~Chapter 28~

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I wake up with a groan, my back is killing me these days. It doesn't help that the weather is hormonal, one moment is it all warm and we are happy and the snow is melting and the next you have to be bundled up wearing thousands of layers and eat soup and drink hot chocolate to stay warm. Like it's May and the snow still hasn't melt yet due to it always freezing at night then it would melt then freeze into black ice in the morning.

Sadly, today I have to work and being eight and a half months pregnant is really making me move slow so I have to wake up earlier than usual to make it on time. I throw the covers off of me and walk to my patio and stick my hand out to check the temperature, it is chilly but the sun is out warming it a little bit.

I look through my drawers feeling grateful that I took a shower last night and I can just get dressed. I slip on a pair of maternity skinny jeans with a red maternity crewneck shirt. I slip my leather jacket on and I try my best to put my black boots on but this belly is restricting me from doing so.

Finally I am able to get them on, I make my bag and brush my hair so it lays down. I put on some liquid eyeliner to hide the fact that I am super tired and I put some pink tint lip balm. I grab my keys and phone and I make my way to the shop, not bothering to go to the canteen and hope the Tori will have some food there.

I make it to the shop in no time, of course stopping for people to greet me and rub my belly but, I make it there on time. I open the door to the shop and walk in to see Tori drawing on a sheet of paper while her customer sits on her chair and watches her.

"Hey Tori!" I say greeting her once I get to my station, she doesn't look up from the picture she is drawing, she is in deep concentration.

"Hey Tris, I already ate but I got you something. It's in the break room." She says and I sigh with relief as I lock my keys up under my work station so I know where they are.

"You are the definition of a life-saver." I say happily as I walk to the back with my phone and I sit down with a sigh opening the white plastic container that holds French toast, sausage, and fruit. She didn't pour the syrup on it which I am grateful for, It isn't soggy. But, she did get it packaged.

While I eat I reminisce of my life now and how things are about to change.

Eric, Four, and I are finally done with our meetings since Initiation will start next month, and I will be having my daughter. We tried to work things out and I can't keep Ava there in the training room, so I will be there on the choosing ceremony day and the first day of training, but after lunch, I will return back home. Christina said she is more than happy to watch Ava for a couple of hours until lunch.

She is talked to her boss about it and she is more than happy to let Christina work the afternoon shifts until I am able to stay in the mornings with Ava.

Ava, I am so happy and nervous for her to come here in this world. She will finally stop kicking me from the inside and will be in my arms instead. I can tell that my body is getting prepared for that day, I sleep more often and I would get small pains in my abdomen.

My family is excited too, they usually call every week and I would text Caleb almost everyday. My friends are excited too, but they try to keep their distance even Lynn, because I am like a ticking time bomb ready to explode. My hormones are raging and the smallest things would get me upset.

As for my relationship with Four, things still remain the same. He is busy a lot with his girlfriend and barely have enough time to spend with us. Emma still hates me of course. Why? I don't know. I would catch her glaring at me in the canteen or purposely making out with Four to make me jealous, talk about petty.

I have been just trying to focus on myself and Ava. I have been trying to prepare myself for when she comes, I baby-proofed just about everything in the house and I folded her clothes all over again due to my nervousness. I would get up in the middle of the night and sit in the rocking chair that is in her room and fold her clothes and talk to her and tell her that I can't wait until she gets her.

I am very scared for the birth, Dr. Martinez got me to discuss my birth plan with her which I was totally confused about. I decided to do it natural and push her out instead of getting my stomach cut open. I really didn't answer her question about epidural. It's selfish to think about myself and not Ava and drug her so I can feel better. But, if the pain is that bad, I guess I will just go ahead and get the shot.

Eric really hasn't said anything to me, just remained the cold, ruthless leader he is. And, I could care less how he acts because I am only worried about me and my daughter.

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