~Chapter 76~

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I take Ava in the line with me as I look around searching for those venom green eyes, I know he has to be behind this. He hates my girlfriend for no apparent reason so I know that he had to pitch in somewhere. It just makes me so upset because I want Tris here with me holding her daughter in her arms while we both choose our breakfast foods, then I want to be able to propose to her, I want to be able to have kids with her and go to Candor to be Ava's official father instead of Eric. 

I get myself some toast and Ava some fruit, eggs, and I decide to share my toast with her. I go to the fridge and set her down on the ground so she is standing beside me, I grab her a small bottle of apple juice and myself a bottle of water. She holds her apple juice with pride as we go to our table, all of our friends are quite which isn't the usual them. 

I told Zeke to tell them about Tris this morning because I didn't want to discuss it in front of Ava, how in the hell am I going to do this alone? I have to be hard and serious while trying to find my girlfriend but I have Ava in my arms asleep. This isn't going to work. Tori is working harder due to Tris being gone, and Christina has to work in the infirmary with Will. I need Zeke and Uriah to help me, and all of the girls are working. That means I need Eric's help. 

Today is not my day. 

"Hey guys." I say cheerfully which is totally out of character for me, the all eye me weirdly and I dart my eyes down to Ava who is intently looking at each one of our friends. She is just like her mother, smart. Not to mention that her idiotic father is from Erudite. 

"Hey Four, what's up man?" Will scratches the back of his head, straining with each word and we give him a look, he isn't hiding it at all. 

 I roll my eyes at him and place Ava on the bench and sit down beside her, I am beside Lynn. I help Ava start out on her food and I break half of my toast off giving it to her. "Any new information?" Lynn ask quietly beside me while chewing on a biscuit.

"No," I shake my head with a sigh, "I noticed that Peter isn't here so that might trace back to T-R-I-S, I am going to Factionless and see if. . ." I trail off, knowing that I am in too deep. They can't know about Evelyn. Hell, they can't know about Marcus. I can't just tell them that even though my mother portrayed herself as a dead woman in Abnegation to get away from my abusive father, I still talk to her. Barely, once I finished Initiation I stopped talking to her and I want to know if she know's anything. And, I know that Molly and Drew aren't here in Dauntless anymore and they didn't like Tris either. 

Eric walks into the canteen and I breath out a sigh of relief, for once he is saving me from telling everyone my plans. I have time enough to think what I am going to say before I get back to the table, "Watch Ava for me please." I stand up from the table, swinging my leg over the wooden bench and follow Eric to the line. "Eric, we need to talk." I say and he turns around, his grey eyes hard and cold. The same color as Ava's but different feelings. 

"Why?" He asks tightly as the serving lady places slices of turkey bacon on his small plate. 

"It's about Tris and it's pretty bad." 

"Meet me at my office in five minutes." He gets out of the line and walks away. I get out of line and go back to the table where my friends are talking to Ava and she is blabbering back to him. I notice chocolate frosting on the tip of her nose and crumbs on the side of her mouth. I give Uriah a look and she turns to me and I see frosting on her cheek. 

"Idiot." I say grabbing a napkin from the table to wipe her face off, "You don't give a one year old cake this early in the morning." 

"Don't try to dodge the situation about T-R-I-S, Four. You were telling us something about the Factionless." Christina says obviously upset that her bestfriend isn't here at the current moment and we can't find her. 

"Right, I was just going there to see if Drew or Molly knew anything and to see if Peter is there, he isn't here this morning and that is unlike him. I have a meeting with Eric to tell him, believe it or not, I need his help on this one. I need to look past our differences and try to seek guidance on trying to find my girlfriend." I say standing up to my feet, "Does anyone have to work today?" Most of them nod their heads except Marlene. 

"I don't have to work today, do you need anything?" 

"Yes, do you mind watching Ava for me today while I try to figure out some things?" 

"Sure, that is fine with me." Marlene nods her head and gives me a small smile, "I won't let Uriah get close to her." 

Everyone at the table laughs except for Uriah, but I can tell it isn't a true laugh like it would normally be with Tris. I bid my goodbyes and kiss Ava on the head and rush out before she actually notices that I am gone. I go up to Eric's office and knock on his door. 



It feels like I've been here for years and I'm sure its only been a day or two, I barely get food or even get to take a shower. My wrist are raw and sore from these chains rubbing against them and my muscles are sore from sitting in the same position for hours. Drew would take me to the bathroom sometimes and stand outside the door, it's not like I could escape because there are no windows or openings. 

Evelyn came in a few times to try and talk to me about Tobias, then Emma came out and revealed herself. She told me that she wasn't the one sending the letters, it was Evelyn the whole time and she had to write it in Emma's point of view so Tobias would fall into her tricks. 

I think I finally know where I am at now, I'm not at the factionless because the wood here is too fresh and we aren't underground. We aren't in Abnegation because there is a splash of color here and Evelyn is too much of a coward to go back there, Erudite is out of the picture because it is still a little bit too dirty in here for it to be Erudite and I found out that Evelyn hates Jeanine Matthew's guts. I defiantly know we aren't in Dauntless, and Candor is out of the picture because there isn't a lot of black and white tiles or anyone barging in. So, that leaves one place. . . Amity. The wood is fresh and it smells amazing every time I get a whiff of fresh air. 

I need to find a way out and get back to Dauntless, or even the actual compound of Amity and get them to get these crazy fools, my head sits up at sound of the door opening. Peter walks in, Drew nods at him and leaves the room, "Come on stiff, time to take a shower." Peter says walking towards me and taking the restraints off of me and I stretch my arms in legs out wanting to collapse on the floor and go to sleep in a comfortable position instead of being upright in this chair. 

"I can tell Evelyn came from the faction Abnegation, she is so selfless. Like someone I know." Peter retorts look at me from the side of his eye, "She is letting you shower and gave you a change of clothes and toothbrush. Obviously you are going to be here for a while." He shoves me into a the room where I used the bathroom where there is a shower. I don't give Peter a smart remark because I know he is willing to go against Evelyn's orders and put me back in the restraints. He's evil like that. 

I just quickly get into the bathroom and shut the door leaving him out, I shower letting the hot water flow down my tense body and I can't help but to break down. Tears slowly fall out of my eyes as I think that I will never see my baby girl again, I look past my Abnegation and Dauntless tattoo's on my shoulder and look at Ava's name written on me. I miss my baby girl so much, and every time I look at Evelyn, I think of Tobias. 

I wash my face off and quickly turn of the water when Peter barges in and rushes me, I make sure the door is shut before I step out into the cold air and I instantly get dressed in the oversized underwear and sweatpants with a large red shirt. I slip on the socks and my old boots and I pull my wet hair into a ponytail with my old scrunchie. This is so much better than the bloody, sweaty, dirty clothes before. 

I brush my teeth and then I leave the bathroom. Peter grabs my arm roughly and I grunt at the action, "Let's go stiff, Emma wants to have a little chat with you." He starts dragging me down the hall and fear goes through my body making me rigid, she's going to kill me. . . she's that crazy. 

He opens a door to a room where it looks like they have all of their conference and sits me down in a chair roughly and turns around Emma, in the large chair giving me a wicked smile. Peter smiles at me wickedly and shuts and locks the door. "Let's get down to business stiff." Emma sets a knife down on the table and my heart instantly sinks. 


not edited, almost 2,000 word chapter. Just for you! Sorry for the delay. 

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