~Chapter 21~

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"Have a nice time?" She spits angrily at the both of us and I grab ahold of Four's arm and he turns to me, I widen my eyes and turn back to Emma and smile just to piss her off even more.

"If you would excuse me, we need to finish whatever is about to start a little bit later because I really have to pee." I say and I just love seeing her face getting all flustered from being angry at me.

Eventually I am able to get to the bathroom and relieve myself, I felt so great afterwards that the smile on my face was evident. Now, I was craving cake and I knew I wasn't going to sleep tonight without my cake.

I turn the corner to go to the pit and I see everyone standing there but Emma and Four were no where to be found, I guess they were arguing and Four wanted to save his relationship even if he told me that he didn't see their relationship going anywhere.

"The baby wants cake." I announce placing my hands on my belly and Uriah smiles slinging his arm around my shoulder and sighs happily.

"I can tell me and this baby are going to be good friends."

I laugh and throw his arm off of me, "Shut up."

We take off our stuff and place our stuff away so it wouldn't look crazy that a group of people in big jackets covered in left over snow that was starting to melt from the heat in Dauntless. We met back in the pit and we made our way back to the canteen where no one was. I had on a pair of thermal leggings with a black long-sleeve shirt that showed off my belly and a cardigan with slipper boots.

It was a few people still talking and eating but most people were gone, I went through the line and asked the canteen ladies for a piece of cake since most of the food was put up but people who came after hours had a chance to eat.

I asked for the biggest piece she could find and let me tell you, it was huge. I went to the fridge and grabbed a plastic bottle of milk and made my way back to a table where my friends were sitting at. I placed my plastic fork in the warm cake that was sitting on the plastic plate and I took a bite and moaned.

"Dauntless cake would never get old." Lynn moans and I take a sip of my milk and Uriah walks to our table holding a plate with a frown on his face.

"That canteen lady is prejudice against non-pregnant people. I asked for the same size as Tris and she gave me half the size." He says sitting down but eating the cake.

"That is still big, Tris is just greedy." Zeke jokes and I roll my eyes laughing and then I rub my belly.

"I knew I wasn't going to go to sleep well tonight if I didn't eat any." I say with a laugh and Christina nods her head rapidly.

"Please, get all the stuff you want now before you call me. Remember when I get pregnant you owe me big time." She says and I laugh biting more into my cake. Then the double doors open and I tense up expecting Emma walking full speed towards me but instead I see Peter.

"Ah, Tris, just the stiff I was looking for." He says with a fake smile walking towards and we all groan loudly purposely showing how much we love Peter Hayes, not!

"I just wanted to let you know that Emma is seething and I am guessing because of you and Eric wants to talk to you." He says and then walks to the fridge and I furrow my eyebrows. I could care less if Emma is mad at me, I want to know why Eric wants to see me.

"What does he want?" Shauna rolls her eyes and I shrug my shoulders, confused.

"Well he can wait because the baby is getting upset because I wont eat this cake." I say then smile and Marlene throws her arms around my neck.

"Your pregnancy glow is so adorable."

"It's hard to think you came from Dauntless, Marlene." I hear Lynn say and we burst out laughing at that, I always used to think that. Marlene was probably the sweetest Dauntless member I met and there isn't very much of the kind people in Dauntless. But, that is expected.

After eating we part our ways, Uriah went with Marlene to the store, Lynn went home because she had work in the morning. Shauna and Zeke went to the Dauntless Arcade, and Christina and Will went to their special spot. I don't know where that is but I know they spend a lot of time together.

I climb the steep steps carefully as I go to Eric's office that is located a few doors down from Max. I knock on his door hoping that he is here because I just walked up a flight of steps. I hear him mumble to come in and I roll my eyes letting all of my anger out first, then I open the door and step inside into his dim lit office.


"Have a seat please." He says looking over some papers and I sit down on the chair that looks comfortable but feels like bricks, I hate illusional chairs. It looks all soft but feels like you are sitting on a tree type of chair, I hate those.

I am guessing that he wants to talk about how one of the guards got knocked out, or why were none of my friends or I around all day even asked if we snuck out but it was all different.

"Initiation, Initiation is coming up in late June, and I want to touch basis with you. I know you are wondering why am I coming to you in the beginning of December when Initiation doesn't start in six months, well because there is a lot to cover." He says and I sigh, wanting to just go home and sleep. I drank milk and ate warm Dauntless cake. That is enough to make anyone fall asleep instantly, but the fact that I am pregnant and played in the snow is just making it worse. "It's easier to get it done now, than be delayed when the time comes and barely have enough time to prepare."

"Don't worry, I know you are tired but I will hopefully be able to get you tomorrow during lunch or dinner with Four, Lauren, and Zeke but since you are new I will be hosting you and Four meetings because I am assuming you are training the Initiates and not the Dauntless born's."

"But you are a leader, do you normally train the Initiates?" I ask sitting on the edge of my chair to get ready to go.

"No, I just did last year's group because we were short one person. Hopefully I will be able to do pop-in's this year but I won't be training." His voice is normally cold, which makes me shiver. He is so emotionless and talks to me like I am not important, like I am not carrying his child. Nonchalantly.

I think he just needs a significant other, especially when lovers day comes up in February he will be lonely and so will I but I have family and friends. I don't think he has either.

I nod and stand up hoping to leave as soon as possible but I stop with a little smile forming on my lips, maybe this will make Eric feel more. . . human.

"Want to feel something?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders looking down at his papers, I don't know if that was a yes or no but I took it as a yes. I grab his hand and place it on the lower part of my belly where the baby has been kicking constantly. I guess since the baby found a way to kick me he or she would never stop.

It's like learning a new trick. You learn how to do it and won't stop for a long time because you are so happy that you are able to do that trick. Same with kicking for babies.

"Do you feel that?" I ask as the baby kicks me hard right where his hand is and I wince biting my lip, it is a joyous thing to feel but it sure is hell painful sometimes.

"Uh, no." He says and pulls his hand away shuffling his papers again.

"I'll try next time then, bye." I say leaving. I know that Eric felt the baby kick because I sure as hell felt it. He doesn't want to give into the fact that he is going to be a father, whether the baby is with him or not when he or she gets here. But he will always have the title as the father until I find a significant other. I mean he would still be the father, blood father, but not in custody if I say so and we get papers signed.

He just needs to man up, that's all.

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