~Chapter 6~

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I try to hold my hair back as I retch into the toilet bowl, I'm trying hard to keep my hair back or put it into a knot but every time I move more bile just comes back up. I shiver, leaning against the cool panels of my glass shower as a cold sweat breaks out on my body.

"Tris?" Christina says knocking on my bathroom door. She is over to spend a free day with me but I had to pee, but ended up puking my guts out. I feel really bad for leaving her out there.

I open my mouth to answer her but my stomach churns once more making me lean my head back into the toilet bowl as more bile pours from my mouth.

"Geez Tris, I thought you were peeing" Christina says with worry holding my hair back and I cough, clearing my throat. She helps me through the rest of me getting sick and then she helps me clean up, I couldn't be more grateful for a friend like her.

"I feel horrible." I say with a sigh as I fall into the mattress, the sheets falling against my shivering body.

"Aw." Christina whines as she plops behind me wrapping her arms around me. "Want some medicine, I know the perfect kind-"

"Not being sick, but because I left you here." I say and she chuckles loudly, the sound bouncing off of the light grey walls going in straight to my ears making me groan as I get a sharp pain in my head.

"Tris, your abnegation is showing."

"Whatever." I say as my nose starts to fill like someone is tickling it. I take in a deep breath and sneeze into my covered crease of my elbow.

"Gross." She says and touches my forehead, frowning. She brings her collar of her shirt and holds it over her nose like I am contagious. "I think you are coming down with something."

"Maybe." I sniffle and she nods her head.

"I'll be right back." She says and before I can even protest she is running out of the door with her pocket book. I sigh leaning my head against my pillows. I can't believe that I am sick.


After puking my guts up for ten straight minutes, I officially had two minutes to relax before Christina had burst through my door. She had threw a white cardboard box at me that had, Antibiotics, labeled across the front in black bold letters.

On the back it has the amount you are supposed to take, what age is recommended and not recommended to take, and side-effects. Lastly, what it helps with. With me being sixteen it tells me to take two every eight hours. It helps with headaches, vomiting, nausea, common cold, and helps with flu symptoms.

Christina leaves and comes back with a bottle of water. She hands me it as I pop open the bottle taking two and swallowing it down.

"I couldn't get any of the good stuff from my job because it was not prescribed for you and I could possibly get fired." She says and I nod in understanding while I wipe my running nose on my sleeve.

"Now, lets find a good movie." Christina says kicking off of her shoes grabbing my remote control and clicking the television on that hangs above my fireplace. I never grew up with a television, let alone one in my own room. So, when they gave me this apartment which so happens to be the best and it came with two televisions.

This is probably the second or third time it has been turned on since I have moved in this apartment.

She finds a horror movie about a little boy who finds mysterious tapes in his basement and he starts to watch them putting his whole family in jeopardy. It's pretty scary but I start to fall asleep half way through, that is one of the side-effects from the medicine.

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