~Chapter 41~

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Ava cries loudly as I try to change her diaper. For her to be two weeks she sure does have a set of lungs on her. Ava squirms and cries even louder when I start to wipe her. While she was sleeping I decided to take a nap since I had did all of my normal chores and managed to take a shower.

When I woke up she was screaming and crying and I instantly jumped up and she was red and really pissed off at me.

"I, uh, made the bottle." Four says running into the room with a bottle in his hand with a half of cup of milk in there. While I was on my way running into Ava's room from the kitchen there was a knock at the door. I opened it and just ran to Ava's room without looking, I didn't care who it was as long as I got to my baby. Then, I realized how dangerous that was when Four walked into the room so I just made him go make a bottle.

"Thanks, you can set it on her dresser." I say hoping that he doesn't sense the fact that I am about to break down. Being a mother is very hard and frustrating at moments. There are good times but some times I really would like a break, I am only sixteen and I don't know everything. Sometimes I still have to refer to baby books or call my mom. It's hard doing it on my own.

"I'll um, be out there." Four says and I nod my head while he leaves, I never did ask why he is here.

"You should be hungry." I tell her as I grab the bottle off of the dresser and sit down in the rocking chair pulling her nursing pillow out for her to be comfortable. I run the tip of the bottle in the bottom of her lip and she stops whining and opens her mouth so I can place the bottle in.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to her running my finger down her face and she looks back up at me with those beautiful grey eyes with blue specks. "I'm not the best mother." I say with small tears forming in my eyes. Usually around this time with Ava being two weeks I start to be 'in the blues' because I really can't do anything. I am going stir crazy looking at these walls over again, then when Ava has a meltdown that just adds to it.

"Are you okay?" I hear Four say from the doorway and I look up at him nodding my head.

"Sorry-" I say wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. So much for making it noticeable. "I'm-I-I just starting to loose confidence that's all, I really don't think I am the best mother." Why am I telling him this?

"You are better than most sixteen year old mothers." He smiles and pushes himself off of the doorway with his arms crossed and squats down beside me to look at Ava. "She's beautiful, just like you."

I start to feel my face heat up from the complement but then it instantly cools down. I don't want him to make me all blushy and happy with his comments and then I feel bad when I see his arm wrapped around Emma.

"Thanks." I murmur bashfully and move the rocking chair back and forth. "Not for this to sound rude, but, why are you here?"

"Oh, I was done working in the control room and Emma wasn't around so I decided to pay you a visit." He says and my face falls and I give him a look while his eyes widen. "Crap, that sounded bad. I mean-I-I mean that I wouldn't have to worry about her going all crazy. I enjoy spending time with you, Tris." He smiles at me and I chuckle.

"I enjoy spending time with you too." I say with a small chuckle.

Before I could say something Ava unlatches from the bottle and tries to turn her head in the best way to Four's voice.

"Ah!" She says and I chuckle handing Ava to Four with the burping cloth.

"Good luck." I say with a wink and I stand up grabbing her clothes basket. After Four burps her I leave to go sort my clothes and her clothes together and then I leave to go to the utility closet where the washing machine and dryer. I put the first load in with soap and I turn it on the perfect settings and just when I turn around I see Four Ava in his arms sucking on a pacifier.

"Luckily she didn't puke on me." Four says with a smile and goes into the living room and sits down on the couch and I sit beside him.

"You know what's great, the fact that she doesn't cry with you. Usually some people like Tori or Uriah she would whine even Christina sometimes but not really you. It must be the height that she likes." I say running my hand down Ava's faint blond curls.

"Are you nervous for Initiation?" Four asks holding Ava close to his chest. I would have never guessed that the hard, cold, mean Four would have a soft side for little Ava. He really needs to teach Eric to be more like him because I like this side of Four.

"Not really, I'm more worried about not being with Ava. I've never been separated from her since she's been born and since I haven't left her for long periods of times she's never been with anyone."

"Where is she going again?"

"She's staying with Christina until we wrap it up around lunch. She is meeting us at the canteen and then going to go to work."

"The tours shouldn't take long, especially if everyone keeps their mouths shut." Four says and I laugh lowly due to Ava's eyes droopy eyes as she lays her head on Four's chest and her body resting against his torso in her cute pale pink onesie with mittens covering her hands due to her always touching her face.

"We weren't that bad during our Initiation." I say and he gives me a look making me laugh and lightly touch his shoulder. "Well, at least I was good." He gives me another look and I playfully roll my eyes remembering when Christina was telling me that I have a death wish when I kept pestering him with questions.

Ah, this Initiation is going to be fun. . . hopefully.

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