~Chapter 54~

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"You have a big day today," I tell Ava dressing her up in a pair of hot pink pants with a black shirt to match. I slip on some shoes and a headband while she coo's at me. "Yes!" I exclaim at her and I kiss her forehead and she giggles as I hand her to Tobias.

"Do you want to use the stroller?" Tobias asks as I put extra diapers, wipes, blankets, and toys in her bag making sure everything is checked off of my mental list.

"No, she will be really fussy afterwards so I know that she wouldn't want to be in a stroller?" He nods his head and leaves the room rocking her in his arms. It's so adorable because she really loves Four and he seems like he loves her back and would love to be her father.

"I'm ready." I tell him placing the bag on my shoulder, I grab my keys and phone going out the door first and when we get in the hallway we see Eric getting off of the elevator and I can clearly hear him scoff as he see's Four.

"What's he doing here?" Eric asks and before Four could respond I instantly start talking.

"Look, he play's an important role in Ava's life like you should, but you are her father so I think that you should be there." I cross my arms, "I don't want anything negative out of you two today, today is going to be a rough day for Ava this is her first time going to the doctor's office and getting you know what. So, I need you to both man up, don't argue, and hell, I don't care if you don't say a word to each other. Got it?" I ask them as if I were talking to my two sons who always argue, but I don't have boys.

"Got it?" I ask firmer looking in between the two.

"Yeah," I hear them murmur and I start walking towards the elevator all while Ava is cooing at me, and frowning at Eric.


"So, what exactly is this appointment about?" Eric asks as we sit in the infirmary seating section waiting for Ava's name to be called.

"It's her first immunisation appointment where she gets a 5-in-one shot to fight off bacteria and sicknesses and a drop of medicine in her mouth. It's so important because this is her first one since birth and I don't know how she would react, there are also symptoms of her being sick and having a fever afterwards. I talked to my mom yesterday and she said that my brother and I did get sick from them." I say looking at Ava in Four's arm, she is really engrossed in his large fingers.

"Ava Prior!" I stand up lifting Ava in my arms and she looks up to see me and gives a faint smile reaching out to touch my face. Four grabs the baby bag and we follow a red-headed nurse to the back where she checks Ava's weight, height, temperature, and blood pressure. Now she has us in a room with a bed that has that annoying white paper that gets crinkled if you touch it.

"Take off all of her clothes excluding her diaper of course, and Dr. Martinez should be with you soon."

As I am taking off her clothes, the nurse returns with a cup that has a needle with some medicine beside it making my heart-beat faster than it already is. I take off her pants and she starts to squirm on the table I sit on the bed beside her playing with her so that she is happy.

"Are you okay?" Four asks leaning against the wall as Eric sits in the chair, staring at Ava intensely.

"Yeah," I say letting out a huge sigh as Ava tries to grab my fingers to place them in her mouth, there is a knock on the door and Dr. Martinez walks into the room and exclaims happily when she see's Ava who instantly turns her head cooing at the doctor.

"Hi, good morning!" She says happily and then gives me a hug and the boy's a handshake. I give her a look telling her that Eric is the father and she nods her head at me widening her eyes. "Hi Ava, you are getting so big!" She says tickling her stomach and she giggles.

"Well, let's get this show on the road. From the notes that I saw, that she is doing really well for a two month old. Soon she will be able to sit up on her own the way her neck is moving, she is really strong unlike most two month old." She says and I nod my head in relief.

"Now, the shot that she is getting is a 5-in-1 inject instead of getting 5 individual shots, they treat bacteria and viruses such as; diphtheria, tetanus,whooping cough (pertussis), polio and Hib (haemophilus influenza type B). Then after the shot she will get the Pneumococcal injection, which goes in her mouth like a drop of water."

"Why can't she just get the shots when she is older?" Eric questions taking us all by surprise.

"Because at the age she is now, her immune system is weak and it's better to make sure that we strengthen it before it's too late and she catches something like the whooping cough by example." Dr. Martinez says and he nods his head.

"What are the side-effects?" I ask as Ava starts to have fun with the stuffed animal she has.

"Fever, mild crankiness, loss of appetite, tiredness, red spot where she got the shot and that's it. So I hope that you are ready for a cranky Ava." Dr. Martinez says and I let out a sigh as she sets her things down and calls in few nurses. I get off of the table to stand beside her and Dr. Martinez puts on a pair of gloves.

She cleans the area on Ava's thigh and I grab her hand moving it around so she is distracted, Dr. Martinez warns me before she injects the shot and I tense up when she starts to push it in her body. Ava screams loudly once she realizes what is going on and Dr. Martinez quickly puts in the medicine making tears well up in my eyes, this is all too much to handle.

All while Ava is crying Dr. Martinez puts the drop in Ava's mouth and she cries even louder. Dr. Martinez places the band-aid on Ava's leg and I place Ava's clothes on with the help of Tobias, and by the time we are walking out of the Infirmary Ava is a whining mess in my arms and it doesn't help that the noise of the pit is getting to her.

"Thanks, Eric. For coming out today." I tell him and he nods his head turning around walking away getting lost in the crowd. "Ready?" I ask turning to Tobias and he nods his head and we make our way to the apartment.

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