~Chapter 31~

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[Four's Point of View]

Emma stands in our way with her arms crossed over her chest. She looks upset and then it seems like her whole temper changes when she sees my hand on Tris' lower back.

"Care to explain this one?" She spits hatefully standing up straighter with her eyebrows raised.

"You guys go ahead, I'll catch up." I tell the others and they all give me a glance and start helping Tris towards the Infirmary. I sigh with frustration and turn back to Emma who stands there looking pissed as usual.

"Why are you with her?" She snaps at me just as the others leave.

"What are you talking about? She's in labor."

"I have been looking all over for you, and you were with her the whole time!" She says angrily, her face turning red from trying not to scream or hit me.

"She has been in pain all week, why does she bother you? Look- Emma I'm not dealing with this right now. I have things I need to take care of whether you like it or not, I could care less. So run along to your friends and do whatever because I am not going to follow you home like a lost puppy. Excuse me." I say and walk past her heading towards the direction of the Infirmary.


My relationship with Emma started two years ago. Yes, it's been two horrible years of dating Emma. Well, it's been a good relationship it just seems like something is missing. So, I wouldn't call it horrible. She only changed when Initiation rolled around, when Tris fell from the roof landing into the net.

Zeke decided to do double dates again since he was madly in love with Shauna and she wouldn't even give him a side glance. . . as a lover since we were all bestfriends. He said that he needed a wing-man so he choice me like he always did. Usually the blind dates that he set me up with were totally down the earth, kind, pretty, smart- all the adjectives a guy wants to hear- in his mind. But really, they were horrible. Stuck-up, self-centered, rude, kind of on the dumb side, and were caked up with make up and stuffed in a tight outfit.

I only went on them because Zeke would have a b*th fit if I didn't. This particular one was different, the girl that I had, Emma was different. She asked about me, she let me talk, she did have a lot of make-up on but not over done like some girls. That was the best night ever and my first date where I didn't get a soda thrown on because I wasn't listening or because I offended someone.

Emma was the best girl friend, loving, kind, passionate. She gave me her all just as I gave her my all. Then early this year, something happened. She started to act different when she saw other girls, like some of the Initiates stare at me too long. She got upset at me because Tris sat beside me during her first lunch. Then after that day she has just been acting ruder than normal, always upset, and would accuse me of cheating on her with multiple Initiates. She didn't act like this when I trained the year before last.

Now, things are different and I don't like it. I just know that she needs to change her act. . . soon.

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