~Chapter 78~

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There's only one thing left for me to do, go to the Factionless headquarters. My mother was pretty pissed when she found out that I wasn't joining her there and of course the reason— Tris.

So, I had to put the pieces together. Emma went to Factionless because of Tris, so she's most likely to meet their leader, Evelyn. There were probably feeling optimistic when they both had the same idea of getting rid of Tris so they worked together and got Tris to themselves.

I have to talk to Evelyn on the low and act like I'm not looking for Tris because she will most likely hide her tracks and not give me any clues. Ava right now is in the Dauntless Childcare Center with a few guards watching them making sure that no one comes and gets her. She put up a big fight this morning and it tore my heart in half. I really wish Tris were here to make her daughter happy.

I jump off of the train landing on my feet, my knees wobbling a little bit. I haven't done that in a while, I continue to run until I get to the dark underground area where there are two guards at the open entrance, that's new. "What?" One of the guards spit and the other one hits him in his arm.

"That's Tobias Eaton." He whispers way too loudly, he looks at me and nods his head moving out of the way, "Sorry for the inconvenience." I walk through them instantly going to my mother's 'Office'. I look through the foggy, glass, window to see that she isn't in there. That's odd.

"If you're looking for Evelyn, she isn't there." A lady tells me, sorting dented cans of food.

"Well, do you have any idea where she is?" I question, feeling a bit angered. She could have at least been here, she put so many targets on her now. Lady, you are Factionless! Where could you be?!

Before the woman could tell me, I hear my mother's voice from behind me, "Tobias. What a sudden surprise." I turn around and she grins at me. I furrow my eyebrows and I am totally taken back, my suspicion still are high but how is she here if Tris is gone? "You're finally taken up my offer?"

"No," I furrow my eyebrows at her, "I'm not and I don't think I ever will." I shake my head and she shakes her head and crosses her arms.

"Then why are you here?" She says slowly, but angrily. For once, I finally see myself in her. After all of these years. "I know you aren't coming here for a cup of tea, Tobias."

I take a deep breath, contemplating on my words. I don't want to tell her that I am looking for Tris because she would only hide her even more from me. But, what chance do I have, "I'm looking for Tris--"

"Why would she be here?"

"I just wanted to go to each faction to see where she is," Perfect catch, "She isn't at Dauntless and I wanted to see if she left. I'm going to Erudite to see if she visited her brother."

"Sorry, but she isn't here."

"Okay," I say loosening my arms, "Well, is Emma here?" Her face falters, I have her exactly where I want her.



With a gasp, I wake up. My eyes get adjusted to the dark light and I sit up only to have a searing pain shoot through my right leg making me look down to it. There is a bandage with a little bit of blood on it from the wound. I wince and hold my head as a horrible pain shoots through it, I feel a gush of cold wind to look down I see that I am completely naked, I can't help but to let out a sob as I look beside me to see Peter laying there asleep.

What happened throughout the time I was asleep? I slowly creep out of the bed and instantly fall on the floor, my limbs are so weak and sluggish. I army crawl to the pile of clothes in the corner and get dressed, why is this happening to me? Out of all of the people in the city, it's me to get the torture.

I get dressed just as Peter wakes up and he gives me one of his signature smiles, "You know, I'm glad that I was finally able to have my way with you stiff." He reaches his hand out to me and roughly wipes my face, taking away the tears. He gets dressed and leaves the room, leaving me in a puddle of my own tears. All I want is Ava and Tobias. . . why can't I have that?



"Let's go to my office," Evelyn looks around. I nod my head and follow her into her office. Sometimes, it's still surreal that I'm talking to my supposedly dead mother. I still can't call her my mother. Sometimes it's uncanny to know what my childhood was, I had horrible parents. Not one, but both of them. "Emma isn't in right now, she went out with a few others to find some food for dinner tonight. It's hard living Factionless Tobias and that's why I wanted to pull you in here. It's about Emma."

I roll my eyes, "I don't want to know--"

"-- I know you don't favor her anymore Tobias. But, hear me out. She is someone special, she's beautiful, smart, tall, everything that a guy wants for a loving wife. And you are everything a loving wife would be looking for. You need to get ready to settle down, so what I need you to do is talk to Max into bringing back Emma."

"Are you insane?" I shout raising my eyebrows, "I'm not looking for a wife right now!--"

"Four?" I hear a sickening voice behind me, I turn around and see my ex-girlfriend, Emma.

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