~Chapter 48~

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"Hi baby!" I smile lifting Ava out of the stroller that Four provided her with and I kiss lovingly all over her face. Ava is the only one who can bring me out of a horrible mood out of anyone, her smiles will light up a whole room and make anyone smile. I am so happy that she isn't moody like her father.

"How was she?" I ask as Ava smiles at me and hooks her little fingers in my mouth as I support the back of her head with my fingers and palm.

"She was pretty content when she woke up, she wasn't very hungry. She just stared at the television while Chris and I did some paperwork for work tonight." Will says placing his fork down from his salad.

"I really appreciate it guys, I know that I am making you work later shifts but I really appreciate it." I smile at them as I move my head away from Ava's fingers. Christina and Will usually go to work right after lunch before the Initiates came but since they came they go to work after dinner or Will or Christina would take turns after lunch to get a head start so it wouldn't be a lot of work when the other one comes.

"No problem, it gives us a little more time to sleep and get through files and paperwork while she sleeps. I am going to hate with the Initiates training is over." Christina rolls her eyes.

"Now that the Initiates are here, we really have to be on alert so they wouldn't leave the compound unauthorized, it is so. . . annoying." Lynn rolls her eyes, frustrated of course and continues eating her steak. I see Four give me a side way glance and I give him a weak smile. He is thinking of the time when I left the compound to visit my brother and talk about life but that same night I was attacked by Drew, Al, and Peter. I can never look at the three the same anymore.

That night was terrifying and I was really sitting on a fine line of giving up and fighting, I was so fortunate for Four coming and saving me. I wouldn't be eating dinner with my friends now or holding my precious baby girl.

"What are your plans tonight?" I hear Christina ask me but my eyes are locked on the person who just walked into the Canteen looking highly upset; Emma. She storms over to our table and leans down and whispers something harshly into Four's ear. He turns around and gives her a stern look and I see her cower back only a little bit, I see him mouth something and her whole facial expression changes to extremely pissed now. She looks up and tries to shoot daggers with her eyes at me and my baby.

She turns around and stops the same when she came back in, out. That is when I notice Christina's olive skin hand waving in my face and Ava's loud noises make me come back down to reality. I see Uriah making faces at Ava and Christina trying to get my attention.

"I said what are you doing tonight?" Christina asks swallowing her meat as Uriah asks to hold Ava. I hand her over and direct my attention back to Christina shrugging my shoulders.

"I am going to give Ava a bath an- crap," I face palm myself, "I have a meeting with Eric."

"Really?" Christina says taken back. "Why?"

"Initiates." Four says and I turn my attention to Ava who has her hand in her mouth moving her legs back and forth in Uriah's arms as Marlene talks to her in a baby voice.

"I guess Ava is going to have to come with us." I say and Zeke scoffs.

"Talk about awkward."

"That's what I'm saying." Shauna backs her boyfriend up.

"Well, I don't have anyone else to watch her. You guys have to go back to work for your last shift, but it isn't a problem." I say as Uriah hands me back Ava and I look in her diaper bag for a wipe to wipe her hands off. "When was the last time she ate?" I ask Christina and she looks at the silver and diamond watch on her wrist that she got from Will on the ranking day for a little 'Congratulations we made it through fights and learning how to use weapons now we are full fledged members of Dauntless.' gift.

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