~Chapter 16~

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"Time for your appointment, Mommy to Be!" I hear the girls shout as they jump on my bed making me groan, I was having a great dream of me in a room filled with cotton candy and I was just about to try the peanut butter flavor. But, they woke me up.

"Go away." I whine placing the covers over my head and the jumping stops making me let out a huge sigh and I feel them pull the covers off of me and I shriek while they coo.

"Your stomach is getting so big!" I hear Christina coo as she lifts up my shirt placing her palm on my belly and I roll my eyes brushing her hand off and standing up while she snorts.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Shauna mutters to Lynn while I glare at her.

I shoo them out into the living room while I look in my dresser for something to wear. I find a pair of leggings and a plaid button up top which is a little loose. I am still three months pregnant but my stomach is growing each week, two weeks ago is when I told my parents I was pregnant and mom tries to call me almost every Friday from the council office to see how I am doing.

Caleb would send me good morning text to see how I am doing which is a good sign. I still haven't told Four yet and I don't know why I am beating myself up about it. It's not like we are going out or something, it just seems like every time I get close to telling him Emma shows up.

So, I am just going to hold off until I feel it is the right time.

Once I am dressed and used the bathroom, I pull my hair into a bun and put on some chap-stick. I grab my keys, phone, and jacket and I walk out to see the girls talking on the couch.

"Let's go!"


Right now we are in the back waiting on Isabelle and Dr. Martinez to come in the back with us so we can get this check out rolling and then the plans are to go get lunch at restaurant in the pit.

Lynn and Marlene are sitting on the two chairs that are in the corner under the symptoms of pregnancy chart, Shauna is leaning against the counter while Christina is standing right beside me.

"You know, you guys ruined my dream." I say with a pout crossing my arms over chest that is covered by the bottom of my shirt, Isabelle checked my weight, heart beat, temperature, and blood pressure first and then told me to lift my shirt up so it would be ready when she returns with Dr. Martinez.

"It was about a wonderful land of cotton candy, and I was just about to taste the peanut butter flavor." I pout rolling my eyes while they laugh and snort at me.

"You sound like an Amity." Lynn says and I chuckle, I really do sound like an amity.

"You have an obsession over peanut butter." Marlene shakes her head and Christina scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"She called me once, in the middle of the damn night to go pick her up a jar of crunchy peanut butter." Christina says and I blush looking down at my hands.

"You did that!" Shauna exclaims with a laugh and I nod my head.

"The baby was craving it." I say and  Christina fake pouts crossing her arms.


Soon, a knock on the door breaks us out of our conversations and Isabelle and Dr. Martinez walks into the room and they booth look very happy for some reason.

"Good afternoon, Tris. How are you feeling?" Dr. Martinez says after addressing the girls.

"I feel pretty good." I say smiling happy that we can get this appointment ready.

"How is the baby doing?" Isabelle asks as Dr. Martinez types something on the computer.

"The baby is doing good, the nausea is starting to leave which is great since I can get stuff done. But, the headaches are still here." I say and she nods and Lynn buds in raising her hand.

"Don't forget the obsession with peanut butter."

I roll my eyes but everyone in the room starts laughing, like it was actually funny.

"Ah, yes, the cravings should be kicking in around this time. Don't worry guys if she will even call you late in the night for crazy foods because she is more prone for getting them later while he mind is at ease." Dr. Martinez says and Christina smirks.

"She already has."

After that Shauna turns off the lights while the cold gel is placed on my little belly and Dr. Martinez starts moving the wand back and forth, click a few buttons and then we hear the sound of the thumping heartbeat. It is heard throughout the room like my first visit.

"Aw." I hear all of the girls coo as my baby appears on the screen and my face instantly lights up, I can actually see the shape now since I am twelve weeks.

"Now, everything looks great just try and eat more healthy foods because you wouldn't want anything too fatty to get the baby's heart rate moving quick from caffeine and a big baby would be hard to deliver. Around your fifth and sixth month I will be able to tell the gender of the baby. Would you like a picture?" Dr. Martinez says and I nod.

"Make that five." Shauna says happily as Dr. Martinez prints out my picture and then she hands them out.

"Isabelle will schedule your next appointment and I would suggest reading baby books. They help a lot with questions that we can not answer immediately." Dr. Martinez says then waves her hand and exits the room, cutting the lights on first. I wipe my belly clean and schedule my next appointment in December. On the tenth at exactly twelve noon, I would be four months pregnant then.

We grab our things and make our way to the restaurant.

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