~Chapter 81~

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It all happens so quickly; I was chained to the bed, praying that I would get found and within an hour the door was being brought down and my handsome boyfriend walked in. Everything was bittersweet afterwards, they got Drew, Peter, Emma, and Evelyn in custody but Tobias feels some type of way because it was his mother. As of right now that are millions of unanswered questions for everyone.

The doctors pushed everyone out of the room, including Tobias, and got me clean of the dirt, obviously the showers I weren't taking wasn't good enough which I could feel myself. They cleaned all of my cuts and wounds and wrapped them up. They said that the stab wound in my leg is pretty deep and put stitches in them, they patched up a couple of abrasions from the fight with Emma, and took a look at the bruises on my wrist from the restraints.

Mentally, I'm going crazy. My EKG monitor spiked a couple of times when I was in my thoughts replaying everything that has happened to me since I was home; the fights, Peter, everything. Nobody knows about Peter raping me except for the doctor but I told him to keep it on the low and I would handle it. He came to me sneakingly and told me I wasn't pregnant which was a great relief. I would freak out if I was pregnant again by someone other than Tobias. . .  and that hasn't even happened yet.

Now, I lay in bed, sore from everything happening while my friends get checked for battle wounds. Max is personally talking to Jack Kang, the leader of Candor, about the interrogation and he informed my parents about me. I don't know where Tobias is, but I really want him in here.

"Tris," Someone knocks on the door, I look over to see Tobias standing there with a smile on his face, "You have a visitor." He pushes open the door more to reveal my baby girl, Ava. She smiles and squeals really loud when she see's me. I laugh when tears blur my vision.

Tobias places her on the bed and she quickly crawls towards me and hugs me, tightly. I laugh and hold her close to me, relishing the feeling of her soft curls on my cheek. I listen to her babbling about everything with only a few words that were clear, "Really?" I respond to her and she nods her head laughing, "I missed you Ava." I kiss her everywhere and she giggles.


The questioning was the hardest part, when Candor men walked in to the room to see me in bed with fluids pumping into me. They asked me what happened and I had to tell them all, they even asked me to join them at the interrogation in Candor next week, hopefully I will be out the hospital by tomorrow.

"The doctors said that its okay for you to feed her." Tobias hands me Ava, "Also, they're going to come and check on your leg and if it looks good, we can leave." He also hands me a blanket to cover us up. Normally, I try to pull away from feeding Ava because I want her to get accustomed to regular food and drinks, but she kept pressing her face in my chest like she wanted to be fed, maybe she missed me.

I get her latched on and let out a sigh, leaning back in the uncomfortable bed, "Tris, we need to talk." Tobias says and sighs, I can tell that he's trying to get his thoughts collected. He grabs my hand and rubs them across my bruised knuckles, "I missed you so much, and words can't describe how upset I was before you left. We have so much to talk about; but first I just wanted to know that I love you so much and I'm glad you're safe." His fingers rub against the cool metal of my promise ring.

"This was totally unexpected, and when you left my world ended until today, when I saw your face it felt like I gained ten years. And I guess what I'm trying to say in a more simple way is," he takes a deep breath, "Will you marry me? I can't risk loosing you and I just want you to be mines forever." He takes a deep breath as tears well up in my eyes.

"Yes!" I shout and lean forward, careful of Ava, and I kiss him on the lips. He hugs me.

"The ring is back at Dauntless--"

"You know what, it doesn't even matter. I'm just glad to know that I'm yours."

"Yes, and you are mine."


It's really hard walking on crutches when you have a 1 year old daughter wanting you to hold her. Tobias is a big help though. . . My fiancé. Christina and my parents literally freaked out when they found out about the engagement. Christina tells me that she wants to throw a big party for me but I keep denying.

Tobias and I really talk more since yesterday, we talked, we just didn't address our issues. We still have to talk about the reason I left in the first place, being captured, and Peter. I knows he's going to freak out, so I want to make sure that he is as far away from Peter as far as possible.

"Home sweet, home." I say as Eric pulls up in a black car with Max in the passenger seat. Yesterday, we all talked and came to agreement that if Peter doesn't get the death sentence, he's Factionless. "Thanks for the ride guys." I smile as Tobias helps lower me in the car, if it weren't for those idiots taking me to Factionless, I still might be in Amity.

"Tris, you look better." Max turns around looking at me briefly before Eric pulls off. I get an unsettling feeling as I think about the car rides to and from with those lunatics.

"Thanks." I smile at him. "I'm ready to go home, it's been a while." I murmur.

"Well, we should be there in a few minutes. I wanted to make you aware of the interrogation date, it's next week on Wednesday. We can have a car take you there if you want to go, and I have your parents visiting you on Thursday."

"Okay," I say.

Tobias grabs my hand and smiles at me, "Now we can live a normal life together, okay?"


I'm thinking about deleting this story. This might be the last chapter and the epilogue so you know what happens.

April Fools!!☺️😁😇😂❤️✨

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