~Chapter 10~

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a/n: Quick note! I do not own Divergent, Veronica Roth does because if I did I wouldn't let five get in between four and six making them together forever. I AM A PROUD SUPPOURTER OF FOURTRIS! REMEMBER THIS WHILE READING THIS STORY! IT IS JUST A PLOT TWIST!!




My body turns as the sound of thunder rumbles across the sky and lightning follow behinds lighting the night sky. It has been a week since I found out that I was pregnant and luckily everything stayed the same; I only throw up certain times and had headaches but I haven't had cravings or started showing.

Which wouldn't happen now, I am only a month and two weeks pregnant. It is different for each pregnancy and Isabelle said that maybe around my second month I should start to notice changes in my body.

I haven't told anyone and I knew Christina wasn't going to tell anybody not until I felt ready, and I think I have to hurry with my choices. I already knew that I was going to keep this baby and not terminate it, because that is selfish and I wouldn't want to kill this child's life.

I was irresponsible and I have to live with my consequences. Even If I don't want to.

I haven't even told my parents, let alone Eric. I don't have the guts to, I don't know how they would feel about it.

I sigh and throw my back against the mattress, hoping to get some relief and actually go to sleep for once this week. With this baby on my mind all night, I am never able to fall asleep so when I wake up I instantly drink coffee. I had read up on a pamphlet Isabelle had given me and it told me that I can consume coffee but not a lot because it could cause miscarriage and that is something I really want to avoid.

I would only have a small cup in the morning to hold me until lunch, then I would eat and take a nap until my break is over and continue working.

I throw the covers off of my warm body and throw my feet on the ground, letting them slide into slippers. I throw a cardigan over my shirt and pull my hair out of it. I grab my keys and leave my apartment to get some fresh air. Maybe that would calm me down.

While my feet lead the way, my mind wanders. My mind is full of many different thoughts, thinking of leaving and being factionless, thinking of my parents. And, before I knew it I was standing in front of Eric's door. I drag my hand up that suddenly feels like a ton of bricks and I knock.

I don't hear anything after a while so I knock again then I hear a loud groan and sigh.

"This better be good." I hear Eric mutter as he opens the door and his eyes widen at the sight of me.

He has on a pair of sweatpants and a tight black top, his hair is tousled since he was sleeping.

"What?" He says not too nicely and I cringe thinking that this is the father of our unborn child.

"Can I talk to you?" I say and he stares down at me, wishing that I had a little bit of height to me. I don't like when people peer down at me, and it's bad to think that I probably am the shortest person in Dauntless.

"You're talking to me now." He says with a sigh leaning against the doorframe and I cross my arms, glaring at him. He knows what I mean he just wants to be the cruel, childish Dauntless leader.

"Never mind." I snap turning my back to leave but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Fine." He says and moves to the side and I walk in and take notice of his dark apartment. The only light on is the overhead light over the sink.

He flicks the lamp on and it is dim, I look around his apartment which is spotless. It has a great wall that is taken up but a window showing a great view of the city, he has two couches and a coffee table that match the dark red walls.

I didn't even take notice of this while I rushed out of his bedroom. It's actually pretty nice minus the dark, mysterious feeling it gives off.

"What do you want to talk about." He says as he brushes past me sitting on the couch and I sit on the opposite side, feeling out of place as he looks me up and down.

"Well," I start and then fish through my mind on thinking of ways to tell him that he is going to be a dad. Thinking of how to start off the conversation.

"Stiff, you are wasting my time. It is three in the morning and I have many things I have to do today." He says with a sigh and I roll my eyes at him, I thought he would have at least saw my discomfort.

"Fine," I say crossing my arms. "I'm pregnant."

He stares at me for a while, then for a split second I thought I saw his face pale but it just turns back to the hard dauntless leader.

"That's not funny stiff. You should go tell the dad because now you are really wasting my time ." He says and I instantly snap at him.

"You see me laughing?" I roll my eyes, "Eric this isn't a joke, I am pregnant and you are going to be a father whether you like it or not."

"Eric, I have a question that has been on my mind all week." I say, I don't even recognize my own voice due to the anger that disguises it. "Why in the hell did you not use a condom!"

"You told me not to." He lame excuse makes me burst into flames.

"I was drunk!" I shout, feeling my face turn red from the anger. "I was intoxicated from your stupid games on 'showing me different liquors' and look where it got us."

"Look!" He barks walking up to me and I don't cower back at all, I just stare into his grey eyes. "That sounds like a you problem."

"Whatever." I say as my voice softens knowing that I can't get that through his thick skull. "You should have just known that you are going to be a dad, and I don't care if you are with me or not."

I shove his chest out of the way and walk back to my apartment.

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