~Chapter 84~

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"Please state your full name." Jack tells Emma who keeps her mouth shut, I see her hands clench tight as she tries to fight off the burning sensation. . . at least that's what Christina told me how it feels, "The more you resist-"

"Emma Lorraine Jones." She breathes, cutting off Jack.

"What Faction were you born into and chosen?" Jack slowly takes steps in front of her, the sound of his dress shoes clicking on the hardwood, black floor.

"Candor, Dauntless."

"How old are you, Emma?"


"Alright," Jack stops pacing and claps his hands together, obviously ready to get some answers and get this over with. I can't blame him, it's something about hearing confessions from the people who wanted you dead that makes you just want to walk out and forget about it, "From listening to previous people who were under the influence of truth serum, I understand that you partook in the capturing of Tris Prior. Now, I want to ask you, why did you do it?"

"She came into Dauntless thinking she was the best thing, she got all the attention for being a stiff. She even got my boyfriend for falling pregnant at 16. He was gullible enough to fall for the hopeless teen. I saw a future but it got ruined by her, so when I finally got to her to show her I'm not one to be messed with she went into the hospital because she couldn't handle it." She glares at me, "I ended up being Factionless in the end and that's where I met Evelyn. We had to same motives so we tried to get rid of her."

"I see." Jack nods his head, "What do you think your punishment should be?" That's new.

"I honestly don't care. I'm just glad I was able to hurt her." She glances down at my leg which is throbbing.

"Were there any other plans that didn't go through?"

"Well, I was supposed to have Four in the end while she was dead. Her daughter would have been right beside her." She spits. I do see her eyes soften just a little bit as she glances at Tobias who doesn't even make eye-contact with her.

"Lastly, what is your biggest regret?"

"My biggest regret." She ponders, "Letting a little girl get in between my relationship, I wouldn't even be here if I had fight harder for her to get out of the relationship." She glances at me, "I hope your happy." She barks.

"Ecstatic." I narrow my eyes at her.

"Alright! That's all I have." He glances at me for extra questions but I shake my head, "Thank you for your honesty." Echoes in the room, everyone except Tobias and I.


I watch as death serum goes into Peter's neck. Emma and Drew gets it as well, Evelyn is to rot in jail. Since she really didn't partake in most she goes to jail for life in Candor. Peter gives one last smirk to me as his horrible, green eyes slowly close forever. I let out a sigh I didn't realize I was holding as he slumps in the chair.

A cry breaks out far in the back of the room and the door opens and slams but I don't dare turn around. It's over now.

"Let's go home." Tobias presses a kiss to my head and gives his mother a look as we leave Candor headquarters. He helps me into the car that he drove here and gets into the passenger seat, "Today was eventful." Tobias says, breaking the tension in the car. I know he has to be upset that his supposedly dead mother wanted me dead.

I hum in response, "Did you know your mother was alive the whole time?" I ask after a while, seeing his hands grip the steering wheel tight until his knuckles look like they are about to bust.

"I knew she was alive, she tried contacting me while I was going through initiation but I tried my best to ignore here. Eventually, she left me alone. I didn't know she would do something as childish as this." He shakes his head, watching a Erudite cross the street to get into the hub we just passed.

"You didn't think to tell me?" I question, feeling a bit upset that he never told me this. I expected her to be dead the whole time, not alive and breathing.

"I did," he takes a deep breath, "I did, but I couldn't. It was too much running through my mind at the time I first told you about my past. I didn't know how you would take it if I told you my supposedly dead mother is alive and kicking. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He grips my hand, to briefly look over to me.

"It's okay, only because I understand where you are coming from. Let's try and not keep secrets." I squeeze his hand and he squeezes it back as a silent okay.

So sorry for the short chapter, I finished the rest while I'm am currently in school. So I'm on the DL doing this.

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