~Chapter 35~

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"Why don't you get an epidural?" Marlene groans loudly as I grip on the bars with my face buried in Shauna's arms as Lynn rubs my lower back. I can tell that Ava really wants to get here. . . soon. I am eight centimeters and I sent a text out to my brother to tell him that he could make his way here.

"Because, it's too soon." I whine as I pull the covers up closer up my face since it is over my nose. I don't want to get an epidural just yet.

"When is the right time then?" Four asks with his arms over his chest as he stands at the foot of my bed with concern and frustration written across his face, I am very stubborn. These contractions are at least ten minutes apart, considering that I am having one right now.

"I think I want the epidural." I wheeze out as I shut my eyes and everyone lets out a huge sigh. I really didn't want to drug my baby, but the way that I am getting these contractions now I would take anything.

"I'm going to get the doctor." Will says and Four and Zeke follows after him, I let out a sigh as Shauna rubs the back of my hand in a soothing manner.

Within three minutes, Four, Zeke, and Will return in the room with a doctor who is flustered and has a wrinkled shirt and lab coat. It looks like the boys might have jacked him up in the hallway or dragged him.

"I know you guys did not just drag this poor man down the hallway!" Christina exclaims loudly being her candor self making Zeke smile and Four and Will to remain in their hard positions.

"Guess who we found in the hallway." Zeke says happily and moves the door out of the way so that I see my brother, mom, and dad standing there. They walk over to me and give me a big hug and start greeting everyone.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asks running her hand over the top part of my hair and gives me another hug.

"Horrible." I complain with a pout. "I am about to get an epidural." I say gesturing to everyone leaving the room except for Four and Christina.

"Okay, well. We will be in the hallway then." Mom says and Dad gives me a quick kiss and hug and so does Caleb then they leave.

"Okay." The doctor clears his throat. "I am Dr. Kush, the anesthesiologist for the Maternity wing side in the infirmary. I have to go get my supplies since I was rushed here." He says giving Four a side-way glance.

"But first, I need to run some things over your Doctor first and then know what kind of epidural you want." He says and I nod my head while he leaves and Christina squeals in disgust.

"I hate needles, after moths. I am terrified of needles, I don't know how I work in the damn infirmary." Christina says with a whine and I bite my lip to stifle laughter.

"I would rather not have you pass out while I get a shot injected in my spine." I say and she cringes and gives me a quick hug muttering an apology and rushes out of the room leaving Four with me.

"I can't believe that she is afraid of needles." I say in disbelief with a chuckle. Four smirks placing his arms back over his chest.

"Everyone's afraid of something."


"We are about to inject the needle now, Miss Prior. Please stay still if you move it could cause a lot of damage." The anesthesiologist, Dr. Kush says. I decided on getting a 'Intermittent Epidural' which gives me relief but to a certain extent. If the pain comes back and I want more medicine I will have to get another dosage but this epidural lasts for about an hour or two, that is why it is injected periodically.

"Wow." I hear Four gasp as I clutch on his arms.

"What?" I ask worried.

"Nothing, the needle is just huge." He gasps again and I feel something poking in the middle of middle of my back and then soon I feel the needle being injected making my grip on Four's arms tighten and me to whimper and bite my lip.

They finish working on placing the 'IV' in my spine and then tape it on my back and clicks a button on the 'IV' epidural cart thing and I start to hear the pumping of the medicine leaving the plastic baggy into the tube through my spine.

"If you need more, don't hesitate to call the front but it has to be only if you really need it. Also, don't try moving around a lot and be careful of adding pressure on your back and get help going to the bathroom." Dr. Kush says and I nod my head thanking him. He throws his trash away and gets the other nurses to help him to his next patient.

Four helps me back on the bed and I lift up the top part of the bed and he places the covers over me and goes to get everyone else.

"Did it hurt?" Is the first thing everyone starts asking when they enter the room.

"Eh, it hurt but it wasn't excruciating." I say with a chuckle as I start to feel relief.

"She's laughing? Oh, it's definitely working." Lynn exaggerates and my family looks confused.

"Mr. Prior, I am glad that you guys weren't here." Uriah says placing a hand on my dad's shoulder. "She was a whiny mess."

"Was not." I debate.

"Was too!" He shouts back like a child and I roll my eyes crossing my arms in defiance.

"What did I get myself into?" Mom jokes.

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