Waking Up in the Hospital

Start from the beginning

Thor Odinson

      "This week has been dreadful. I look forward to being home again." I gave Mjolnir a hefty swing launching my journey home. I only wished to be in my love's arms and nowhere else. I've missed them terribly so. Hardworking and quite lovely. I smiled walking into the castle, and the enormity that is Asgard always brought me great comfort. "I wonder where they are?" I asked around, and no one had seen them. Worry began to spread through me. "I suspect they are either in the gardens or in our room. I shall check both." The room was first, and I found no one. Walking into the garden's was quiet for a few moments until I heard the commotion. "Ah, Thor, my son, come help me get your lover into the infirmary." My mother was rarely one to wander about, so this must be rather serious. "Yes, yes." I was panicked, and I tried hard to keep myself together. "Ah, I see I should have rested before the walk..." Their gentle voice broke me from my scrambled thoughts. "How do you feel? Are you in any pain?" I watched them smile. "Tired perhaps, but I am not in pain." I let out a sigh. "You mustn't work yourself so hard while I'm away." I grabbed their hand and placed a kiss on it. "I shall remember that for next time. Will I be here for the night? Or am I allowed to leave?" I chuckled. "For the night, I'm afraid." I placed a kiss on their forehead. "I shall be right here to keep you company in the meantime." I watched their eyes twinkle. "Would you tell me stories of your adventures while you were away?" I couldn't say no and started into one of the many stories told this night.

Loki Laufeyson

     "Their training shouldn't take this long. They are strong and should be back by now." I was pacing, a habit I haven't the desire to break. "I shall go see what is taking them so long." I found that my feet were taking me to the training grounds long before my mind agreed to the idea. The halls were crowded with servants and cleaning maids. "You annoying creature, out of my way," I recall snapping at the man, but I pushed on. "Finally, the training grounds," I stepped out onto the field. "Should be simple enough to find one person." Glancing around at the people standing, I did not see the face I looked for. Looking down, there they were, slumped against a support beam. I don't recall walking to them, but their dead weight in my arms, I will never forget. "Wake up, Love. I need you to open your eyes." I whispered to them, but their face did not move. I could feel them breathing, but they did not respond. "Damn, I feel like hell. How did I get to the infirmary?" They mumbled, but I turned my head to the noise. "Those trash men you call comrades will remember today." I sneered. "Leaving you unconscious against the pillar as they did. None shall be spared my wrath when I-" They began to laugh, and I narrowed my eyes. "What in the nine realms is so funny?" I snapped, and they grabbed my hand. "You, you are too cute when you worry as you do. I am fine." I rolled my eyes. "Exauhsuted from overworking yourself and picking up the slack of the worthless." I reminded them, and they shrugged. "Stay with me?" Their gentle pleading eyes made me falter. "For tonight? You can go on your rampage in the morning." "Fine."

Clint Barton

    "This woman is going to kill me with this sparring." I rolled my shoulders only to hear them pop. "Clint, come on, we have one more set!" Natasha's shout made me groan. "One more, it's always one more with you," I grumbled but followed her lead anyway. Another hour later, I was done. "I think...I think I'm done for today, Nat." I took a few deep breaths trying to catch mine again. "Fine." She rolled her eyes after tossing a towel at me. "You should bring them along next time. I think they'd have fun beating you at every turn. I know I do." We shared a laugh before parting ways. "Little Bird, I'm home!" I called out once I tossed my keys onto the kitchen table. "Hello? The lights are on. Where are you?" The kitchen and living room were clear. "I'm coming in," I called out as I opened the door to the bathroom. "Oh shit!" All at once, I panicked. "You cut your head...there is so much blood. Shit, I need to call for help." Calling emergency and watching them being rushed away was scary. I will never forget all of that blood on the bathroom tiles. I was in a shocked daze as the doctor told me how many stitches they put in. A concussion and stitches, and a large bruise on their head. "Hey, Clint...where am I?" Their voice was hoarse and hushed. "It's bright in here..." They complained, reaching out to hold my hand. "You're in the hospital, Baby. I found you on the bathroom floor. Your head was busted open. They said it looked like you fell." They nodded. "I did, tripped getting out of the shower." I cringed, and they squeezed my hand. "You're not leaving my sight until you are all healed. That's an order...you clumsy little bird." I tried to laugh, but it came out strained. "I'm alright with that. Stay with me?" I rolled my eyes. "As if I was going to leave you all alone here. Couldn't get rid of me if you tried."

James "Bucky" Barnes

    I remember them asking me to spar with them and how bad an idea I still thought it was. The last time I broke their rib, and this time I can't imagine it would go any better. They begged, and pleaded and I finally gave in. I was nervous and anticipating things to go sideways from the beginning. The first round went well enough. They dodged quicker and learned from the past. Then it happened. I threw a punch, and it clocked them good. I watched their body crumple. Snatching them up with reflexes I didn't realize I still had. I cradled them in my arms. "Wake up, Sweetheart....come on..." A few small taps to their cheek weren't enough to wake them, and I felt the panic. "Hospital, they....they need a hospital." I couldn't let the panic blind me. That ride to the hospital, I will never forget it. "C'mon...wake up." My voice was quiet, and I held onto their smaller hand. A million things were running through my head while I watched them rest. "I don't want to wake up..." They whispered, and my eyes snapped to their face. "Where am I?" Their eyes opened slowly. "The hospital..." I couldn't keep eye contact. I felt terrible about what happened. "That was my idea, Bucks. Don't beat yourself up over it, please?" Their soft smile made my heart hurt. "I hurt you...again. How can I not blame myself?" Their hands rested on my cheek, and I closed my eyes. "I asked for you to help me spar, to help me learn. That's on me, Bucky. Not you." I finally managed to look them in the eye. "Besides, I'm a mutant, and I've already healed. Handy, huh?" They had a huge grin on their face. "Come here, you trouble maker." I pulled them in for a kiss. "Let's get home." "Oh, and no more sparring with me." I eyed them, and they relented. "Fine."

Sam Wilson

    "One of these days, I'm going to put a tracker on that devil." I sighed, rubbing my face. "Their boss said they went home, so let's check there." Parking the car, I walked into the house. "Lights are on. That's a good sign..." I tossed my keys on the table and shut the door. "Baby? Are you home?" No answer. I walked into the kitchen, living room, and there was nothing. "How do you hide so well, geez, Babe." Walking down the hall towards the bedroom, I found them. "Hey! Oh, shit!" I felt the rush of fear as I rolled them onto their back. "They're still breathing, so that's good. What do I do? Um, I need to call for help." Fumbling for my cell phone in my pocket, I managed to dial emergency. Following the ambulance through the city left bile in my throat. I could feel the fear about as much as I could taste it. I remember hearing the doctor explain to me what was wrong and that they needed plenty of rest. My hands held onto theirs, holding it like this would be the last time I would be able to do so. "I don't wanna, Sammy..." I managed a small chuckle. They groaned. "What happened? Ouch...my head." Their free hand grabbed their head. "You fainted at the house, hit your head pretty bad too. Doc said you need loads of rest and some time off of work." I said, and they grimaced. "I'm going to put a tracker on you if you keep this up." I laughed, and they scrunched up their nose. "Promise me that you'll take better care of yourself. Please?" I pleaded, and they looked away. "I'm sorry...You're so strong and do so much that I wanted to prove that I could too." I felt a lump form in my throat. "I'm only strong because I have you with me. Promise me you won't do that again." They nodded, and I pressed a soft kiss to their head. "Only if you promise to stay with me tonight." I smiled. "You cheeky thing, of course, I will."

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