~Chapter 37~

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When I first found out that I was pregnant I was upset, wondering how was I going to take care of a baby and set that person up for their life. My child's life is in my hands and I have to be a good mother for her to come out right. In Abnegation I would have never thought that I would ever drink, or loose my virginity but it all happened.

But when I was holding Ava in my arms, the world just stopped and it felt like it was just her and I. I knew that I was going to be there with her for every step of the way even when Eric wasn't. I really didn't accept the fact that I was pregnant, I tried to think of it as a dream and hope and pray that I wouldn't be pregnant when I woke up from this absurd dream.

Now, while I hold Ava in my arms I know that this is all a reality and I am happy that I am a mother to a healthy, beautiful, baby girl.

Ava Marie Prior was born on June 10 at 7:11. She is six pounds and four ounces and twenty-one inches long. She has little wisps of dirty blond hair and grey eyes for now, since babies don't really have their true eye color when they are first born.

"She is so adorable." Christina tells me as I hold Ava in my arms. She has on a diaper of course with this cute pale pink onesie with white polka-dots on them and a matching hat. She is also wrapped up in a pink blanket and is sleeping at the moment.

"I know right." I say with a smile and grab her little hand waving it at Christina and Marlene, "Did you say thank-you?" I joke in a baby voice and Marlene and Christina chuckle.

While Ava was being checked for hearing, weight, length, breathing and all of that. I delivered the afterbirth which was as equally as painful as pushing out Ava and he told me that I didn't need stitches which I am grateful for but I do need to take it easy and slow. Now, the nurses and doctors are gone since I signed her birth certificate and I let them know that I know how to breast-feed since I read the books and stuff they left me alone. They also told me that I can leave tomorrow and they let me sign my release papers in an advanced time so I could just let the front desk know that I am leaving.

"Do you want me to get everyone?" Marlene asks and I nod my head and she moves the bassinette for Ava out of the way and goes out of the door while Christina and I soak in Ava's features.

"Sorry to say it but she kind of looks like Eric. But, I also see some of you." Christina says and I scoff and run my fingertips over Ava's smooth cheeks. I really don't want to talk about Eric right now, he spoils everything and just giving him a thought puts me in a bad mood.

"Is that my grandchild?" I hear my mom whisper as she walks into the room with her hands clasped under her jaw with a huge smile on her face and she starts walking over to me and Ava.

"Yes." I say with a smile and everyone starts to crowd around the bed in a weird circle shape and start looking at Ava.

"She is so cute." Shauna gushes as Ava squirms a bit in my arms.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask my dad and he raises his eyebrows at me.

"You're mother can go first, since she is so eager." Dad jokes at my bubbly mother and I hold Ava out to her and she picks her up. Ava whines a little bit at the movement but after a good amount of time she relaxes in mom's arms.

My mom walks around the room rocking her while Dad follows her and they start bonding with their grandchild.

"Did it hurt?" Caleb asks and I look at him with a stare of disbelief.

"No Caleb." I say sarcastically. "Pushing a baby that is six pounds and four ounces that is twenty-one inches long out of a hole that is like the size of baby orange isn't painful. I thought you were Erudite."

"I just can't get passed the fact that I am a uncle, so just please give me time to get adjusted." He says with his arms wrapped around his chest.


I wake to the sound of crying and fussing. Already?

I open my eyes to see that Ava is in her bassinette crying and whining. What is wrong with her? Instead of looking at her with confusion I sit up and pull her in my arms and she continues to wail. I snap the little snappers off of the bottom of her onesie and look at her diaper and she isn't wet or pooped.

I fed her after everyone left last night and she cried around six in the morning so I changed her diaper so she might be hungry now. I pull the top of my gown down and look at the door to see it closed, I help her latch on and just for good measure I put her blanket over top of her head just in case someone decides to 'drop by'.

Thank goodness I did because less that ten minutes after she latched on the door opens and Four steps inside with Zeke, Christina, Marlene, Uriah, Lynn, Shauna, and Will behind him.

"Hi!" Christina waves happily and sits at the food of the bed with her legs crossed. "Ready to go home?"

I furrow my eyebrows looking at the time to see that it is nine in the morning.

"This early?" I ask in disbelief and I wince from Ava sucking. This is actually very painful.

"I mean, sure, I-we thought that you would want to be home." Four says and I do nod my head, I haven't been home for hours, almost a whole two days.

"Sure, just give me a few minutes to get myself and Ava ready." I say trying to give them a hint for the boys to get out of the room. I raise my eyebrows at them and Will seems like to get it first since he said 'oh' he grabs the boys' shirts and they exit the room.

"We brought the car seat judging that you forgot to get it." Lynn says holding up the car seat that is put together and I smile at them for being such thoughtful friends. After I finish feeding Ava and burping her I help her get dressed in a black onesie with brown paw-prints on them.

Marlene helps me take a quick shower and I put on what Christina brought for me, Yoga shorts with a black tank top, and zip up hoody. I pull my hair into a messy bun and slip on some shoes. I walk out to see Ava in Shauna's arms and Marlene, Christina, and Lynn crowding around her.

"Aw," I coo with a chuckle. "Where is my phone?" I say and grab it off of the nightstand and take a picture of all five of them. We get everything straight in the room and I get Ava in her car seat and strap her up. I make sure I have all of my things and we start to make our way back to my apartment.

a/n: Fourtris coming soon!

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