~Chapter 69~

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[Tris' Point of View]

Christina's wedding was perfect. Everything that we had planned to do was what we got. Ava did a good job walking down the aisle dropping the flowers. The only way she would get down the aisle is if I stood at the bottom of it for her to walk to me. I could tell Tobias was really into the wedding, watching his friends/former Initiate students getting married.

"Ava, babygirl." I sing as I walk around the apartment, I was trying to teach her the concept of hide-n-seek, but she kept getting it confused with peek-a-boo. Instead, she she just laid on her back, placing her small hands over her eyes and left me to go 'find' her. I just walked around the apartment, calling after her. "Found you!" I shout playfully getting on the floor with her. I kiss all over her face and pull her to me where she giggles. I stand up eventually and take her to the kitchen were I place her in her booster seat.

I place the oven on and wait for it to preheat and I pull out some of Ava's food. She eats some scrambled eggs, and fruit while I pop a casserole that Christina and I prepared early in the week before Christina and Will locked their selves in their apartment for their pre-honeymoon. They are supposed to go to a bit of every faction to do some type of honeymoon thing, Max's gift of course. Man, he is really nice to be a Dauntless Faction leader.

I hear the door shut just as I scoop up some food on a plate, Tobias' is in the microwave, "Hey." I greet Tobias, standing up to kiss him. He pecks me back and runs his hands down his face.

Ava squeals at him when he sits at the table, he gives her a small smile and grabs her small fork out of her hand and starts helping her by feeding her, "Rough day?" I question placing Tobias' plate in front of him, he nods his head and I sit back down noticing how quiet he is right now. I hope that crazed girl, Emma is not sending her 'threatening' letters again. I doubt that she will be able to get into the Faction, I keep trying to tell Tobias that but he won't listen to me. I know that Tobias is taking it rough because he is really buff, way more than usual. Not that I'm complaining.

"Tobias, don't be down because she wants what I have. Or, what she thought she had. I am getting tired of seeing you down in the dumps, I don't want you to get so depressed because of some Ex." I tell him suddenly as he doesn't even touch his food and continues to feed Ava.

"I'm not down in the dumps." He retorts looking a bit upset. His face calms briefly, "I just don't want you getting hurt or Ava, so I am trying to be more alert." He says with a huge sigh and stands to his feet, pacing back and forth. "What would I do if Ava or you got hurt because of me? It would be all my fault because I couldn't keep a simple girl away from you."

"Tobias, it's not that serious. She isn't going to get into the Faction. Max has way too many guards at every premises, I don't even know how we succeeded going out that day." I say with a slight chuckle of my crazed boyfriend, "Ava and I are fine, just leave it alone." I tell him placing my fork down.

"No, Tris, I can not just leave it alone. She is after you and Ava. She sent me a letter today again, do you want to read it yourself! She keeps telling me that she is getting closer to the compound, that she will get through our friends before you. She wants you gone and out of my life, she tells me that she is willing to do anything to get to you. Are you not seeing that? Of course you don't you didn't go out with her for two years straight!" He says and it feels like my heart just dropped in my stomach, it took forever to get with him and yet he brings up the fact of how he went out with Emma? I mean, of course he did but it still hurts my heart to know that he did. He lets out a sigh when he see's my face, "I'm going out." He says leaving the room slamming the door behind him.

"Da-da?" Ava questions, looking like Eric with her eyebrows furrowed. I let out a sigh, lifting her up, "No sweetie, that isn't your daddy."


I lay in bed, looking out of my window that has a view of the city. I am lucky enough to get a room that isn't underground like some of the people, like Zeke and Shauna. I hear the door slam loudly and I groan, hoping that Tobias didn't wake up Ava. I sit up in bed as the bedroom door opens harshly, "Tobias?" I question.

"What?" He spits walking towards the bathroom with the door still open, the light illuminating in the dark bedroom, he turns on the sink and stares at the water for a while before he bends down, cupping his hands to splash it on his face. Something seems off about him.

The light cuts off and he stumbles his way to the bed, and sits on top of it. I can smell the alcohol radiating off from him, "Are you drunk?"

"Are you?" He questions pulling off his shoes.

"No." I spit at him hastily, crossing my arms over my chest since I have one of his shirts on.

"Exactly." He slurs taking his shirt off and I sigh rolling my eyes, getting under my covers. I huff and place my arms over my chest as he gets under the covers as well.

"Idiot." I murmur turning away from him. He mutters something about me before I close my eyes.

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