~Chapter 20~

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Hey sis, how are things going. You should be at least five months now- Caleb

Things are going good right now, I just came from my appointment with all of my friends and they said that the baby is looking healthy but I should try to continue to eat healthy. Next visit I will find out the gender- Tris

Good, did you talk to mom and dad?- Caleb

Just got off the phone with them- Tris

Just wanted to check up, I am at work. I love you- Caleb

Love you too- Tris

Tell my niece or nephew hello too- Caleb

Lol, ok- Tris

I put my phone up and go back to my dinner which is a turkey sandwich, with roasted potatoes and sting beans. This time I was able to get my apple juice without getting soda thrown on me or someone taking it. Today everyone is sitting at our table even Four, except Emma.

"The baby looks like the shape of a deflected avocado." Uriah smiles biting into his sandwich as he looks at the ultrasound picture that is sitting in the middle of the table so we could all look at it.

I look up and glare angrily at Uriah along with the others.

"I mean, a very cute avocado." Uriah says with a mouthful of sandwich and he looks scared like we might fight him all at once, making me laugh, a very sarcastic laugh.

"What do you guys plan on doing after dinner?" Zeke says eating some cake and we all start telling him that we are going home, I am actually tired because, well, because I am pregnant.

"Good! Let's go for a walk and play in the snow!" He says clapping his hands and Will scoffs.

"Like they are going to let us out for a walk." Will says rolling his eyes as he eats some potatoes.

"I mean, we could go another way." Uriah says with a devilish grin on his face making me point at myself with an annoyed face written across my face.

"I'm pregnant, so anything you decide I most likely can't do." I say with a duh expression.

"True." Four says pointing to Zeke and Uriah with his index and middle finger.

"But I want to get some fresh air, I could distract the guards while you guys leave and I will climb up from the net with the bars and meet you around the front." Lynn says excitedly.

"How are you going to get down that is a far drop?" Shauna says worried about her little sister.

"I will find away, I did this plenty of times and if I left the same pieces up I could just use that."

"Guys, I don't know about this. What about Tris?" Four says with a skeptical look written across his face.

"I'm fine, I will just be the first person at walk out. We aren't going far right guys?"

"Right." Uriah and Zeke nod their heads.

"Don't say I didn't tell you so." Four grumbles eating some more cake.


After dinner we changed into something comfortable which was thermal leggings, sweatpants ,and a shirt with a jacket and boots. I had put a beanie on with gloves, a scarf, I had my phone and keys I my pocket. We made our way through the back way of the pit to get to the exit.

Lynn walked out in boots, leggings, jeans, a shirt, and jacket with a beanie on.

"Guys, Max is looking for you. Well, one of you so the other could guard the door." Lynn lied as one looked at her up and down but left.

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