~Chapter 88~

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I shake my hands nervously, walking back and forth, listening to the sound of everyone talking outside this very tent. I really feel like  I am going to vomit, right here, right now, "Tris?" Mom head peaks through the tent and frowns when she see's my light green face, "You're going on in five minutes. . . are you okay?" Her beautiful, grey dress flows nicely on her body as her dark brown hair in a neat bun in the back of her head. 

"No, I'm not okay. Mom, I'm so nervous. What if he changes his mind at the alter?" 

"Beatrice, no, I will not tolerate that kind of talk." She crosses her arms. "We did not get this far to have you think he doesn't want you. All of your friends wouldn't be sitting in the chairs outside, with a beautiful venue. There is delicious food being warmed now, and the sun is shining bright. Your friends are standing outside, in their beautiful suits and tux, waiting for the cue to walk out together. You have a beautiful daughter, bouncing around waiting to walk out with Tori and you are standing in here in a beautiful dress, with a beautiful hairstyle and beautiful make-up, waiting for that one special person who stands at the alter, waiting for his wife. Now, get out there and show him that you want to be his wife for the rest of your lives." 

I can't help but to let a big grin form on my face, "Thanks mom, really, I think I needed a reality check. I'm ready." 


His royal blue eyes never seemed more vibrant that usual, the way his imperfections look perfect. From the small dent in his cheek when he smiles and the scar on his chin looking like it was meant to be there. I enjoy the way he grips my hands tightly, and we stare into each other's eyes. I like the way the wind breezes past us, the snap of the cameras flashing when Max tells us that we can kiss each other, I stand on the tip of my toes, the heel of my heels coming off of the ground. I lean close to him and press my lips to his and everyone erupts into cheers, his lips move against mines and it feels magical. . . today has been magical. 

We separate and I see Ava jump off of Eric's lap and runs towards us, "Ma! Da!" She squeals, throwing her tiny arms around our legs, making this great moment a cliche moment. I smile and Tobias lifts her, I give her a kiss on the cheek and she smiles, holding her arms out to me. Tobias helps me down the podium and we walk down the blue aisle, smiling and waving at our friends and family. 

Tobias helps me to our tent and I set Ava down, "That's it! We are finally married!" Tobias leans down and presses another kiss to my lips. "We can have a happy life together, and have kids and everything." 

"Yep." I lift Ava in my arms who grins at us both. "A nice happy life." 


The food was extravagant, and the company was great. Now, Tobias and I walk hand and hand, with Ava in between us. To our apartment. As a couple. "This is our first time walking into the house as a family, and married couple." Tobias announces, grabbing my hand. I smile and let him open the door. We take the first steps into our apartment and Tobias gives me a kiss. "I'm going to put Ava down for bed, meet me in the living room in ten minutes?" 


I give Ava a kiss goodnight and I walk into our bedroom, I take off the reception dress, and go to the bathroom to take the pins out of my curls. Christina decided that she will handle everything back at the venue because as of right now, everyone is still partying. I look at myself in the mirror, at the white, lace, undergarment set that Christina got me yesterday and I sigh. I leave on my red lipstick and eye makeup. I put on a pair of shorts and a matching shirt, glancing at the diamond cut ring that proudly sits on my finger. I smile and put a robe over the thin material. 

I walk to the living room to see Tobias sitting on the couch, in some dressed down clothing but still looking amazing as always. "Since our honeymoon doesn't start right after our wedding like usual, I have a surprise for you." Tobias stands up and covers his large hands over my eyes. He slowly guides me to where ever he is taking me and I feel a gush of cold wind, making goosebumps appear instantly on my bare legs. I feel his lips move against my neck, and before I could turn around to face him, he removes his hands and I see that we are on the balcony. One the chair for two are a bunch of blankets, a chilled tub of ice and champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. I instantly coo and turn around to look at my husband, I press a kiss to his lips. 

"This is so sweet Mr. Eaton." 

"Thank you Mrs. Eaton." A blush forms across my face and he leans down and presses another kiss to my lips. Due to having low childcare for Ava, we decided to stay home for two days after the wedding and Christina will have Ava for the rest of the week. "Just some time alone, together." I sit down on the chair and he gets on it beside me, pulling the covers up on us, "Even though I feel like I might pass out from this height." 

"Well, at least we're together." I kiss him. He opens the champagne and we both take a sip, feeling relaxed instantly. "Thanks Tobias, for a great life. I really appreciate it. You accepted both Ava and I. You have your moments with Eric, but you was able to put that aside and be there for the both of us. I can't wait to have many more magical moments with you now that we are married, there will be more kids in the future and we will see our kids walk across the stage to choose their faction of choice. We will give them a better life than what we had. I guess what I am trying to say is, I love you." 

"I love you too," He kisses me, and it's the most magical moment ever. 

I had to realize something, for the past year I complained that I had many situations to handle. Yet, I never looked at the bright side of things. If I didn't get pregnant, I wouldn't be sitting here with my husband right now, I wouldn't have a beautiful daughter asleep in her room. I wouldn't have friends cleaning up my wedding venue. I always thought that I was going to have bad life with a child, and I was going to end up like most young mothers, but with the help of family and friends I was able to get through it. 

Now, I am married and have many more things to look for in the future. I have great friends, my family is doing well, I am married, I have a daughter, my most hated enemies are dead or locked up, and I have Tobias. That's all a girl can ask for, so maybe it was a good thing that I had all these situations to handle. 


The end. 

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