~Chapter 45~

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My alarm blares in my ear making me groan loudly. I am so physically and mentally tired. . . and it's only the first day of training. Ava was very active last night she just swung in her bassinet and sucked on her pacifier while I filed all of the Initiates names.

She didn't go to sleep until midnight which resulted in her waking around 2, wanting to be fed. So I stayed up making sure she would fall asleep fine so I took that time to sit in deep thought thinking about life.

I lift my sluggish arm and turn off the alarm clock and I head towards the bathroom to relieve my bladder and then I do a quick wash up.

I slip on a fresh pair of undergarments and I brush my teeth and hair and apply deodorant. The usual morning routine. I go to Ava's room and peer over the crib to see her still sleeping making me do a victory dance and head towards the kitchen.

My alarm is set up a hour earlier than the time that we need to be there at the training room so since I washed up I have at least 50 minutes to myself before I have to drop off Ava.

I grab two pans from out of the bottom cabinets and I start to make myself breakfast: Scrambled eggs, Turkey Bacon, and Toast. I am so happy that I can have a real breakfast meal because going all day to lunch was horrible.

I make my plate and place all of the ingredients away then place my other things in the dishwasher and I go to check on Ava. She is still sleeping but I run my fingertips down her face and she stirs placing her covered hands in her face. Just checking.

I grab the baby monitor that I forgot to grab the first time and I head back to the kitchen. I grab my things and head towards the living room and start eating my food.

After eating I place my stuff in the dishwasher and I go back to my room after checking on Ava. I slip on a pair of skinny cargo pants and a tank top with my leather jacket and combat boots. Today we are going to just go through the basics of knife throwing and gun shooting and showing them the different weapons, so I don't need to dress in 'fighting clothes'.

I put my phone in keys in my pocket and I make my bed. I go to Ava's room and carefully lift her up from her crib taking her to the changing table, I undo her diaper and I change her into a new one after cleaning her and I slip on a new onesie: The one that I got for her that is black and it says that- 'I've been working on my punches' with black pants and mini combat boots.

I hold her in my arms and strap her into the stroller and I take the bottles from out of the fridge and place it in her diaper bag and then I put it under the stroller. If I leave now then I will have time to finish setting up the targets and help Four get the Initiates up.

I open the door and push her out and I shut the door behind me and I lock it with my key. I place my keys in my pocket. I push the stroller to the elevator and I push the button to go down one floor to Christina's apartment. The doors open and Al stands there and I see his face fall as I push in the stroller.

"I-I-I was just going down." He says but ignore him hoping that these elevator doors will open soon so I won't have to be in this little box with him any longer. The doors finally open making me feel grateful for Christina being one level lower than me.

"Tris?" He says as I get out of the elevator and I turn back to him. He has his hand holding the elevator doors back from shutting it, and his face looks sad. "I'm sorry." I don't even acknowledge him before I am going back down the hall to Christina's and Will's apartment and I knock on her door.


"Sorry I'm late, I had to drop Ava off and then had to give Christina specific rules again." I say letting out a huff of air when I reach Four, he is setting up the knives and guns on the table, hand guns to be exact. We will learn how to shoot long guns but right now we are working on pistols.

I ran all the way down the steps avoiding the elevator and I ran through the pit all the way here, that is the most exercise that I have ever gotten since I had Ava. I got most of my baby weight off and back to a flat stomach, I just hope that working out with the Initiates for the second stage will make me develop my abs again.

"It's fine." He says dryly lining up the last row of spear point knives. "I've finished up with the knives we can go wake up the Initiates." He says and I nod my head following him out of the training room. Well that was a waste of running.

"You okay?" I ask as we make a sharp left out of the Pit down to the dormitories.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind." He says as we walk down the hallway only making my assumptions grow more. Ever since Emma didn't suck his face off at lunch yesterday I thought that they were broken up, now that he 'has a lot on his mind' and always seems pissed, I think that they are broken up and a part of me hopes so.

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