birthday," Pepper said with a snort. "Free meal on my part."

"Smart, Miss Potts," Lyra teased as the television turned off aa Tony's speech ended. "He should be home tonight, right?"

Pepper shrugged. "His schedule is clear tomorrow, so he could find himself anywhere tonight. As long as Rhodey or Happy are near, it'll be all right."

"Speaking of Happy, can I take him? Or do you need him?" Lyra asked with a grimace. "I hate California taxis."

Pepper smiled. "I took one of Tony's cars today. Happy is all yours."

Lyra's phone beeped with a text. She looked down to see Tony texting her.

Enjoyed my speech? I had Jarvis play it all over the tower... Pepper told me you were there.

Very illuminating. Still believe you're worth more than just weaponry. Have a safe trip home.

Knew you cared.

Lyra grinned at her phone, and she heard a throat cleared in front of her. Pepper was smirking. "It's him, huh?"

"Yeah. Being an ass as usual."

Pepper grinned. "You both are so perfect, it's unreal."

Lyra laughed, beginning to walk out of the office. "Have a happy, wonderful birthday, Miss Potts!"

"Thank you, Miss Redfield."

Walking through the hallway, she pressed the elevator button to go down to the lobby. She sent a message to Happy about picking her up, and he said he was already waiting outside.

The elevator music was boring, and she leaned against the wall with a hum leaving her lips. She could not wait for Tony to be back, strictly because she was worried about him being on foreign soil. She watched as over seventy floors passed until she made it to one.

When the elevator dinged open, she saw workers getting up with gasps as they were on the phone or talking to other people. Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw Obadiah Stane yelling at someone as he neared the elevators.

"What do you mean something went wrong!? Where is Tony!?"

Lyra grabbed his arm, fear entering her bones. "What's happened!?"

Obadiah was momentarily shocked at the woman in front of him. He remembered her well. "Miss Redfield?"

"Obie, where is Tony?" Lyra pleaded.

"There was an explosion... they can't find his body," Obadiah watched as she gripped the wall tightly with her hands. "Happy! She's right here!"

Happy ran to her side as he helped her stand straight. "I got you, Lyra. Come on, stand up. They'll find him. He'll be all right," Happy whispered tightly. He saw a worker running by. "Page Miss Potts. Let her know what's going on."

Obadiah glanced between Happy and Lyra. "Take her to his home. Miss Potts and I will meet you both there."

Happy nodded as he helped Lyra get to the car. She already saw her phone lighting up with news articles and text messages from Justin Hammer.


Lyra whimpered out to Happy, "We were arguing, Happy. He left and we were arguing."

"He'll come home soon. He's Tony Stark. He'll be okay–"

"He's not invincible!"

Happy sighed.

"Jarvis, can you reach him?" she asked to her phone. She watched Jarvis enter her phone and sent a few flashes of light.

"There is not way to contact him, Miss Redfield."

She sighed in defeat. "Where's Rhodey?"

"He was in the car in front of him... he's staying to search," Happy said.

Lyra gulped in fear. When they made it to the Malibu mansion, there were already reporters waiting outside. Happy pushed past them with Lyra as they screamed questions in her face. She kept herself stoic until she entered the house. Happy made sure to have Jarvis lock the house down until Obadiah or Pepper returned.

He watched as Lyra went straight for the bar, and she almost tripped over her heels as she grabbed the wall to stand upright. After pouring herself a glass, she dialed Rhodey.

"Lyra, I can't talk—"

"What's being done?" Lyra seethed.

"Helicopters, jets searching for anything. There was no body... meaning he was taken. We're not sure by who yet," Rhodey sighed. "We'll find him, Lyra. Just stay calm."

"Calm?" Lyra laughed. "Yeah, okay. Call me if you hear anything."

"You know I will."

Lyra watched Happy get on the phone with someone until Pepper showed up, immediately moving to hug Lyra. Pepper pulled the glass of whiskey away as Lyra began to cry.

"He wouldn't want you crying over him, Ly. Just know everything is being done to find him."

She nodded as Obadiah walked in, assessing the room with an odd look in his eyes. He spoke to Happy for a while as the three made calls all around the world to find Anthony Stark. No one seemed to know what to do.

After Lyra's third cup, she stood shakily and headed down to the lab.

Pepper watched her stumble sadly. Happy sighed. "They are more alike than they realize."

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