~Chapter 47~

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Broken up? As in split up and hopefully never returning. Great, now I sound like a crazed teenager talking about a boy that she met in the pit and has posters hung up all around her room kissing them before she goes to bed. I am kind of like that crazed teenager, if I could I would have a life size pillow with Four's face on there.

There is no denying that I have don't have feelings for him. I try to push the thoughts of Emma telling me that I am a plain, stiff, that is a mother away and try to focus on the good aspect of things. Who would want to have a girlfriend who has a child that isn't even your's, better yet, your enemy's child.

As I walk through the pit slowly going back to the training room I reply Christina and I's conversation.


"Broken up? What do you mean b-"

"Broken up as in not getting back together, as in past tense. As in they are both single and ready to mingle, as-"

"Yeah, I get it Christina."

"Well. . . this is the perfect chance for you to run from first base to second and try to make him the father of Ava permanently."

"Chris- no I don't even think that he is thinking about that. He just got out of a long term relationship and me running up to him asking him out immediately. Plus, I am just a plain, boring, teen-mom, stiff."

"No you are not, Will back me up on this one. You are anything but plain--"


"Far from boring--"


"And indescribably beautiful in every which way possible--"

"--Hit it right on the head."

"Don't listen to the psycho Emma and follow your heart. I know being a mother is tough and there are many situations to handle but you do a hell of a job handling them. Now get back in that training room and start mingling with him."


Now I am thinking about all of the negative things Emma has ever said to me and move them aside and make room for the positive. Right now there is one thing floating around in my mind: Why didn't he tell me? That is why he has been acting all moody and quiet lately. . . more than usual.

He got all pissed and upset at the fact that I didn't tell him that I was pregnant and ignored me for almost two weeks. I was highly upset when I found out that he and Emma are broken up. . . from Christina of all people. I would have loved to hear it coming from his mouth. I don't know how to take this. Should I walk in there and use his words against him, 'When were you going to tell me that you and Emma are broken up?' or should I just wait until he decides to tell me.

I like option two better because after a while then I would be able to use option one and ask him that question. I am in deep thought that I think it is deeper than the Chasm right now and I don't even notice Emma sitting on one of the rocks outside of the tattoo parlor since she is working double shifts until I come back.

She glares at me and I think that she was actually going to get up and try to hurt me the way she kept shifting in her seat. But then she just gave a long sigh and smiled wickedly at me and tuned her attention to a person who just sat beside her.

I go to the training room thinking that Emma is going to think that I am the cause of her break up and then she is going to try to hurt me, hurt Ava. Then all hell would break loose and then I would become factionless, whatever keeps my daughter alive.

I open the door and go inside to see the Max and Eric are talking to Four, well Max is talking to Four while Eric wanders up and down the targets picking out the strong from the weak. This reminds me of my class almost a year ago when he made Al pick up the knives. I smile absentmindedly touching the spot where Four cut me at, I don't have a scar but it still has the tingling feeling from the first time.

I run my hand through my hair thinking that it would look weird for me to walk into the training room touching my left ear.

"Tris, how are things?" Max greets me happily clasping a hand on my shoulder.

"Good, how are you?" I ask and he nods his head.

"Alright I suppose. I forgot to tell you that your Mom called this morning wanting to talk to you, she called from the council office and she said call her around three to four tomorrow afternoon to catch up." Max says and I nod my head smiling, I would love to talk to my family and let them know how their grandchild is. Caleb and I try to talk on a daily basis and he said that he wants to visit me here in Dauntless and I can visit him in Erudite when Ava gets a tad bit older like around a month or so.

"Thanks." I say and he nods his head and starts walking up and down the row of Initiates and then I see him talking to a few so I direct my attention back to Four.

"How were they?" I ask Four and he nods his head shaking it from side to side.

"They were okay, still need some training." He says and I nod my head.

"That's expected."

"Why weren't you here?" Eric says as Four crosses his arms across his chest.

"Tending to our daughter needs, something you wouldn't know how to do." I say coldly to him and I swear I saw smoke coming from Eric ears like some cartoon show.

"Well, the person who is watching the child should be able to do that. You need to be here so you can help the other children who life depends on you." Eric says stepping closer to me, yeah I might be five feet even but I can still be bold.

"If you are going to address her as 'The child' then don't talk about her at all. Her name is Ava, the father should know their child's name in the life or not. Ava needed to be comforted by her mother, so I took my time out to actually take care of her like a good mother is supposed to do and a father but who knows what he does now-a-days." I say sarcastically.

"This is your job and I expect you to work to the fullest-"

"Then fire me." I cross my arms over my chest as Four looks totally uncomfortable and taken back by my bold words, I am so angry that I don't even know where this whole argument came from. "I have another job that will benefit me and my daughter enough. I think that being a mother is more important than a job. So go ahead Eric, fire me, right now." I say and Max walks over to us.

"You guys are doing a hell of a job with the Initiates they look good, I-" Max says happily and turns his head back to us. "What happened?"

"Meeting about the Initiates this afternoon after dinner in my office, I expect a full report on each Initiate. Be there or not, I could care less." Eric says and brushes past me making me move a little bit. I roll my eyes and walking over to the Initiates to help them out. I hear Max ask Four what happened but I am too pissed to even function right now.

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