~Chapter 75~

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I go to the door and see that the mailman is standing there, I run my hand through my hair and give him a slight nod of the head holding my hand out. Usually, they would place the mail in the actual mailbox but if it's not then that means that someone put a rush on it.

I take the letters and shuffle through them quickly, for once I am hoping to find a letter from Emma hopefully giving me some insight about my lost girlfriend. I find the letter and the words brings chills to my bones: Worried, are we not?

So, that means Emma sent this to me and was spying on us the whole time, she has Tris. I sit the letter down and place my head in my hands, a pain creeping it's way into my brain. Tris could be dead, and not to jump the gun or anything I know that Emma can get crazy and I don't want to sugarcoat anything. After a while, I clean up the paper and I lift Ava out of her crib and take her into our room to sleep on the bed with me.

I take off my shoes and fall down on the mattress, the dark clouds making the room darker than usual. I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep.



My heart sinks in my chest, Evelyn? I thought she was dead, I went to her funeral and saw her closed urn ashes and everyone was crying. I was sitting in the chair on the front row beside my mother dressed in a grey dress. Caleb was talking to Susan and Robert closer to the back and Tobias. . . young Tobias. . . my Tobias, was standing close to the window watching the rain fall out of the sky.

"What-" I can't even finish my sentence before she gives me a smile that makes my spine tingle.

"My dearest Beatrice, my beloved Divergent, Beatrice." She smirks and I feel the need to pass out, sweat starts to form on my brow. She moves her chocolate colored hair out of her face, and I see so much of Tobias out of her, it makes my heart clench for him. "Did you think that you being Divergent would be hidden forever?"

"So, this is about me being Divergent?" I question.

"No, sweetie. This is not about you being Divergent. I swear." She smirks, "This isn't going to get back to Jeanine." I let out a visible sigh. Even though there has not been a huge threat to everyone, Divergent's , that doesn't mean that Jeanine isn't still blood thirsty for them. Who knows, she can still be testing Divergent's on the low.

"It's about my son of course, why else would their be a better reason. When Emma came to Factionless and actually won me over, she told me about you. So, our motive was to get rid of you. My son needs to have the best and I can't be there to give that to him. He needs someone strong, brave, wise, and beautiful." She rolls her eyes at me and then scoffs, "You have none of those that I am asking for. it's already bad enough that you are forcing my son into being a father to a child that isn't even his."

My blood boils, I want to rip out of these restraints and choke her until there is no more life in her body, "Look Evelyn, first of all I am not forcing Four into anything. He loves me and I love him, he came to me, I came to him and that is how we came together." I shoot a look a Peter, "So, if you have your stupid little spies looking after me telling you all these false lies then you are wrong."

"Be careful how you talk to her Tris. I can get to Dauntless in a blink of an eye and see how little Ava is doing." Emma walks in from the door slamming it shut and I can't help but scoff at her wanting to cross my arms over my chest.

"Evelyn, Emma, Peter, Drew, Molly?" I laugh a little bit, wiggling my arms. "I can't believe that all of you want to hurt me in someway. Lets just have a newsflash. Evelyn, I don't even know you that much. You just want to hurt me because you don't think I am right for Four when you don't even know our relationship in depth. Emma, you are just upset that you attacked me and now you are Factionless, you could have been there if you didn't do that and accept that fact that Four didn't want you anymore. Peter, you just always hated me, why? I don't know. Drew, same for you too and Molly. So, it's quite a coincide that all of you are here. Let me go!" I wiggle and then roll my eyes.

They all roll their eyes at me, "Right on Tris." Peter laughs.

"I see your Erudite side showing." Evelyn winks at me and opens the door. "Let's go guys, we have more to talk about. Drew, you are on duty first with the girl." Everyone leaves except Drew and I sigh in defeat leaning back in the chair that is really hurting me.

"You are going to be here for a while stiff." Drew winks at me, "As long as Evelyn's plan work then everything will be great."



"Da-Da!" Ava squeals pounding on me, I groan and lift open my eyes to see Ava sitting on top of me. I groan again and sit up and she gives me a smile.

"Good Morning." I smile at her and kiss her head. I get up and out of bed, to get her ready for the day. We both get dressed and I head towards the canteen with my daughter in my hand. I look around for our table when we get there and then it hits me. . .Peter isn't here.

Not edited. Sorry for the long wait.

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