~Chapter 70~

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[Tobias' Point of View]

Went out with Ava.

The note is so to the point, she didn't even sign out her name. That's how I knew. . . I screwed up.


I groan, turning in the bed as my stomach does somersaults and my brain does back flips. This is the worst hangover I have ever experienced, I already threw up once but since there is nothing on my stomach now, there is nothing to come up. I brushed my teeth, and then took a shower. Once I was finished, I took some medicine, and waited until my stomach calmed down and I ate some dry toast to keep it down.

Tris is still not home yet, I honestly don't know where she is and I am too in pain to even get out of bed. The medicine is like an antibiotic. It is helping me with nausea and the headache, and other pains that might have happened to me. I know what I did last night was an immature and stupid move. I went to the Chasm to see Zeke sitting there and drinking, I just sat beside him without a word and took the bottle of alcohol out of his hand and took a swig handing it back to him. I confessed how I feel about Emma and Tris, I told him how Tris is taking the situation too little and not looking at the bigger picture.

I filled him in on the argument that we had, and then I told him about all of the letters and gave him a summary of all of them. I really haven't got anymore letters from her which is both a relief and makes my heart drop because she could be on the way to Dauntless. Realization hits me and I gasp, standing up relief floods through me when I hear the door open from the front and my head isn't banging nor is my stomach churning.

"Tris?" I call out walking to front. I see her holding a dark brown bag that has one of the best Italian restaurant's name across the front in black cursive. She is holding Ava's hand who is jumping around. I let out a sigh to see her unharmed.

"Hey." Tris gives me a small smile, looking me up and down to see me showered, shaved, and not in pain. "No hangover?" I know that she is low-key trying to address the situation. I purse my lips and search my mind for something to say to her.

"Tris," I start again and I see her look to me almost as if telling me that calling her name isn't solving anything, Ava stumbles over to the living room where she plays with some of her toys that she never placed back up. Tris goes to the kitchen and I follow her, "I understand what I did was horrible. That was totally the wrong things to do, but, I just can't seem to get my mind wrapped around the fact that Emma is contacting me and wants to hurt all of you for my idiotic movement of going out with her. Just please hear me out." I take a deep breath. She looks me up and down and then lets out a sigh and nods her head.

"All of those notes I showed you, has my mind going crazy. I don't want anything happening to you. I fought so hard to get you with Emma always on my back and I don't know what I would do without you. Okay! So, that is why I am going so crazy and 'blowing things out of proportion' in your words. She is crazy, I don't want her coming near us, if you have a hard time of believing me just think of your incident with her that put you in the hospital."


[Tris' Point of View]

Tobias left. He didn't physically leave the apartment, he is sitting on the balcony looking at the now setting sun since it is getting later. I thought about what he said and actually thought about it, he really does care for us and doesn't want us hurt. I don't know what I was thinking,

I sit on the couch holding a steaming mug of peppermint tea, taking small sips here and there. Ava stands up from the floor and waddles herself towards the glass panel that separates the living room from the patio.

"Da!" She squeals banging her tiny hands on the glass. Tobias turns around with a smile on his face, I can tell that he was thinking hard due to the lines on his forehead. His eyes lock with mine briefly and I give him a small smile and lay my head down on the arm of the couch, he slides the panel over and Ava squeals at him before she walks out there and he grabs her making sure she doesn't fall. He sits her in his lap and shuts the door leaving me to myself.

There is a knock on a door, I open my eyes from my nap to get up. My eyes adjust quickly as I stand up walking to the door. I expect to see Christina or one of my friends but I see the Dauntless mail carrier, "Yes?" I run my hand through my hair.

"I have some letters for you." He hands me a stack, yeah, no duh, you are the mailman. Who even sends letters anymore?

"Thanks." I nod my head at him, shutting the door. I have two and Tobias have one. My heart beats as I see the handwriting of Emma's on the front addressing to our apartment. I slide the panel over and give Tobias and the sleeping Ava. I smile at them both and hand him the letter. I lean down and pick Ava up and she lays her head on my shoulder, "I'm going to put her down." I say and he nods his head standing up.

He kisses me on the lips, "I love you." I smile and kiss him back.

"I love you too."

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