~Chapter 32~

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My eyes are closed as I rock back and forth on the baby ball, hoping to get through this contraction. Everyone is sitting down in seats on their phones or eating food from the vending machine down the hallway. The contractions started to get worse than they already were so the nurse told me to put on a pair of spandex and she gave me a baby ball and told me to sit in front of the side of the bed and hold on to my legs and rock side to side through each contraction.

I'm so frustrated because I am moving so slow, and I don't care if Jeanine Mathews or Jack Kang were to walk in here as of right now because they would get cussed the hell out like the rest of them in here.

"So, from reading this pamphlet here. The baby comes from the birth canal and-" I cut Uriah off by holding my head up from my arms on the bed glaring at him.

"Shut up." I tell him as my contraction starts to subside. "Sorry." I tell him and he lets out a breath wiping is forehead thanking the heavens that Eric isn't here because he would be catching hell, that is true.

"Get an epidural." Shauna suggests and I shake my head rapidly stretching out my legs.

"I don't want an epidural." I let out a sigh pushing the little pieces of hair that fell out of my messy bun.

"That's why I told you to come once your water broke." I hear Four say as he sits in the chair close to my bed. My head turns to him and I glare at him and he looks down at his hands making Christina chuckle. I am not in the mood to be messed with right now. I would love nothing for Emma to just walk in here and test me.

"I need to walk around." I say with a sigh standing to my feet moving the birthing ball away. Four instantly stands to his feet and so does Christina and Uriah.

Zeke helps me put on my robe and I put on some socks and we make our way out of the room taking a walk around the maternity wing. Christina tells me stories on patients while we walk towards the babies. A few are crying while others are sleeping, others are yawning while others are sucking on pacifiers. I smile and lean against the window watching the nurses walking around checking on the babies.

"Soon, Ava is going to be in there." I hear Four say and I smile nodding my head turning towards my head with my eyes gleaming with happiness.




a/n: These were one of the chapters that got messed up too if you couldn't tell. I promise there will be Fourtris what is the story with Fourtris. Love doesn't come easy so I have to make sure I make the story is realistic as possible. Comment and Vote! Let me know if you want me to update again tonight.

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