~Chapter 29~

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"Come on Tris, please eat some food." Four pleads as he rubs my lower back. We are currently in my bed and he is behind me rubbing my back. This seems kind of intimate but right now my back hurts so bad that I don't care if Peter was in here rubbing it himself. All week I have been feeling horrible: Horrible pains in my lower back and abdomen, headaches, and nausea. It seems like i'm in my first trimester all over again.

"I'm not hungry," I tell him for the millionth time and he sighs giving up on asking me. I grunt as his hands stop moving on the knots in my lower back. I move away before he could touch me and I swing my legs over the side of the bed stretching my limbs out. "I just need to walk around." I tell him as I stand up and start walking around in my crew neck shirt and sweatpants.

Four helps me walk all the way around the apartment, even through all of the bathrooms, Ava's room, the living room, and the kitchen.

"Why do you think you are having these pains?" Four questions as we make our way back to my bedroom, l shrug my shoulders at him walking towards my window holding on to the panel.

"Braxton Hicks probably." I say and just as I get the last word out I feel something wet running down my legs. I gasp and look down at the puddle forming down at my feet. I look up to see Four staring at the liquid on the floor with a surprised and confused expression.

"Please don't tell me your water just broke." Four says and I nod my head rapidly at him.

"Oh my goodness!" He starts pacing back and forth across the room breathing heavily and I grab his arm chuckling.

"I'm fine, I promise. Just help me clean this mess up so I can go take a shower." I say and walk towards the kitchen. I hear him muttering to himself as he follows behind me, this is going to be a long night.




a/n: Don't kill me! I know this chapter is beyond short, like less than 450 words. That's because I prewrite my chapters before they are published and when I went to do a last look at my punctuation and things I noticed that nothing was there. So, I had to scrap something up really quick. It's this chapter and another chapter. . . like, 30 something but that chapter is going to have to be remade because I don't feel like going back through and writing more than 2,000 words.

So sorry!

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Peace and Love,

Stay Dauntless.

Ps: Remember, eventual Fourtris. It just that damn Emma. Lol, X

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