~Chapter 7~

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I stare down at my plate shuffling my eggs around, not really consuming them due to my headache that is dashing across my brain from all of the thinking I did this morning.

This morning I had ran into Emma and she had 'confronted' me on certain situations that she assumed that she need to 'cover' with me.


I had just finished getting dressed in a pair of high waist shorts, a black crewneck, my leather jacket and converse. I decided to put my hair in a bun instead of a ponytail. I had grabbed my keys and phone and left making my way towards the canteen to meet my friends for breakfast.

I didn't need to work today, Emma was taking my usual morning shift and Blaze-another worker- was taking Emma, then Bud would relieve Blaze.

I was such in a good mood about my appearance and the fact that I am not sick anymore, I didn't notice the moving body towards the opposite direction making my shoulder hit their arm.

"I'm s-" I had started but I looked up to see Emma's angry eyes making a bit of my concern fly away, of course I didn't display that because I didn't need a show for the Dauntless this morning.

"Watch where you are going, stiff." She spits at me and my mouth starts moving before I could even process what I was about to say.

"Last time I checked, I made it into Dauntless." I say hoping she gets the fact that I am no longer an Abnegation Stiff.

"You better recognize who you are talking to." She says stepping closer to me and I look up into her cold brown eyes, she is at least three or four inches taller than me.

"I am talking to you, Emma." I say and I hold back the widen of my eyes from my bold talk, I would have gotten scolded back in Abnegation. But, for once it feels right to stand up for myself and not just put my head down. It makes adrenaline course through my veins.

"Just watch your back stiff, because I could ruin your whole life here in Dauntless." She says and brushes past me but turns around briefly to look in my eyes. "Stay away from Four, he is mines and he has no type of interest in a plain stiff like you."

With that she storms down the corridor making my heart unexpectedly sink, he doesn't care about me?


Now, I have been sitting here debating on my feelings towards Four. I mean I do like Four, but he has a girlfriend and like Emma said. He doesn't have any interest in me, I am a plain stiff. I fight hard to not believe what Emma said but how could I when she hit it right on the head, of course I would never admit that.

"Earth to Tris!" I hear a high pitched voice and my head snaps up to see everyone at our table. Ever since that night at dinner we have been sitting together more often. Sometimes Shauna, Zeke, Four, and Emma don't sit with us, but majority of the time they do. Without Emma and Four, they usually go to a smaller table located by the drinks.

"Yes?" I say, sitting my straight a dull pain going through my spine as I fix my posture.

"I said what are your plans for today since you are off today." Marlene says and I shrug my shoulders, slumping my back again as I place my fork down and it makes a loud clank as it hits the metal.

"I'm not sure, I might work on my sketches for the shop or train in the training room. I would like to stay in shape." I say and they nod with a little frown since they all have to work except Lynn, but I am sure she wouldn't want to spend the day with me.

"If you go to the training room, call me." Lynn says and I nod my head while everyone at our table coo's making a lot of the people in here turn to our table expecting a scene. But all they get is a red-faced Lynn and me smirking at everyone as they make the noise.

"Lynn finally opens up and decides to actually talk to people other than me or Uriah." Marlene gasps clutching her heart and Lynn rolls her eyes throwing a piece of her biscuit at Marlene who ducks and Uriah opens his mouth just in time to catch it making us all burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"Whatever." Lynn says with a small smile forming on her lips.


I kick at the punching bag using all of my anger that has been pent up since the ending of initiation. The bag swings forward and I send an uppercut to it just as it returns making my already split wounds open even more, I regret not bringing tape.

"Damn, stiff." Lynn says out of breathe and I instantly hit the bag at the name Stiff, I hate when people calls me that nickname.

"Fine." Lynn says holding her hands up with chuckle. "I won't call you stiff."

I give a small smile and walk towards the table to wipe my face with the hand towel I had brought. We have been working for at least an hour and my muscles are so tight and sore that it feels like if I move, they are going to get a spasm.

We had ran around the training room twice due to the size, then we had threw knives and shot guns from pistols to machine, then we made our way to the punching bags. We even had a chance to do sit up's, squats, push-ups, and lift weights.

"Ready?" I ask as Lynn grabs her things taking the tape off of her knuckles and she nods her head.

"I had fun, Tris." She said and I nod my head high-fiving her as we part our ways going to our apartments, hers is downstairs while mines is upstairs.

I unlock my door and instantly go to the bathroom, running my knuckles under the cold water. The burning sensation reminding me of the early stages of Initiation.

I peel off my clothes next and take a shower, I don't bother putting anything on. I just put on a robe and wrap my hair into a towel then I fall into the comfortable sheets, letting sleep lure me into the darkness.

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