~Chapter 60~

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"She's getting so big," Mom tells me as Ava pulls herself around the apartment. Today is visiting day and my parents and Caleb decided to visit Dauntless and then the next Visiting day, we are going to Erudite.

It's been two days since the Emma incident. I haven't seen her since, and Tobias hasn't heard from her. I didn't tell my parents about it nor Caleb because I don't want them freaking out.

The bruises on the interior and exterior of my throat is healing. It isn't 100% but it is better. Things are finally falling into place.

Ava mumbles to herself as she plays with her toys on the play mat that Caleb just brought her, "I'm glad that I got her that, good to know that it's going to get used." Caleb says as we watch Ava play with the different interactive pieces on the mat.

"Yeah, she loves her bunny so I'm glad that she has something else to play with." Tobias says and I nod my head, at the mention of 'Bunny' Ava head shoots up and she looks around the room. Dad laughs at her.

"She is very smart and attentive." Dad says and Caleb places his hand over his heart with a playful happy face.

"That comes from me," He says and we laugh. It feels nice to hang out with my parents and brother, they accepted Tobias once I told them that we are going out and my mother was extremely excited to hear that news. I know that Tobias loves both Ava and I, so hopefully he will love my family just as equally.

"Ba!" Ava squeals turning on her back, looking at us upside down. Dad waves his hand and she flips back over looking at her hand and Dad continues to wave it, we all stare at Ava as she looks from her hand to my Dad's hand.

"Are you going to wave back?" I ask waving my hand at her and she stares at me like I am some foreign object, she slowly moves her hand back and forth and we all cheer and laugh.


"So, I have some good news to tell you," Christina says as we walk around the shopping center at the pit, I need fresh ingredients for dinner tonight so when Tobias comes home, he has a hot meal waiting for him. I'm not going to make the cliche pasta, so I was thinking Cheese and Broccoli soup for dinner with a fresh baguette.

"What?" I ask turning towards her and she smiles brightly holding her hand up for me to see the glint of silver. I smile widely showing teeth as I see the diamonds on her left hand, I gasp and jump up and down squeezing her neck, "Congrats!" I shout and Ava kicks her legs in the shopping cart making us both turn to her.

"Did you tell your Aunt congratulations?" I ask her tapping her nose and she giggles and starts playing with her knitted hat on her head as we go to produce section. "Did you tell your parents?" I ask placing broccoli and yellow onions in the cart. She sighs, shaking her head wrapping her arms around herself.

"I didn't," She rolls her eyes, "I doubt my parent's would accept the fact that I am getting married at a young age. I love Will, and I don't want them telling me that I can't marry him." She says and I give her a look.

"Just talk to them, and confess your love for him. If they don't accept it then, that's fine. That's how I felt when I told them that I was pregnant with Ava, if they didn't accept her then that was fine because I was keeping her." I tell her and lean down placing my face in Ava's, "Isn't that right?" I giggle and she grabs my cheeks squealing at me.

"Thanks, Tris. And I thought that I were the one to always give you advice." She jokes playfully nudging my shoulder.

"Okay Ava, butternut squash and strawberries? Or, Carrots?" I hold the two small jars in front of her in a joking manner, she looks from between the jars and then to me. She sighs and turns her attention back to the straps in the cart and I chuckle placing both of them in the cart along with applesauce.


"Thanks for helping me, Chris." I whisper to her while holding Ava in my arms. She is sleeping which is great, because that gives me some time to make dinner for Tobias. Christina flicks her wrist at me thanking me for the advice I gave her earlier and sets the bags on the island in the kitchen. Once Christina is gone, I lock the door behind her and carry Ava to her room where I take off her shoes, hat, and jacket letting her sleep in her pants and shirt. I put her in her crib and take the baby monitor leaving the room heading towards the kitchen to start cleaning and cutting the broccoli.

While the soup cooks and thickens up, I pull out spoons, bowls and cups placing them down on the counter and I decide to catch up with my work. Tori wants me coming up with new ideas and practicing her new drawings to place on the display at work, I grab my phone to call amity for ink.

Amity is where we get our ink because they produce them which is great, Amity is far from us but it's still worth it, "This is Amity's ink company, Juliet speaking how many I assist you?" A peachy voice says over the phone and I clear my throat sitting up on the couch looking over the paper that Tori gave to me.

"Yeah, this is Tris." I tell her and I can just see her face lighting up happily, it's sickening, "I'm calling from Dauntless, I need the usual boxes of ink. Tori's records should be in the file, just send in the usual. We expect them to be here by Monday." I tell her and I can hear some faint typing.

"Tori Wu?" She questions and I nod my head, hearing keys jingle in the doorknob I look up to see Tobias entering the room. I hold my finger up to my lips and he nods his head at me.

"Yes," I tell her.

"Okay, the shipment is being made. It should be there Monday. Is that all you need?" She asks as I hear Tobias set his stuff down letting out a sigh.

"That's all, thanks."

"No problem, have a good day!"

"You too," With that, I hang up the phone and stand up walking towards the kitchen looking in the pot with a smile on his face. He must be freezing, so I hope this soup warms him up. "Hello," I smile wrapping my arms around him, standing on the tip of my toes kissing his lips.

"Hello," He replies back kissing my forehead. I start to make the plates while he freshens up and checks on Ava, but she is still sleeping. We both have a seat and enjoy our delicious dinner together.

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