~Chapter 14~

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I stare at myself in the mirror as I apply eyeliner and almost take my whole eye out, I really hate make up. Today I am going to see if I could visit my parents and tell them that I am expecting. The thought had came to me when I had got sick this morning and then when I took a shower and noticed my bump.

I instantly knew that it was time for me to tell my parents because It was starting to become more noticeable and a few people already gave me a few glances. But, it really wasn't targeted to my stomach more of my appearance. My face started to look fuller, my breast were getting a little bit bigger, and my face was actually glowing. Which was the pregnancy glow.

So I'd rather tell my own parents, first, instead of my faction which I don't plan on doing. I know that eventually it will get noticeable since I am now starting my third month, and I have to go to my doctor's appointment tomorrow.

When I am finished I put on some pink tint lip balm and then lean back looking at my appearance. I look stunning for once, my hair was more vibrant and light due to the pregnancy which was a great addition. It is in a waterfall braid and my make up is simple with waterproof eyeliner and pink tint lip balm.

I have on a tank top with a black fuzzy sweater over top with a pair of black leggings and my combat boots. I even took it up an extra notch with black diamonds in my ears since I had got them pierced during initiation. It was Tori's present for making it through the first stage.

I shrug a jacket over my clothes and place my keys in my pocket along with my phone, I make sure that everything is off before I leave and when I do I turn off the coffee pot that I had on this morning and I shut and lock the door.

I know that I can't jump on the trains to go to Abnegation, so I have to ask for Max or someone to give me a ride so I can talk to my parents.

I knock on his office door silently praying that he will answer because I didn't get all dressed up for him not to even be in his office. He doesn't answer which kind of disappoints me but when I turn around I see Max behind me making me jump.

"Tris?" He says in surprise and I give a little wave.

"What can I do for you?" He says as he looks for his keys and opens his door. I step inside after him and take notice of the mess of paperwork on his desk, he sighs and starts shuffling them to become one pile.

"Well, I, uh need a ride. To Abnegation." I say kind of nervously as he looks up to me, I know what he is trying to say is Faction Before Blood but he doesn't understand how important it is.

"It is pretty important." I say running my hand over the top of my hair smoothing down it but I'm sure nothing is there.

"How important." He presses on as he sits down and places his elbows on the armrest of the rolling chair and places his fingertips together.

"Like 'I'm pregnant and one of the Dauntless leaders are the father but I hate him' important." I say like ripping the Band-Aid off I'd rather just go ahead and tell him instead of sugar-coating everything.

Max actually looks taken back and his face is nothing but shock. He wasn't expecting me to straight out tell him that, which is undermining me and I don't like that. 

"Fine, I will get Eric to take you." He says sounding like a judge making it's final call.

"What part of 'I hate the father' didn't you get." I say crossing my arms over my chest, and I start to think about how carefully I need to talk to him. He is the Dauntless leader.

"I have too much paperwork to take you as you can tell and I need the next person in line who could take you, I am going to ask Eric who cares if you guys talk. It seems like telling your parents is important, so that is final." Max says and I roll my eyes without thinking. He is like my Dauntless father figure and I think he can sense that too.

"Fine." I murmur and he smiles and nods his head. He grabs the walkie-talkie that was on his hip and clicks a button.

"Eric, I need you at my office pronto." He says and then I hear static like it's transmitting or something. 


Once Eric is here Max tells him that he needs to take me to Abnegation and the tension in here was really thick, I don't think I ever stood that close to Eric since I told him I was pregnant at three in the morning. Max just stood there as Eric walked out to go pull the car to the front.

"Congratulations, Tris. Just give me a call when you are ready" Max says as I walk out and I turn towards him nodding my head.


"And please tell Natalie hello for me." He says and I nod leaving out of his office making my way towards the exit. Sometimes it's hard to think that my mother came from Dauntless, out of all factions. So, hopefully today should would fully understand where I am coming from unlike dad.

The guards stop me as I try to exit out of the doors, so I get them to radio Max and he gives them the okay for me to leave. I give the three men a nasty look then leave, I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones but they seemed really rude to me.

I open the door to the all black, shiny, car and get inside. The smell of new leather hitting my nose, it is basically all black in here, black leather and black buttons and everything. It is actually nice.

Eric pulls off as I put on my seatbelt. I have never been in a car before but during school they would tell us how to properly drive a car and be sure to put on a seatbelt even if we never drove a car in our life.

Susan and Robert always used to offer Caleb and I rides to school on mornings but Caleb always denied for both of us which used to put me in a sour mood because on cold mornings I would have on my school outfit which was a plain, grey, dress that fell below my knees and I had white stockings to match.

And, to have the cold air hit my legs just added more fuel to the fire. I wish we could have got rides to school even if Mr. Black didn't use the heat because of the fact that Factionless doesn't get heat why should we, it's bad enough that they thought 'why should we even use cars' but it would save time and I could warm up in the school.

"How far along are you?" Eric's cold voice snaps me out of my trance as I stare out of the windows watching the scenery pass by quickly.

"Three months." I answer shortly as my hand caresses my small bump and he nods his head without looking towards me.

We really don't say much to each other, he just speeds down the road to the Abnegation Sector. Part of me is happy that is he driving quick so I could get out of the confinement with him and see my family but the other half is wishing he would speed down so we wouldn't crash, so I wouldn't have to face my parents so soon, so I wouldn't throw up from motion sickness.

"Slow down." I scold and he just hums pressing harder on the gas pedal making me give a sigh of frustration. He is so defiant that I definitely don't want my child around him, I can see me telling him to hold our son or daughter properly but he failed and let him or her fall to the ground.

I give him directions on how to get to my parents house and when he pulls to the front, I get out quickly and slam the door shut without thanking him, or giving him a wave or nod. I just walk to my parents grey door.

I sigh and bring my balled up fist to the wood and knock on it. The door opens and my mother stands there with shock written across her face.

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