~Chapter 38~

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Being a mother is harder than I thought. Of course I knew that I would have late nights and not much time to myself but I didn't think that it would be this hard. Ava is now three days old and sometimes she cries because she is hungry and others because she just wants to be comforted.

It's hard judging sometimes on what she wants. Initiation is right around the corner and I have been busy making sure that everything is straight for the Initiates. I hate to say it, but Eric was right. Having those meetings earlier was great because now all I have to worry about is setting up everything for the first couple of days.

Since the meetings are done, while Ava sleeps I have a little time for myself to organize a few things and exercise. I would usually work out in the living room or do yoga until Ava wakes up. My stomach has gone back down, it isn't completely flat that is why I am working out.

Everyone visits me at least twice a day to check on Ava since I really can't bring her out in the 'open' just yet since she is so young. I am thinking about going to the canteen for dinner with her sometime next week hopefully. Maybe Friday.

I just don't want her getting hurt, she is basically the only family I have here with me in Dauntless. I don't know what I would do if I found out that she got hurt or sick because of me.


Ava's soft whines wake me up through the monitor making me give a slight groan. I don't know what time it is but I know that it is too damn early. I throw the covers off of me and walk into Ava's room. Her eyes are still closed but she is whining and moving her arms and legs.

I lift her up into my arms and I place her little head on my shoulder and I hold her head steady with my hand as I rock her, I think that she is either about to wake up or having a dream. I take a seat in her rocking chair and place her in my arms instead of her placing her head on my shoulder. Soon, I am met with a pair of grey eyes with a few blue specks in them.

"Good morning." I coo running my fingertip over her soft cheek. "Good morning." I repeat kissing her forehead. She yawns making a perfect 'o' shaped mouth and I chuckle as she grabs on to my shirt and starts rooting towards my chest.

"Is someone hungry?" I ask as I pull my shirt down a little bit and help her latch on. I try not to sleep with bra's on at night so it would be easy access for me to feed Ava, but if I do it would be a maternity breast-feeding sports bra so I can be comfortable.

While she eats I rock us back and forth humming quietly to her. Once she is finished I burp her and change her out of her diaper. I look through her closet trying to find something to wear for her, I decide on a regular black onesie that has short sleeves and a pair of white leggings with an elastic band.

"You are going to look so cute today." I coo at her as I slip a black and white bow around her head and I slip on black and white stripe socks. I lift her up and walk into my bedroom and I lay her flat on her back and I grab my phone and see that I got a few text from various people.

Good morning! Do you need anything today?- Christina

Morning Pansycake! How is my niece doing?- Uriah

Hey Tris, I really miss you. Having double shifts with Emma is really killing me. How is Ava? - Tori

Good Morning. How is Ava? How are you?- Four

I smile and reply to each one of their text.

No, thanks for asking. I just got Ava ready for the day and I think I am going to do my usual routine- Tris

You are the Pansycake you Pansycake, she is doing well I just got her ready thanks for asking btw, I am doing great- Tris

Ha! I am so grateful for maternity leave. She is doing fine- Tris

Good Morning, she is doing well, I am good. Wbu?- Tris

"Everyone loves little Ava Marie!" I exclaim lifting her in my arms and she places her head on my shoulder. She lets out a little sigh making me rock us back and forth. That's one thing that Ava and I have in common, we love to sleep.

I place her in the middle of my bed and quickly make my way to Ava's room. I grab her swinger bassinette and go back into my room. I put the bassinette at the side of my bed and put Ava in there. I put the swinger on for an hour and she sits there staring above her at the moving elephants, flowers, cats, and dogs.

My phone buzzes again and I pick it up placing it on vibrate so if Ava does fall asleep, It wouldn't wake her.

I am going to bring you lunch with the rest of the gang- Christina

Cool- Tris


I am not a Pansycake!- Uriah

Sure- Tris


Curse Maternity leave, jk. I'm so lonely even Bud said that he wants to kill himself. - Tori

Hah! Don't worry I will pop in sometime to visit- Tris


Pretty good, at the control room with Zeke- Four

Cool- Tris


When I am finished I look up to see Ava's eyes closed making me do a little victory dance. I step out of my clothes and put on a pair of calf-high yoga pants with a sports bra and tank top. I pull my hair into a ponytail and I slip on a pair of tennis shoes and place a baby monitor by Ava while I take the other one with me to the living room where I do a quick exercise.

I do 2 sets of crunches, 1 set of push-ups, 3 sets of jumping jacks. Then I repeat it twice and finish off with relaxing yoga. I have about five minutes until Lunch hits and Ava is still asleep so I take that time to take a quick shower. I basically jump straight out after I finished cleaning because there is knocking at my door.

I throw on some clothes without drying off and I run do the door opening it so whoever it is won't wake up Ava. I swing the door open and you would have never guessed who was standing there with a sad look upon their face. . . Al.

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