~Chapter 39~

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"Al?" I question with hatred in my voice crossing my arms over my chest. I still can't look at him the same since that night. One day we were all walking to the tattoo parlor and he was carrying me on his back, then he is trying to throw me in the Chasm. He wasn't very smart because either way he would have been factionless if they found out that he murdered me with Drew and Peter, if I were dead.

But, I am very alive and I have a beautiful daughter and wonderful friends with a great job.

"Tris, I-I-I wanted to talk to you." He says with tears welling up in his eyes. I always wondered how did Al even make it past initiation. He was literally at the end of the list, if it weren't for him doing a hell of a job in fights then he wouldn't be here today.

"What is there to talk about?" I snap at him, "You tried to throw me in the Chasm, I told you to never talk to me again, yet you are standing in front of me."

"Look Tris, hear me out. I know it might be tough on you and you are not going to have all the time in the world because of your baby. But I want to tell you something." He says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Al, I don't have time you are right. I think you should just go, it hurts me that I can't even look at you the same. It would be best if you would leave now." I say and he nods his head turning around only to bump into Marlene.

"Al!?" They screech with hatred. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

He doesn't even answer before he is running down the hall towards the steps instead of the elevator.

"What did he want?" Christina asks walking into the apartment and sits down two bottles of two liter sodas on the table.

"Nothing," I shake my head rolling my eyes. "He wanted to talk to me but I made him leave, I don't have time for him."

"Damn right you don't." Lynn says and Shauna slaps her arm raising her eyebrows at her. "Oh right, where is Ava anyways?"

"She's sleeping." I say and my stomach gives a low rumble, I didn't eat anything today all I did was work out and of course tend to Ava. "What did you bring for lunch, I'm starving." I exaggerate.

"Oh nothing, we just stopped by the most amazing pizza place in Dauntless and got a large pizza with garlic knots." Marlene says holding up the box wiggling her eyebrows and I gasp.

"Really?" I say happily. The best pizza in the whole city is right here in Dauntless, Johnny's, oh man, I love their pizzas. It's so amazing and they don't only just sell pizza, they sell everything from pizza's to cinnamon knots.

"You know it." She says going into the kitchen and setting it on the counter and opens the box letting the great aroma spread throughout the kitchen. Yum, half cheese and half pepperoni.

"Hey can someone help me with Ava, I want to bring her swing up closer." I say and Christina nods her head and follows me to my bedroom where Ava is still in her swing with her eyes closed.

"Aw." Christina coos and I chuckle softly while I stop the swing and then pick up Ava in my arms. She whines a little bit but I rub her back and she softly goes back to sleep, that is what I see in movies.

"Don't you want her in the crib instead?" Christina asks grabbing the baby monitor and I think and then nod my head at her. I really don't know what I would do without my friends. I walk into Ava's room and carefully place her in the crib and the I slip off her pants so she wouldn't get hot. Christina places the blanket over her and the baby monitor by her and we leave to devour Johnny's pizza.


"This movie is amazing." Marlene says with a chuckle looking at the television. It has been an hour since the girls have been here, they somehow managed to get out of work and spend the rest of the day here. We ate the pizza and decided to watch a movie afterwards. We decided on a comedy, it is about a girl who takes the spot for her brother in soccer at a school and got a makeover.

It is hilarious and one of the boys that she ends up liking, Duke, is so hot. I wish he were here now, but these movies are so old and we are so fortunate that Erudite found these tapes and were able to transmit them through television, that I could watch him all day.

Just as the next scene comes on for the going to the fair, I hear whining in the baby monitor.

"Do you want me to pause it?" Christina asks from the recliner grabbing the remote and I shake my head getting off of the couch walking into Ava's room.

"That was a long nap baby girl." I coo as I lift her in my arms and I check her diaper to see the she is soaking wet, not to mention had a bowl movement. I lay her down on the changing table and unsnap her onesie and pull the diaper down and I put a fresh one under her after wiping her clean.

I lift her up in my arms and she places her head on my shoulder. I grab her nursing blanket, nursing pillow, and pacifier just in case she gets hungry and I walk back in the front and everyone's eyes widen.

"You were sleep for a very long time." Christina coos at Ava and Ava looks at Christina from the angle I am holding her and Christina waves at her. I sit down on the couch and I position her as if I were about to feed her and she whines a little bit and grabs on to my shirt. While the girls get back to watching the movie I place the nursing pillow under my breast and put Ava on there and place the blanket over her while I pull up my shirt and help her latch onto my nipple.

"Zeke just texted me, he said can he and the guys come over. He tried texting you but you didn't respond." Shauna says with her phone in her hand.

"Sure, my phone is in the bedroom. I forgot all about it." I say and she nods her head and text Zeke back I am assuming.

"So, I have a question." Christina asks out of the blue pausing the movie and Lynn groans loudly making Ava unlatch from me, of course being nosy. . . already.

"What?" I ask in hopes of latching back on but she doesn't so I fix my shirt and burp her and try to latch her on to the other side this time she does making me let out a sigh of relief and glare at Lynn.

"What does it feel like to be a mom?" She asks.

"Ah, the million dollar question." I start, everyone keeps on asking me that question, everyone as in my friends. "I mean, it's fine. It's only day three, I can tell you when she hits one." I joke and she nods her head.

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