~Chapter 42~

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[Four Point of View]

I wake to the sound of an alarm making me reach over Emma's body and turn it off. I throw the covers off of me and stand to my feet stumbling towards the bathroom to take a shower. Today is the first day of Initiation training with the new Initiates. I hope everything goes well with Tris and Ava's childcare.

I am so happy that Tris is working alongside with me, I love spending time with her because it feels like I can tell her anything. I can just be Tobias around her and not Four, I don't have to put that type of facade around her. Sometimes I just want to take her to my favorite spot in the Chasm and tell her all about Marcus and my fears.

I never told Emma about that, she keeps pestering me about my real name but I can never tell her that. I want to tell someone who I think is special and deserves to hear that type of information and won't look at me with pity or go tell their friends.

Things between Emma and I aren't 100%, we aren't the lovey-dovey couple anymore. I barely see her somedays and when we do it is short conversation. She has this huge thought on Tris Prior on how she likes me and wants to steal me away from her like I am some type of item but I am a human being.

After my shower I wrap a towel around my waist and walk towards the bedroom to pick out my clothes for today. I slip on a pair of boxers and continue to dry off and dry my hair, I wonder what Tris is doing now. Probably getting Ava ready to be dropped off at Christina's.

I would have never thought that I love a child more than I do now. I love Ava as if she were my own, she is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on, of course her mother too. I would do anything for Ava and I can tell that I am going to spoil her as if I were her father.

I slip on a pair of well fitting jeans and a black shirt with a leather jacket, socks, and my combat boots. I slip my phone in my pocket and my keys, that is when I notice that Emma isn't in the bed anymore so I take the time to make the bed. I walk out of the bedroom to see her in one of my shirts sitting at the island flipping through a catalog while drinking coffee.

"Good Morning." I say addressing her as I look through the cabinets to find a mug for myself. I would rather get something here instead of going through the canteen because on days like this it is jam packed and hard to get food, find a seat, eat quickly and make it to work on time.

"Good Morning sweetie." She says in her always seductive voice, it is sickening sometimes and I wish she would just speak in her normal voice. The only time her voice changes is when she is being rude to Tris for no apparent reason and I have to say Tris does a hell of a job holding her own.

"Do you have to work late tonight with the Initiates, I was thinking that maybe we should go out for dinner instead of sitting at the now crowded table. We really need to start getting our own table since that annoying stroller is getting in the way." Emma says rolling her eyes setting the mug on the table and starts picking over her cuticles while I grab the coffee pot and start pouring the dark brown, hot liquid into my mug.

"Last time we ate there it didn't seem to be in your way." I state plainly as I grab the cream and sugar from the counter top where Emma left it from her getting her coffee earlier.

"Well, it was and I don't think that bringing a baby into the-" She starts and I guess she can sense my annoyance because she changes the subject. "I don't know why you get so touchy when I talk about her, but anyways as I was saying how does that sound?"

I shrug my shoulders at her mixing the coffee with a spoon from the drawer, "It depends on how things run today."

"Look, don't get all angry at me and shut me out just because I said that her stroller was annoying and getting in the way. I don't know why you always take up for her, she is nothing but a stiff who is a single mother- who knows who the father is and I was a bit skeptical that you were the father but who would go for a plain, pale, stiff like her the father must have been very desperate-"

"Why do you talk about her like that? Huh? What did she ever do to you? Why do I deserve to hear about this? Where does all the hostility come from?" I say looking in the cabinets for another mug, a portable mug because I can not stay in here, it is too early in the morning for an argument. "She has never done anything to you but ignore you. You think everyone is trying to take me away from you and that makes you look like a psychopath -"

"I am your girlfriend for Pete's sake! I am supposed to feel that way about girls looking at you a certain way. You barely talk to me anymore and I am getting tired of it and I will not apologize for what I have ever did to that little girl or you because I am  not the one at fault here. It's that little girl who is getting in the way of everything, she knows what she is doing I don't know why you saved her when she was about to be thrown in the Chasm, you should have let her fall. I wish you weren't there that night because I wouldn't have to worry about her!" She shouts angrily and that is the final straw. I slam my mug down in the counter top making the hot coffee spill all over the counter on the floor on to my hand, I don't even acknowledge the burning sensation going through my hand because I am too pissed to care.

She just basically wished that Tris were dead, "Are you kidding me! Who are you! What kind of person wishes another death on another person. Emma, this is beyond the line of trespassing the boundaries." I say and take a deep breath and for once she looks afraid of what I am about to say next. "Emma, I think that we need a break again. . .forever."

I don't even finish because I am already out of the door, I slam it behind me and I am walking towards the training room.

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