~Chapter 64~

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"I got these for you," I tell Tobias as I sit on our bed revealing my new tattoos, "I added two ravens to my collection, one Ava and one for you and the heart with the infinity ring and 'T' in the middle symbolizes how long our relationship will last."

Tobias smiles brightly at me as he looks at the other tattoo on my other collard bone that says 'Ava Marie'.

"Tris," He whispers his fingers ghostly running their fingertips over the still red, tender, flesh. I smile at him giving a hug, "You didn't have to get that." He smiles at me.

"I know that materialistic things don't always have to show people how much they love each other, but I just thought that people should know that I am yours and only yours." I lean over for a kiss and he gives a low chuckle pulling me into him taking in a deep breath.

"I love you," He smiles at me, "So much."

"I love you too, Tobias. Even more than you think." We both flip to our sides and stare at each other with loving eyes. Our relationship is so cheesy sometimes that it almost seems like we are in a book, like with the cuddling while watching a movie while I fall asleep in his arms. Some of those things doesn't happen, but when they do. I don't take it for granted.


"Only a few more inches, Ava." I tell her holding her hand as she tries to walk. She is clutching on to Tobias' hands for dear life and he is helping her move forward. Tobias slowly let goes her hand and she falls to the ground, she still needs support before walking. Maybe we should work on standing first.

"I think that's enough training for today," Tobias smiles lifting Ava in the air blowing raspberries on her tummy and she smiles at him giving a small laugh. "How about we go to the Pit to get some ice-cream?" Tobias asks me and I nod my head at him smiling.

"That sounds perfect, I need a break from planning with Christina for her wedding." I tell him standing up making sure that Ava's stuff is straight and I shrug on lightweight cardigan over my red top and black leggings. I slip on my ankle boots and pull my hair into a bun. "Let's go," I tell them smiling and we leave the apartment going down to the pit. We go to 'Chilly's' the ice-cream shop that is really kid friendly but also mature enough for adults to spend time there.

"Welcome to Chilly's how may I help you?" The dauntless member says in a dull voice. She tries giving a weak smile to make her spirit brighter but she is no Amity.

Tobias turns to me so I decide to order for Ava, "1 small vanilla and. . . Red Velvet please." I tell her and move to the side while Tobias gets Dauntless cake flavored. We pay and move down. I know that he has an undying passion for Dauntless Cake, I want to surprise him one day when he comes home from working in the control room. Maybe one day for supper, I know that by the end of the week we have dinner plans with Hana and the boys.

We watch through the glass as the workers make our ice-cream orders and he hands them to us, we take a seat at a booth that is located near the windows so we can watch everyone walk around the pit, talking, shopping, laughing and enjoying themselves.

"This is delicious, thanks Tobias for thinking of such a good idea." I tell him smiling as I adjust Ava in my lap. I want her to sit with me instead of getting a booster seat, this is much easier. I take a small spoonful and place it in my seven month old baby's mouth. Her face scrunches up at the cold substance, she smacks her lips and opens her mouth again making me chuckle. "Someone likes ice-cream now." I laugh feeding her some more and I eat my ice cream.

Halfway through our delicious ice-cream, I see a few people running towards the direction of the Chasm, two boys are talking and a girl runs up to them animatedly telling them something pointing towards the direction of the Chasm and the boys look stunned. They both take off running towards the Chasm, "I wonder what's going on," Tobias tells me obviously looking towards the people leaving the pit, my heart starts beating rapidly at the thought of someone jumping.

"Want to go see what's happening?" I ask Tobias and he nods his head, we both throw our stuff away and I adjust Ava on my hip as we leave the ice-cream shop but Tobias stops a Dauntless member, he looks terrified and stops dead in his tracks.

"Do you know what happened?" Tobias asks and the boy nods his head.

"Someone jumped in the Chasm."

My heart starts beating even quicker than before and it feels like I want to fall out into the floor, images of my dream still haunting me. Tobias and I start walking towards the Chasm and the gang catches up with us, "What's happening?" Christina asks.

"Someone jumped." Tobias says and everyone gasps, we continue to make our way towards the Chasm and when we do we see two boys and two girls tugging on rope to pull the body up from the Chasm and I see that pale skin, and dead eyes I gasp. Al.

I quickly turn Ava so her face is pressed against my chest as everyone gasps, Al killed himself. Just like in my dream. I don't feel anything, I don't feel relieved, happy, glad, sad, upset, angry. I just feel numb. I don't have any emotions, not even mixed emotions.

No tears well up in my eyes, my heart stops beating in my ears, and I let out a deep breath.

"He's d-dead?" Christina questions surprised with small tears welling up in her eyes. I understand where she is coming from, he was Will and Christina's friend too. I see Peter staring into the Chasm and then to Al's body with a surprised, shocked, expression. I guess he wasn't expected his only friend to try to kill himself. . . and succeed.

"Wow," I hear Shauna say from behind me and Ava squirms in my arms. I don't say anything to anyone, I just turn around and head to the apartment still feeling numb. Crazy thoughts running in my head thinking. . . did he kill himself because of me?

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