~Chapter 34~

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"What are you doing here?" I spit at Eric with my arms over my chest. I would have never expected him to be here of all times, he practically hates me. . . he hates everyone because he is Eric.

"I don't know." He says sarcastically, "Maybe that you are in labor with my child." He spits and I roll my eyes.

"Oh really? Now, it's your child why didn't you say that eight months ago?" I say angrily and he rolls his eyes and shuts the door behind him.

"Look, I don't need to be worrying about a baby when I need to worry about a faction." He says in a quite, calm, deadly voice making an unpleasant shiver run down my spine.

"Then you wouldn't have got me pregnant, why exactly didn't you use protection." I say with a frustrated sigh. I would probably be hanging out with my friends around this time if I wasn't pregnant, not sitting in a bed with contractions that are a freaking killer.

"You said not too, why does it matter anyways."

I hate him so much.

"Nothing, Eric. Nothing at all, just the fact that I am sitting in a bed, with horrible contractions, at the age of sixteen is nothing wrong with that. Whether you like it or not, you are going to be a dad." I remind him and he rolls his eyes and probably thinks, 'what in the hell am I doing here anyways, I don't care about Tris or the baby.'

He doesn't say anything at all, he just gives me a cold glance and then leaves the room making me groan loudly in frustration and clutch my belly as a contraction hits hard.


It was hard sleeping through most of the night because of my contractions, they are horrible but I am still moving slower than a snail. I am now 6 centimeters dilated and the pain is horrible, to the point where I almost puked and then I had to get in the warm water and try to relax.

Now it is nearing eleven in the morning and no one has visited me except for the nurses hourly. I really hope that this pain will be over soon, I can't wait just to hold my little bundle of joy in my arms today-hopefully-.

I turn on my side hoping to relieve some of the pressure from my back and grip the handles of the bed closing my eyes and wheezing through the pain. Tears start to sting my eyes as the contraction lasts longer than expected. I bite my lip from crying out and place my head in the crook of my arm.

"You okay there?" I hear a deep voice that belongs to Four. I don't answer him, I just wait until the pain finally eases up and I let out a sigh turning to him with a sheepish grin on my face.

"Hey." I say wiping my eye even though tears didn't fall.

"How are you feeling?" He says setting two white Styrofoam cups on the nightstand beside me and then pulls the chair up to my bed.

"Like crap, I barely slept." I say with a whine slowly turning myself back to the side to stare at him.

"How many centimeters are you?" He asks handing me a cup that feels cold while his is steaming hot.



"I know right."

"Where are the others?" I ask looking in my cup finding ice and I almost groan and throw the cup across the room, I want real food. I should have eaten that burger yesterday when I had the chance.

"They are at the canteen, I left them and decided to visit you so I could be the first person here." He says with a smile then places his hand on the top of his chest with a scoff. "You don't like my company?"

"No, it's not that." I laugh, "Just wanted to know."

Then there is a long pause before either one of us says anything, just the TV playing faintly in the background.

"Eric came last night." I say and I look down at the white, cotton, blanket that is covering my hands and arms. I can just feel the anger radiating off of him.

"What did that bastard want?" He says angrily as I shove pieces of ice in my mouth to avoid talking to him. I shrug my shoulders at him and he places his cup down on the little portable tray thing and crosses his arms over his chest. "I can be just as stubborn."

I groan and place the covers over my head in hopes to get away from him. I start to close my eyes trying to force myself to go to sleep so I wouldn't have to talk to him about this and he gets all mad. I shouldn't have told him, but then he would have gotten upset if I didn't tell him.

He lifts up the blankets and gives me fake smile that a baby could detect and grabs my hand making me groan loudly and throw the covers off of me.

"He just wanted to 'check up' on me and then we got into an argument and he left without saying anything." I say swinging my feet off of the bed and he stands up just a contraction hits and I try my best to not punch him in the chest as he stands in front of me.

"Where are you going?" He asks as I move him out of the way and stand to my feet, mid-contraction.

"I need to walk around, these contractions are killing me." I say shrugging my robe over my shoulders that Christina brought back after everyone left, she even brought a pair of clothes, old clothes that I can fit.

"Well, are you allowed to?" He asks as I whine grabbing on to the cart that holds the wires of the little monitor thing around my belly. I slip on my slides from yesterday and start wheeling myself out of the door.

"Four, the way I am feeling right now doesn't even matter, I wish a nurse would say something to me." I say and he holds his hands up and moves out of the way from the exit of the door and lets me walk out.

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